Bro moment

(Olivia POV)

After me and Julie had brushed our teeth we asked one of the staff members what the bathing situation was here. The guy folds we could either bathe in the river just west of the village like most people do or we could pay for someone able to use water magic to fill up a tub for us with nice warm water.

We thanked the employee for his help and decided to go with the former option cause like we stated earlier it's best to save our money for now until we set up shop in the border town.

As we l left I felt him stare at my ass though I can't do anything now I'll put him on my list with other people I'm going to pay a visit just before we leave town and you can bet your sweet ass I'll be checking this list twice.

We exited the inn and walked to the western outskirts of town there we saw a sign with 2 arrows on it one pointing left saying boys and the other to the right saying girls. Now it's all well and good they separated the guys from the girls if it weren't for the fact that the arrow pointing to the girls side is pointing to a dark small forest path a prime place to rape unsuspecting girls.

Of course we didn't really care if someone would try to rape us they wouldn't be able to we would easily kill any bandit or rapist that came our way.

So we kept on walking down the winding forest path and sure enough I sensed 3 presences ahead of me behind a bush about 5 meters to the right of the path.

I heard them whisper to each other quite loudly in fact so I didn't even need any hearing enhancements. "There look at those pretty lasses we should take them."

"Yeah we were planning that from the start remember stupid halfwit." I heard another whisper.

Then the previous started crying.

The third voice chimed in and said: "aww come on bro no need to be so mean to your bro even if he is a stupid halfwit."

"You're right bro. I'm sorry bro I should have never said you were a stupid halfwit even though I meant it. You know how I get when I become stressed out bro I just start getting angry and speak my mind. I hope you can forgive me bro and I hope we can stay bro's bro.

*sniff* "of course I forgive you bro I can't stay mad at my bro you're my world bro you always will be no matter what."



Julie and I just stared at each other wondering wether they were planning to fuck us or each other.

"Bro's that was really touching and I hate to ruin the moment but we still have to get those girls remember?"

They started talking again luckily they finally came out of the bushes and stood on the path before us. They were 3 big men with lots of muscles bulging wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts and their heads were completely bald you could the the light from the moon that shined through the leaves reflect of their heads.

Then the biggest of the 3 came forward and walked to Julie. As he stood before her looming over her he suddenly said: "will you be my girlfriend?" While bowing deeply and holding out a pretty red flower. One of the other 2 did the same thing to me only he held a white flower to me and Julie looked at each other stunned for a minute. I was expecting something to happen and when I heard their conversation I understood they weren't the brightest of people but still this I didn't see this coming I mean who the hell hides behind bushes close to the woman's bathing area and then jumps out to ask one to be their girlfriend I don't see how they could ever think this would end well for them.

Then when I was about to decline him another voice came from behind us and said: "don't worry fair maidens we will protect you from these evil doers."

As I looked back there were 3 other people who had appeared they had about the same physical stature as the other 3 guys only these guys did have hair. The one in front was a blond man with spiky hair wearing a knights armor and wielding a broadsword the second was a seemingly a tank judging by his large shield and cumbersome armor he also had short brown hair and the third was probably a rouge or something along those lines he also had long blond hair.

The two groups started quarreling with each other about this and that.

It started making me feel frustrated why couldn't they just be normal rapist those are so much easier to deal with.

Julie and I looked each other in the eyes and silently agreed to just try and get out of here without them noticing.

But then when I started to move away from these clowns I heard another voice coming from behind the baldies saying: "hey what is going on here" and I thought to myself oh my fucking god don't let there be another group of these idiots if there is I'll kill al of these clowns and their families.

Lucky for them it wasn't another group of idiots it was just a woman with a towel wrapped around her from what I could see she had pretty lean muscles. She has white hair and a scar over her left eye though her eye still seems to work fine so she probably got it healed.

"What are you guys doing so close to the women's bathing area?" She asked while gritting her teeth and her eyes firing primeval rage at them.

"Oh shit it's Emily bro's we've gotta run."