Getting ready

(Mia POV)

I picked Sam up and exited the carriage the little barbet clack curly haired hellhound followed us with a wagging tail. I also killed the people we still had in our torture room though they were fun there will be other people to torture.

Outside Valery was waiting for us with the other 2 hellhounds.

We sent the 3 hellhounds back and put the carriage back in our inventory.

We were now on a grass plane in the middle of nowhere we are already in what humans refer to as the demon continent but really is just where all the sentient non humans live.

There was nothing but grass as far as the eye could see.

Save for one stone about the size of a fist. This stone is the only way to the demon queens aka our mothers castle.

To make sure the castle is well defended so no unwanted guests arrive the gateway to the castle is this stone this stone sends out signals to specific people so they'll know its location and teleports around the continent to random places every day so no one apart from the people who need to know will know where it is. Also it only activates for certain people though it is a sort of doorway so anyone could go through it if they wanted this is so we can bring prisoners and stuff but only 5 people can go through the doorway before it closes and then it won't open again for a day no matter what but if you want bring more than 5 through you'll have to ask permission from the head maid who even scares us so that rarely happens. This so no traitors can bring in army's to bring down the castle and even if a traitor brings like 4 dragons they don't stand a chance because they're still up against a castle full of some of the most powerful beings in this universe they literally eat dragons for breakfast.

As me and Valery move towards the stone Valery suddenly said: "what should we do with Sam? Most of the people in that castle absolutely despise humans we can't just walk in with him and if we try to hide him he'll just be found and it'll look even more suspicious".

I pondered for a while with Valery on this problem. Neither of us was that good at concealment techniques that was Maria's forte we know the basics but that's not enough to hide from the senses of most of the creatures there and even if we have to go report to the demon queen/mom before we can go to our own country and she'll most definitely sense a human.

"We could act like he's a prisoner" I suggested

"Yeah that could work but Sam is still a baby and it's just kinda weird to have a baby as your prisoner most would just kill them or leave them as food for their underlings and there is no real reason I can think of as to why we would take a human baby prisoner". Valery said

"We could use illusion magic to make his outwardly appearance seem older and say he'll be our slave or something some people will still be suspicious but there are others that have taken humans to release their frustrations upon so it won't be that weird"

"It's not the best idea but I can't think of anything else but we'll have to act like he is our prisoner I'm not sure if I can do that act mean to him we'll have to use some magic to make stuff more comfortable for him because I know I won't be able to hold myself back if he starts crying. And our illusion will probably fool pretty much everyone apart from maybe some of our brothers and sisters and probably mom".

"Yeah they're a bit of a problem we'll have to try to avoid our siblings and as for mother we'll just have to hope she doesn't notice and if she does we'll have to beg her to let us keep him"

"I really don't like this plan but I can't think of a better"

Oh well if things go south I'll just grab Sam and book it then at least I'll have him to myself they both thought at the same time.

We used some illusion techniques to make Sam look like a two year old which was still kinda young but enough of our brethren were pedophiles so it wouldn't be to weird we also made it so that he could walk.

As soon as he could walk it seems like he tried to run away but in a couple of steps I caught up to him. When he saw I caught up to him he quickly covered his eyes with his hands to hide himself I played along and acted like I didn't know where he was and then started sniffing the air while getting closer to him and then suddenly pounce on him and say: "gotcha".

Then I put a collar on him and I put him down again while holding the lead attached to his collar.

I don't like the fact that I have to do this but looking at how cute he is with a collar around his neck and the feeling of him being my possessions by having the leash attached to that collar in my hand just makes doing this a lot easier.

Valery looked at me like she is going to kill me and she'll probably trie after we're done with our report to mother and we made it back home.

I picked up the stone and focused on it after a few seconds the stone disappeared and a doorway completely black appeared before me I looked at Valery and we nodded to each other and we stepped through