I’m addicted to you

(Julie POV)

Me, Matilda and Olivia formed a group after what happened at the camp.

A weird thing we found out about these dolls is that even though Olivia has never really seen Sam she still started to crave him not just the doll.

So our plan was to go to a small city or big town and start distributing these dolls I made to women. Even the stronger willed ones would after a bit start to crave and love Sam like they are addicted even tough they've never seen him before. Then we'll start a company selling these dolls around the country and neighboring countries we'll recruit promising people as 'personnel' we'll probably also have to sell some other stuff to make it less suspicious but we'll plan that out later.

Sam's energy also increases the speed at which you become more powerful the dolls are less powerful so the speed is decreased but is still is quite significant especially seeing as in this world there are very few things that can even help just a tiny bit and so they are very expensive only very rich people like wealthy nobles or very successful traders or entrepreneurs could actually afford these and the better ones are unbelievably rare only a couple of royal families poses one and the church poses a couple. It is said they poses something even better than what the royals use but it's nether been confirmed whether it's true or not. Though I have never seen or touched these objects before I can quite comfortably guess with the information I have that the dolls are around the same level as what the royals families have and that Sam him self is probably better than what the church maybe has.

There is also the weird thing that I got necromancy powers that I never had before but from what I heard from Mathilda she didn't get any new powers she only got a lot stronger I'll have to see if Olivia or any of the other women who we distribute the doll to awaken any new powers.

As we gathered all the we needed from the camp like food water money etc.

And as we were packing up our stuff suddenly there was a groan coming from the big tent. And trough the flaps came Boris looking very confused at the scene before him. He looked over to us his eyes lit up probably loving the idea that he was alone with 3 women and he said: "hey one of you girls come over here and tell what happened right now."

I just thought to myself how stupid could he be to think he can order us around especially after what he tried to do to me so we just ignored him he was not worth our time we had beter things to do.

But it doesn't seem Boris agrees that we have beter things to do than to cater to his every whim.

So he became angry walked other to Matilda who was closest and said: "hey bitch listen to me when I'm ta-." He started gurgling because Matilda had quickly slit his throat and went back to packing up her stuff while he collapsed to the ground coughing up blood and dying.

I asked Matilda if she could heal his wound she said she could but that it wouldn't bring him back to life only close the cut. I explained to her that I'm a necromancer and that I just wanted to use him as a test subject to see what my powers can do exactly I decided against summoning any other dead soldiers or imps as we are planning to go to a village or city where even outside there will be a bunch of people roaming around and if we show up with a bunch of imps and a bunch of militia who can't talk only moan and groan we won't be to well received I suspect. I'm not keeping Boris for very long either I'm just doing some test and when we get close to civilization I'll immediately disband him.

We had a look on the map to see where to go after a bit of debating we decided on a big frontier village to start at. We wanted to start there because of the fact it's so close to the border of the demon lands that there are frequent attacks by monsters on villages there so many people have probably experienced some form of loss and there will be a bunch of widows sad that their husbands died by a monster attack or something so they'll be easy to manipulate and are more susceptible to Sam's wonderful energy. And the church's grip there is not that tight people find it hard to believe in god when pretty much every week a loved one dies so we don't have to worry about them and we can work unnoticed for longer

We saddled our horses and rode out to the village