New harem target spotted

(Author thingy)

I'm sorry I didn't upload yesterday my WiFi fell out so I couldn't upload this anymore. I would like to say that this won't happen again but I can't promise anything especially now that school is starting again so I may miss some days when I have test or projects I have to do so I'll say I'm sorry in advance.

(Valery POV)

Jenny came down from the ceiling with a flip and she stood there before us towering over us. She is quite a bit taller than us mostly thanks to the spider part of her body.

She lords over a very big forest with her arachnid underlings now that forest is aptly called the skittering forest. Though she is queen of the arachnids she also rules over the dryads that live there and over creatures that were there before she came. She did this by beating their previous leaders into submission and giving them 2 options follow or die very basic stuff really.

After completely uniting the forest under her mostly through force and fear we suspect she started manipulating some of our brothers that own neighboring plots of lands to hers. We can't confirm anything but our spies have reported to us that there were some real suspicious deaths of people in important positions and those positions got filled by either quite corrupt people or 'people' who seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

"Hello my cute little sisters did you two missed me when you were gone on your mission?" She asked with a sultry voice.

She's been trying to get us to join her harem of women that she is keeping in her cave. We have never seen the inside or got any intel on what happens inside of there. We tried to have a spy infiltrate a couple of times but they never returned.

So anyway we've refused her countless times and she just laughs it of goes away and next time we see each other she hits on us again. Me and Mia have gotten used to it by now and just refuse her automatically now without really listening.

Luckily we don't see her to often only a couple of times a year when we are in this castle for some reason and bump into her.

"No." Mia immediately responded "we have to make our report so we'll be leaving now."

We quickly turned around and started walking at a bit faster than normal pace and making sure Sam walked in front of us so he would be harder to notice. We were hoping to get away from her before she could question us about Sam.

Then my feet suddenly got stuck to the floor I looked down and sure enough there were webs all over my feet. I looked to my side and Mia was in the same situation luckily Sam was still free though he has a collar around his neck so he wasn't that free.

"Oh my lovelies why are you in such a rush? We haven't seen each other in such a long time and you two don't even give me a proper hello." Jenny said while walking towards us with an innocent smile on her face.

"Yeah yeah very nice to see you again now let us go" Mia said.

"Well that doesn't sound very sincere you are hurting my feelings." Suddenly her gaze fell upon Sam "oh and who may this adorable little guy be?"

"He's none of your business that's who he is." I told her.

"Awww you don't have to be so cold to me I'm your big sister." She stepped closer to Sam no within arms reach of him. Sam was just starting at her with what seemed to be wonder in his eyes.

I wanted to scream at her to stay away from him. I wanted to pummel her with everything I have to protect Sam from her but I know that would be stupid if I showed such a reaction to her getting close to him she would know that he is more to us than just a slave and if she knows this she will exploit this weakness of ours one way or another and potentially put Sam in danger. So I stayed quiet seething with anger.

She stretched out her arm to Sam's face. She was approaching Sam as he was a stray cat and she didn't want to scare him of.

Sam flinched and took a couple of steps back as Jenny approached him but he couldn't go any further because of his collar. So he just had to stand there staring at the big spider woman as she approached him he began to tear up probably out of fear.

"Oh shhhh honey no need to cry I'm not here to hurt you." Jenny shushed as she started caressing his cheek "I would never hurt an adorable little thing like you."

"Hey keep your hands of of our stuff and let us go mom will be pissed if she has to wait to long for us to show up." Mia yelled maybe a bit to possessively at Jenny.

Jenny just replied with an "okay" and unstuck our feet from the floor.

Not expecting her to give in that easily I was just standing there confused as to why she would let us go that easily. But We weren't about to look a gift horse in its mouth so we started walking again.

Jenny just stared at us as we left but for some reason her eyes didn't seem to be focused on me or Mia it rather all 6 of them seemed to be focused on Sam.

We kept on walking and as we rounded a couple of corners I whispered to Mia: "we should check Sam when we get back to see if she did anything to him" Mia nodded.

And we walked at least 500 miles and maybe even 500 more

No actually we only walked for a couple of hundred meters before reaching the door to the throne room.