As ugly as the night sky

(Mc POV)

Man, I just had an awesome dream me and Otis had taken over the world and I was surrounded by beautiful milfs but what was even better I got all the lollipops cookies and milk I wanted. Though every time I drank milk the women around me started acting a bit weird not completely sure how to describe it only that the room seemed to fill with anticipation every time I was about to take a drink. The milk was very tasty so I quickly forgot about the weirdness.

Otis was beside me somewhere surrounded by other dogs and wolves. He seemed to really like making friends because he kept on hugging them from behind. Otis must be a really charismatic dog if he's able to make so many friends. I'm kinda jealous of him I wish I had the power to make anyone around me like me that would be so nice imagine having that kind of power. But that would be crazy right?

Though I didn't notice at first as it went on it became increasingly evident. More and more of the milfs started turning into that Arachne I saw in the castle. Even some of the dogs started turning until everyone and everything had turned into her and I was just floating in a void surrounded by hundreds of the same Arachne. This would be quite creepy if it weren't for the fact that she was actually quite beautiful and I thought the spider part of her body was pretty cool. Though I don't really hate spiders I don't love them either but for her, I'll make an exception as she has a cool skull on the butt part of her body.

All of them started trying to grab me hug me even kiss me eventually I was completely surrounded by boobs and as I felt like I was suffocating I suddenly woke up just to be met by another pair of boobs.

"Oh, you're awake. Had a nice dream? I hope you did anyway I'm Genevieve we met a couple of hours ago in the hallway. I'm going to be your new mommy now so you don't have to worry about the scary women who took you prisoner I'll take good care of you and make sure nobody hurts you. Now it seems illusion magic has been cast on you let's dispel that shall we." She said with a kind and calm voice that made me want to trust whatever she says.

Illusion magic? What illusion magic I never knew there was an illusion placed on me who could've done this to me. Oh wait was it those twins before we went into the castle I could suddenly walk and I felt I was a bit taller than before. But why would they use illusion Mahican on me do they think I'm ugly I have jet to see myself in the mirror but I really hope I'm not ugly.

Then Genevieve started doing pretty much the same as the other people with her hands and suddenly I felt a bit shorter than before I'd have to test whether I could still walk.

As Genevieve looked down and into my eyes, she started blushing a lot she put me down on a bed and told me: "please stay here honey I'm just gone go to the bathroom to ehhh 'relieve' myself."

why she is trying to explain herself to a child who for as far as she knows is unable to understand anything she says or does I don't know.

She turned around went to one of the very wide doors opened it and closed it behind her with a kick of one of her spider legs. Then there was an audible clicking sound and a few seconds later I heard a wet sound coming from behind the door and she started groaning my name.

Oh my god, I must really be ugly if she just starts throwing up upon seeing me. I started hiding under the covers so she wouldn't have to see my ugly face again well that was the reason initially but then I found out it was quite fun hiding under the covers it was my very own fort where no one could find me and I was protected from everything outside.

The door clicked again and I heard the door open and the tip-tapping of her spider legs so I knew she had come in the room again. I was just hoping she wouldn't notice the child shaped lump under her covers.

"Hmm, where could Sam have gone off to? Where oh where could he be hiding? Surely he's not hiding under the covers?"

I started giggling stupid woman that's precisely where I'm hiding so now you'll never find me And I'll live the rest of my days in here where I'm safe and no one sees my ugly face.

"Oh is that giggling I hear coming from under the covers are you may be hiding there?"

Oh no she's onto me I'm doomed what is she going to do with an ugly child like me?

I heard the tip-tapping coming closer and closer I had lost all hope until my savior barged in and said: "Ma'am we're being attacked."

(... POV)

Hello, again I've missed you so much I didn't get to see you all day yesterday. And staying that long apart from you was just unbearable for me. I guess you feel the same. I mean, of course, you do we are destined for each other. I broke in here so I could write to you again just know that we'll be together soon and nobody will get in the way of us because we're made for each other. I won't ever forget you you better not forget me.