
(Valery POV)


He didn't just say that to her I must have misheard something he must have misspoken he probably thought I was holding him not that vile bitch. GOD DAMN THAT FUCKING BITCH SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO EVER HEAR THAT FROM SOMEONE AS PRECIOUS AS SAM. Please if there is any higher power out there can't you just turn back time a little or something I'd do anything to have his first word be calling me mommy please I'd gladly sell my soul or anything else just for that. I have no reason to live anymore how could this world be so cruel as to do this to me does something out there gain enjoyment from my suffering. She took his first time and I'll have to live with it but I'll make sure I take his virginity and I'll do it right in front of her just to spite her and show her he's mine and only mine not hers.

I just did a speed run of the 5 stages of grief and came out of it with a new goal I am going to strive for.

But as I looked over to my left where Mia was standing I could see she was stuck on the anger stage. More of her tails started appearing she started growling with a low voice and her long black hair and short white tail hair started to flair up

She took a step forwards towards mom killing intent oozing out of her. I realized immediately what she was going to try to do. And to be fair I wasn't completely against it. But I still grabbed her shoulder and said to her in a hushed voice "don't attack her we have no chance of winning."

"I don't fucking care I deserved to be called mommy I've been trying to get him to call me that for days and now she just comes in and gets to be called mommy by him no fucking way I'm just letting that slide." loudly whispered with a very very angry voice.

"I understand how you feel but if you attack her now she will beat us up and take Sam with her to her part of the castle lock him up and violate him." I may have exaggerated the last part though maybe I haven't can't be sure with that woman. "Besides if you start a fight now you may wake Sam up or worse you may even hurt him." This seemed to convince Mia as she hesitantly stopped trying to pull away from my grip on her shoulder.

I let go of her shoulder and we both looked at mother again still with anger and killing intent but not as much as before.

Luckily mom hadn't taken notice of us during our little ordeal as she was busy staring at Sams sleeping face. If I was in her position I would do the same.

As I was preparing myself to address mom and try to convince her to give Sam back to us the main doors started to open again. Mia beside me said: "that better not be Sebastian because if it is I'm committing a murder." We turned around to see who was coming in and interrupting us. It wasn't Sebastian thank goodness I wouldn't be able to take his moaning and stuff now I'm way to stressed.

Instead of Sebastian it was grace a beautiful dark elf she has long pointy ears, brown skin purple hair and eyes just like mothers and she is very voluptuous she has beautiful long legs a very generous ass and some rocking honkers. She has earrings and a couple of bracelets she's also wearing some very skimpy mage clothes. Seeing as she is a mage it is to expected she wears mage clothes but it seems she is going more for sex appeal than actual utility. She's called Grace

She walked into a strange scene where mother is holding a baby with her full attention on him and us standing before mother with still some anger visible. So she asked: "ara ara what's going on here I was just walking by here when i felt killing intent coming from here and I came in to see what's happening"

This is a pain I really really don't want more people here getting close to Sam I don't want more competition but Grace wasn't the kind of person to just let things go if she doesn't get an explanation.

So I decided to give her a very brief explanation as to what is happening trying to make it not seem that interesting so she would leave.

"Hmmm." Grace said "you say he's a human child but he's obviously not he may look like a human but even from here I can tell that he's not though I can't say what he precisely is from here the only thing I can see is that he is part incubus further nothing"

Part incubus huh is that the reason why everyone seems so smitten by him but if that is the case he must be a unbelievably powerful incubus to make women like mother with unbelievably strong mental strength fall in love with him. Some people may not be ok with being with someone they fall in love with because of a power they have but I'm not one of those love is love whether I fell in love because of natural reasons or through powers I will still feel the same love and feel equally happy.

As I was about to inquire further as to if she could see how powerful he is or other things that would be useful I heard a shrill scream coming from mom as everyone in the room turned towards her we could see her frantically looking around looking for something then she turned to us a bunch of conflicting emotions in her eyes and then she said: "he's gone... Sam has disappeared"