This is the life

(Author thingy)

I'm staying at with a couple of my friends from Sunday till Tuesday so I'll be back on Wednesday. I'll probably have good WiFi there but I want to spend those days with my friends and I'm already quite nervous posting these chapters so you can read them but if a friend found out it'd be a bit more uncomfortable though I don't think my friends would really care or judge me for doing this I would still prefer they don't know. So I won't be uploading then.

(Valery POV)

We decided to summon a carriage to travel with instead of just running even though running was a lot faster. It had started to rain so we were worried that Sam would catch a cold or something and a carriage was a lot more comfortable.

We summoned the two hellhounds again to pull the carriage but for some reason there were three again the barbet had come with them again. But we couldn't really send him back seeing as he was the son of the lord of all hellhounds one of the mythical beast lords he's one of the most powerful beings in existence that had enough power to destroy a sun. Luckily he is in some other universe where some other mythical beast lords are so they keep each others power in check. But his son in a couple of million years would take his position and would be even more powerful than his dad.

Though one day he would be a lot more powerful than us today's not that day me and Mia could beat him with some effort if need be but there really was no reason for him to fight us so we let him stay.

We cast an illusion spell on the hellhounds so they look like horses and won't catch to much attention and stepped into the carriage to make ourselves comfortable. The inside of the carriage was a lot bigger than on the outside kind of like a certain telephone box. There was a kitchen a living room and a bedroom with one double bed. We can add and subtract stuff to this space whatever we want with some magic but stuff made here can't be taken out of here or have any effect on the world outside of this this space.

We kept on riding for a couple of hours I entertained myself by hugging and taking care of Sam. When he woke at first I could see panic in his eyes and he started crying I quickly shushed him and rocked him from side to side. After he'd calmed down my motherly instinct told me he was hungry my breasts started leaking even though I had never been pregananant before but this for some reason didn't surprise me and I just started feeding him.

Mia was making a sandwich in the kitchen while staring at me with pure contempt and envy. She would've probably tried to rip my head of if it wasn't for the fact that we had a deal and she probably didn't want to show Sam such a gruesome scene.

I was reveling In her envy I even started giving her a better angle so she could see better precisely where Sams lips connected with my breasts.

This made Mia even more mad her body started twitching she was obviously doing everything she could to hold herself back from poking my eyes out and shoving them down.

Right then we heard a voice coming from outside yell: "oy this is a robbery come out yer fancy shmancy carriage and give us yer valuables"

Mia's eye lit up obviously looking forward to 'relieving some stress on some humans' we could just let the 2 hellhounds outside pulling our cart kill them but it would probably be quicker and cleaner if Mia did it so I didn't stop her from going out.

The moment she went outside I heard a couple of whistles and the guy said: "hey there pretty lady how about you warm my bed tonight and I'll keep you as one of my wif-AAAAAARGH MY EYES MY FUCKING EYES." Then after that it sounded like he was chocking on something.

And a few seconds later a whole bunch of screams could be heard it was quite beautiful I of course put some magic on Sam so he wouldn't hear the screams I didn't want him to get freaked out.

When he was done sucking my nipple he started looking around until he saw the black curly haired barbet hellhound lying on the ground he made stretched his arms towards the hellhound and made grabbing motions.

I understood he wanted to play with him so I put him down next to each other but still stayed close by just incase I had to step in I would kill that hellhound no problem doesn't matter if his father can destroy suns.

But everything was okay and I just sat back and watched as the most adorable scene was taking place in front of me And I could hear the tortured screams of the humans as they were begging for mercy this was just perfect what more could I want?