Lollipop lollipop ooh lolli lolli lolli

(Mc POV)

The mature woman sitting on the throne who Mia and Valery refer to as mom had just ordered them to bring me up to her. But I wasn't very inclined to go to her because while she may be quite beautiful she is also very scary.

Not that I'm scared of her of course I'm not scared of her I'm like super brave and stuff. Why am I hiding behind Mia if I'm such a brave person you ask. Well that's because of uhhhh... um uhhh... different super secret and awesome reasons so just know that I'm definitely not scared of her and her bone chilling gaze.

Mia started walking up the steps towards the scary woman I had to follow as she had my leash but I made sure to stay behind Mia and to sometimes peek out to see if that woman was still staring at me and she was every time I peeked. Valery stayed where she was with a pained expression on her face.

As we reached the top and we were standing right in front of her she looked even more intimidating. And it didn't help Mia pulled me away from her and out in the open with trembling hands I wonder why her hands are trembling maybe she's also sc- I mean she is scared and she alone and no one else is scared especially not me maybe Valery is scared but not me I don't know why you would even think that.

Mia un clasped her leash from my collar and I looked helplessly at her with pleading eyes. She stopped and I could see hesitation flicker in her eyes for a bit but she shook her head and walked back down the steps and stand beside Valery looking at me and their mom.

I turned to look at their mom again and as I met her gaze I instantly froze in place I suddenly felt very naked standing there right in front of her and her looking down at me with her purple eyes making me feel small though I guess I actually am quite small so makes no difference really. I really wanted to make a um strategic retreat but I wasn't able to move a muscle.

She took a step closer to me and reached out with her right hand her gaze suddenly became warm and she started to stroke my head. I heard 2 sighs coming from behind me which probably came from Mia and Valery because they are the only other ones in this room for as far as I know. By the way I still don't know what their deal is why did they bring me with them to this place am I supposed to be an offering again for this woman. I would prefer it if I wouldn't be made into an offering twice before I even become 1 year old.

The scary but not as scary now woman picked me up walked to her throne and sat down with me on her lap I'm still suspicious as to what she's going to do with me I mean what could a woman such as her want from me. She's obviously quite wealthy and powerful I mean otherwise how could she gets a castle such as this and women like Valery and Mia to work for her. Maybe she's infertile and so she wants a kid of her own but even if you're infertile there have to be better ways to get a child than to kill a bunch of people of the church and then take the baby they were going to offer to god.

Anyway for now it doesn't matter maybe later it does but right now I have to get out of this situation I can't trust this woman I have no idea what she wants from me maybe that's for the best even but I don't want to stay around and find out what she wants to use me for

"Do you want a lollipop?" she asked as she reached between her big beautiful soft brown breasts and pulled out a lollipop.


Ok well my escape plans can at least be put on hold until I finish this lollipop. I do wonder if she just has a bunch of lollipops in between her breasts incase she is in need of a lollipop like now.

I must say that this whole thing is not as climactic as I thought it was going to be but it's better this way because now I'm not dead.

The now totally not scary anymore woman started hugging me against her chest, stroking my hair, humming a lullaby and rocking me back and forth a bit. Valery and Mia looked on with insane amounts of jealousy in their eyes.

I started getting a bit drowsy and my eyelids were getting heavy. Ok well tomorrow is probably a better day to escape because the uhhh forecast is better yes that's it most definitely not because I'm lazy and I want to sleep in between these very comfortable breasts.

And right as I was falling asleep I said my first word: "mommy"