9/10 recommend

(... POV)

In a universe, not all that far far away. I mean compared to most universes it's actually quite close by now that I think about it how do you even measure the distance between universes most people explain it by saying how much the universes deviate from each other but what if one universe compared to another one deviates from each other and after a while get close together again and even become identical are there now 2 universes or have they morphed into one?

Sorry sorry I'll get back to the story. There were 3 women riding on ho- I mean what if even if you have even the slightest deviation like the one you writes two and the other 2 creates a new universe that stays an independent universe for the rest of all space and time imagine the absurd amount of universes there are it would be nigh infinite if you want to navigate through that it would be like replacing the entire universe with hay and then trying to find a microscopic needle. Man ain't the universe just crazy.

Oh, what ah ok. I'm sorry it seems I've been fired for doing drugs on the job so was nice knowing you guys we had some great times these last 211 words *sniff* *sniff* I'm sorry for getting a bit emotional I thought me and you had something special but I guess it's over now goodbye I'll never ever forget you.

(Matilda POV)

Well, that was weird anyway. We were riding into town looking for the inn to drop off our stuff and then have a look around town. We asked a couple of the townsfolk to give us directions most of them tried to hit on us most we just ignored because 3 strangers show up at the same time a bunch of people gets killed that's not going to be all that good for us.

Then one guy got a bit too cocky even trying to subtly threaten us by saying we would need protection if we wanted to survive here. We played along and when he hinted at the fact he wanted another form of payment Olivia led him to a back alley he was very excited probably expecting to experience heaven but to his dismay what he walked into wasn't heaven but hell from the sounds of it.

Later Olivia came out of the alley with the guy who was keeping his head down probably very ashamed of what happened and scared of what was going to happen and with good reason.

I told him that he has to collect rumors for us specifically about young people who died as they often have a motherly figure who cares about them deeply. He would have to come to the town center at 13:00 and wait there for one of us to come and report to even if he doesn't have anything.

Then we parted ways with him Olivia had gotten the info out of him she needed and knows pretty much the layout of the entire town. She rode in front and led us to the inn there we asked for a room for 2. We may be with 3 people but we still have sleeping bags with us so we could either all 3 sleep on the bed or 2 sleep on the bed and the third sleeps in a sleeping bag. We could afford another room but we don't really have any reliable source of income so no need to be frivolous. By the way, I'll probably be out all night mingling with the shadier folk so I can sleep during the day.

We paid a bit extra for them to take care of our horses. We took our luggage up organized everything and went back down for dinner. There was pulled pork and some salad it was very good. The person who served us was a beautiful long blond woman with bright blue eyes. Later she told us she was the wife of the innkeeper and she was the one who had cooked this. I thanked her for the great food and thought to myself we need her or someone like her that can cook well. Though she did seem to have a hint of sadness even though she was acting so cheerful this kinda got my hopes up to get her over to our side but I'll have to see how it plays out.

And in fact, I did see how it played out. After dinner Julie, Olivia and I went back upstairs and had a talk about our plans they were still going to join the monster hunter guild first thing tomorrow morning and tonight I would see if I can come in contact with the dark underbelly of the town.

So Julie and Olivia went brush their teeth before bed. Remember kids you have to brush your teeth even if you're a yandere milf mommy.

I left while they were brushing their teeth. And I couldn't believe my luck when I saw the beautiful blonde with blue eyes sitting next to a door sobbing.

I composed myself walked over to her and asked with a concerned voice "hey what's going on why are you crying?" As I walked by the door I could hear a slapping and moaning sound so I could very well guess what's going on.

"Oh um there is nothing wrong," she said while wiping away her tears and trying to compose herself to seem like she was cheerful. "It's all my fault anyway ever since our son disappeared while going into the forest on a mission with his buddies I've been feeling so sad that I've been neglecting my husband's needs I mean he's been so kind to me only hitting me when I do really stupid stuff and still I keep on disappointing him. I'm just a lousy wife that nobody would want so I'm lucky that he stays with me right? I mean for him to take in such a failure as me I must be very lucky to have a great man like him right?... oh I'm sorry just forget what I just said it's not important it's getting late now you should be getting to bed no need to worry about me I'm just fine right here."

"You and I both know you're not happy with your current situation," I told her "here keep this doll it may not seem like much at first but if you keep it and take care of it it'll you'll feel a lot better."

I said while handing over a doll

First target down... well second if you count Olivia.