
(Mia POV)

As we approached the massive doors we heard voices coming from the other side of the doors. And as we drew even closer the doors started opening on their own though they weren't the fastest so we went through when they were half open.

As we walked in we saw 2 other people I the room the first one was mother sitting on the throne. The throne is on an elevated position compared to the rest of the room so that whoever sits on the throne can look down onto everyone in the room. There is a red carpet leading up to the throne and it stops right in front of the steps to the throne. This red carpet is flanked by pillars on either side which are a couple of meters in diameter. The rest of the room is mostly colored a dark purple. Besides that there is very little other furnishing apart from some torches and big stained glas window.

Mom has dark brown skin and deep purple hair and eyes. Her eyes always seem to be able to see right through you it's quite unnerving but now that I think about it she can probably see right through me in the literal and figurative sense. Mom also has a pair of raven like wings sprouting from her shoulder blades. She also has 2 horns on either side of her head coming from just above her ears and facing forwards protecting her temples and the pointy ends curved towards each other. They were kind of like bull horns. She

In front of mother on the end of the carpet stood a man even though he has his back turned towards us I immediately recognized who it is. It's Sebastian one of our brothers he sees himself as he's the son of the demon lord of pride one of the 7 demon lords mom used to be the demon lord of greed but as you probably already have guessed mom got greedy killed all the other 6 demon lords and made herself queen.

Sebastián still holds a grudge towards mom for killing his father but he can't really oppose mom he isn't strong enough so their relationship is one of the more strained ones even though most of my siblings want mom dead for what she did to them and others like me have just come to accept this is how the rest of our life will be Valery is of the same frame of mind as mine now but before she did try to kill mom many times but always failed and after a while she made less and less attempts to kill mom. I don't think Anybody in existence has a good relationship with mom.

So that Sebastian has one of the worst relationships with mom is quite a feat. Sebastian has sleek black hair, seems to always wear a suit never seen what he wears to bed but wouldn't be surprised if it was a pajama suit, he also has a monocle for his right eye I have my doubts as to if he actually needs it or if he just wants to look sophisticated, he always has this holier than thou aura and attitude and he is quite the racist he always talks about how the true demon race should rule the world and how all other races are inferior and should be groveling at his feat for even being in his presence. So normal stuff really for the son of the demon lord of pride.

I personally think there is another reason why he is always acting like that and that is to deflect his own insecurities. I don't think he ever had a girlfriend for more than a week they always seem to break up with him after spending a night at his place at least the ones who he doesn't force to be his girlfriend. I think the son of the demon lord of pride is not that proud of the thing between his legs.

He is the ruler of a country called Dattor bordering ours we made a non aggression pact with him as our nations are about equal in power and a war would be to costly for either of us. But he still sends raiding parties to raid our villages these raiders disguise themselves as bandits and kidnap the towns folk and bring them to their country where they will be sold as slaves. We of course sent a part of our army to protect those villagers the so called bandits weren't that strong only good enough to bully peasants but not strong enough to fight a trained soldier so they were quickly annihilated. I do wonder why he sent those raiders to our villages there were of course the people he took as slaves but they didn't take that many only a couple dozen per season so not a lot of financial gain maybe he wanted to make us declare war on him so he could take the moral high ground but we were quite equally balanced in power so he could of very possibly lost maybe he had a plan with which he could win the war but then again he is overly prideful so it could be that he overestimated his own power and underestimated ours.

Anyone living in Dattor who isn't a pure demon folk is a slave in the eyes of the law there and mixed breeds between demon and something other than demon is seen as an abomination and will either be killed immediately or used to experiment on I can tell you now being killed is the better option of the two and the parents will be tortured for months doesn't matter that one is a pure demon and they be killed by being burnt to death or thrown into the colosseum whatever the way is they die they will make a whole show out of it to show what happens if you love something else than a pure demon.

As we stepped into the room mom noticed us and looked at us. Sebastian turned around to see what mom was looking at and his eyes fell upon us.

With both of their attention focused on us we walked to the end of the carpet passing Sebastian without giving him any attention I looked up at mom who was looking with intrigued eyes at Sam.