A wild arachne appeared what will you do?

(Valery POV)

As we stepped through the doorway suddenly a humongous castle loomed before us (I'm talking as big as my ego would be if something that looked remotely like a girl gave me a compliment)

We're standing on a cobble bridge right outside the main gate of the castle the weird thing about this castle is that there is nothing surrounding it apart from just a black void of nothingness no Gras no mountains no rivers nothing.

When I and my sister Mia were younger we threw a 2 wolf guys who probably thought of themselves as the alphas and who were annoying us by trying and miserably failing to hit on us into the void partly because we were irritated by them and partly out of curiosity to see what would happened.

What happened was quite underwhelming we sensed their presence and they just kept on falling they never seemed to stop eventually we couldn't sense their presence anymore and since then we never heard of those two again.

About 2 weeks later we were confronted by a big lion man saying something about how we were going to pay for killing his sons he dragged us to the throne room where mom was sitting conversing with some of her subjects about problems they were facing and started rambling without even waiting for mom to finish about how he was the beastking and how he demanded us to be punished for our misdeeds.

Mom stood up from her throne walked calmly down the stairs to the throne and walked towards us her face revealing no emotions.

The beastking started grinning probably thinking he convinced mom to punish us but we knew better and understood that when mom looks that calm somethings wrong so we backed away from him.

He looked confused as he realized that mom wasn't coming for us but was going directly to him.

Mom held him by his mane brought his face really close to hers she unleashed all of her anger which could be felt by everyone in the castle and said: "you do not get to demand any fucking thing do you you understand?" Mom said in a calm but very angry and menacing voice.

"Y-y-yes I'm so sorry for my insolence p-please for give me your majesty i-it w-w-won't happen again." Said the beastking in stark contrast to his earlier overly confident demeanor.

It was quite amusing to see such a confident person fall so far and start begging for forgiveness. Mia beside me seemed utterly fascinated by what happened this was possibly the moment she awoke her love for sadism.

"no indeed it won't happen again. You said you miss your sons well how about I send you to them right now?" Mom said as she threw the beastking through the window into the abyss.

"Someone tell Maria the head maid that a window needs repairing and Valery Mia suddenly a spot has opened up for ruler of the beastkingdom how would you two like to be queens?" Mom asked

We replied with a yes and so we became the rulers of the beastkingdom (I know I know such new and never before heard of name how did I think of such a great name all I can say is it takes a lot of skill)

Being queen was quite easy at first we didn't have to do a lot mom had a subordinate do all the work over time mom had us do more and more of managing the kingdom and eventually we did it all ourselves of course we had our own subordinates to help us but mom wasn't helping us anymore.

Our brothers and sisters also got their own kingdoms and let's just say all of us weren't on the best of terms so wars did break out and mom would never step in so there were already a couple of kingdoms that had fallen.

Anyway we are standing right in front of the gate now we walked over the drawbridge and into the castle. The castle is so massive and the inside is like a maze we lived here all our childhood and still we get lost in here sometimes and there are a bunch of secrets as well some are secret passageways and some are traps it was always a lot of fun exploring the castle.

We made our way to the throne room the place where mom was most likely to be we didn't take the shortest route as we would then have to go through the dinning room where there was nearly always someone to bad there is a teleportation disrupter so nobody just teleports unwanted guests inside.

We kept on walking for about 15 minutes and we were still only halfway there as we kept on walking and kept on avoiding people we made it quite far without being noticed.

I heard a very light tapping sound behind me and a sudden "BOO!" I quickly turned around and Mia did the same we and there we saw one of our sisters a half human half spider she has 8 spider legs 2 human arms she has a bob cut and her hair was silver in colour she has 6 eyes in total all completely red 2 were located where a normal human would have eyes and there were 2 other eyes in a kinda column above each other above each eye.