Meeting mother

(Mia POV)

Mom looked down on us from atop of her throne with her attention now completely on us and ignoring whatever she was talking about with Sebastian she asked: "So have you two completed the mission I sent you on?"

"Yes" I replied "we stopped the offering to their god from happening we killed all the humans there and destroyed their camp." I conveniently forgot to mention the two humans that had left before we attacked and the two I left to be rapped but those were probably dead by now. We did think about tracking the two on horseback down and killing them but that seemed like a hassle and they weren't even there so they won't even know the camp is destroyed and even if they went back they won't know who did it.

I mean how many problems could either of those cause it's not like one will build up an army of strong people take over the human continent and then come to kill us if you think that will happen you must be crazy or something.

Luckily mom didn't notice the fact that I said: "we killed everyone THERE" so what I said was technically not a lie.

"Hey I was discussing important stuff with mother here and then you two rudely interrupt us by barging in out of nowhere and start talking about some trivial stuff." Sebastian said fuming at the fact he wasn't in the spotlight anymore now that we were doing our report "I demand that you two kneel before me and beg for forgiveness.

I have no idea where he gets this idea from that people will actually do what he says.

"Oh and you want us to suck your little needle dick while we're at it? That is if it's even big enough to be sucked?" Valery chuckled as I said that.

Sebastians face started becoming very red and it seemed like he was about to explode with anger.

But right before he was about to say something mom stood up from her throne said: "ENOUGH!" While spreading her raven black wings causing a gust of air to go through the hall. Irritation very evident in her purple piercing eyes.

"Sebastian you leave the room right now we'll talk about the expedition you want to do into human territory on a later date their report is more important." Mom stated

Sebastian was obviously not happy with this but he can't go against whatever mother tells him to do else he would risk facing her wrath and even he wasn't stupid enough to do that.

As Sebastian left through the still open doors he gave us one last glare and I stuck my middle finger up to him but keeping it out of mom's sight not that she would care that much.

After we finished the trails she's been acting a lot more motherly than I thought she would be. The first couple of years she gave us all very luxurious apartments in the castle I shared a 2 bedroom one with Valery. Even though during the day she would be busy in the evening for dinner time she would have us all eat at a large table in the dining hall with her. She even when she had some free time took care of us teaching me various fighting techniques. And even though now us siblings are constantly at war with each other she will step in if one of our lives is in danger otherwise she'll let anything go.

Valery absolutely hated it at first that she acted like this and a couple of other brothers and sisters seemed to feel the same. I personally felt like it was better to go with the flow and just accept the situation. I'm not very happy with what she made us do back then but I think it would just work out bad for me if I kept on holding a grudge against her.

Valery nether told me what happened to her so I never found out why she held such a grudge against mom. And the fact she was acting so motherly al of a sudden didn't seem to help with her grudge.

It's easy to hate someone who acts like an asshole all the but a lot harder when they are actually trying to be nice to you.

"Okay please make your report" mom said as she sat back down on her throne.

So I told her in more detail what had happened I tried to leave Sam out of the story as much as possible though he was right next to me so talking about him was probably unavoidable and mom is really good at knowing when someone is lying. I'm quite confident in my acting skills but even so mom somehow always knows when I'm lying.

So I mentioned Sam very briefly and quickly moved on. When I was done with my report Valery told about some details from her perspective but there wasn't a lot to add she also noticed that I purposefully didn't mention the 2 humans we let go and that I didn't mention Sam that much because she didn't mention either of these.

"Hmm seems like your mission was a success." Mom said while looking down and thinking to herself.

Then after mumbling something incoherent to herself she looked up at us and looked at Sam. As her purple eyes pierced Sam Sam started to move behind me to get away from her piercing gaze.

"That little kid you have with you is called Sam and was the offering to god?" Mom asked still staring at Sam.

"Correct." Valery said quickly.

Mom just hummed a bit as she seemed to be contemplating something.

"Bring him up here so I can have a closer look at him"