My precious

(Genevieve POV)

It worked. IT WORKED!

I got him he's mine now all mine. The moment I saw him in the hallway with Mia and Valery looking all cute and adorably helpless with that collar on I knew it was destined for him to be mine so that I can dote on him to my hearts content.

You may be wondering how I got him here and that's a good question... so anyways on another note did you know that Sebastian is like totally in love with Mia. Don't tell him I told you that he would be so pissed of if he found out I told you.

Okay okay I'll explain how I got ahold of cute little Sam here. When I met him in the hallway I didn't just touch him for the reason touching him though that was like 99% of the reason I had to touch him but the other 1% was to get his hair or something with a bit of his DNA I took hair that was loose on his shoulder.

Then I immediately rushed back to my home by first taking one of the castles teleporters to get out of the castle those are by the way the only way you're supposed to be able to get out but mom is a lot more worried of people getting in the castle than getting out so the defenses for people teleporting out are a lot more relaxed than in even some of my siblings who are a lot more proficient at teleportation magic than me can actually teleport out no problem but I don't think any of them can actually teleport in though if I could I would keep it a closely guarded secret seeing as there are certain people who would give very good money to get in. Anyway luckily Stephen one of my brothers is one such person that is proficient enough at teleportation magic that he can actually teleport out.

So I called him over I lowered the barrier around my home and let him teleport in then put the barriers back up.

"G-g-greetings mistress Genevieve please tell me what you desire of me?" Stephen said while kneeling before me not daring to look up at my face.

Stephen is a lizard man and he looks like your average lizard man but his magic abilities are far above average with his skills he can probably even give me a run for my money if we were to fight but he has one glaring weakness he is a wimp he would never even try to fight someone if he isn't a 100% sure he can win.

When I went to assassinate him personally because I was expecting him to be to powerful for my minions I had killed his guards which was a bit louder than expected and when I barged into his room I found him cowering under his covers and a wet stain spreading on the sheets.

I had initially planned to kill him and stand behind one heir and make them become king so I could rule from the shadows but the moment I saw him cowering under his covers there I realized I could just make him submit to me so for the next month I came every night to turn him into my good little pet.

And now he does whatever I tell him to so that he can be rewarded he's even beginning to like being hurt he'll beg me to spank him or do other stuff to him.

"Ok I need you to teleport someone out of moms castle I know it's harder to teleport someone other than yourself so I gathered some items to help you out and I got this hair with the DNA of the person you have to teleport here. If you do this for me than I'll give you a reward but if you fail just believe me you don't want to fail."

"Y-yes of course I'll do it for you mistress I won't fail you." He said hastily and with a higher pitch than usual.

He started setting up the stuff I gave him to teleport Sam here. To be fair to Stephen if Sam has already gotten some protections cast on him Stephen has no chance of getting him here having the castles protection and those cast on him stacked on each other would make it impossible to do even with the stuff I gave Stephen he should only be just strong enough to get Sam here.

Still if Stephen fails I'll have to take my frustrations out on someone and unluckily for Stephen he is the best candidate. Though Mia and Valery are both not very good at using protection techniques. They are mainly focused on offense so they probably have someone in their country that can do protection techniques or enchantments but they are first going to mother to do their report so I have a bit of time before that happens. Mother on the other hand can actually cast protection enchantments so I have to hope she doesn't take an interest in Sam or she just doesn't immediately start casting protections on him which she probably won't but you can never be sure.

So I looked on nervously at Stephen as he started gathering enough power to teleport Sam here I started pacing back and forth thinking about what I should do if this fails.

If it does fail I'll have to get him somehow we are destined together no matter what he'll be mine. I'll have to hope Valery and Mia take him with them and mom doesn't decide to keep him because if she keeps him it would make things considerably harder for me.

As I kept contemplating I suddenly noticed that Stephen had started and I started to completely focus on the teleportation nervously hoping it would work.

As good there looking and hoping for minutes that felt like hours finally it worked Stephen had done it he teleported Sam here I'm so happy it worked I immediately rushed other to Sam picked him up ever so gently and let out a little yelp as I saw his adorable little sleeping face.

Finally after all these couple of hours since I met you you are finally mine.