Normal life of a doggo

(Otis POV)

I'm still just a pup of a couple of hundred years so dad sent me away to go live with the hellhounds where he grew up in the nether realm the lands of the nether or maybe even the Netherlands.

For most beings, the Netherlands is a dangerous place with constant lava floods faint dangerous creatures, and a bunch of drugs but don't tell FBI-Kun.

All canines are under the rule of dad even so they still fight amongst each other and many dislike the fact that they are not independent but under dad's rule. So I still had to be careful not to just go around demanding they take care of me because of my dad's position.

Even though I'm supposed to be the future canine beast lord I'm not that powerful yet that's why dad sent me here to become more powerful so I one day can take his place but that day is not today and most creatures here are stronger than me. I do have a kind of temporary power-up that I can use every once in a while. So for the first few months, I lived off of weak creatures I could hunt, and sometimes if I got cornered I'd use my power up and eat that.

Eventually, two female hellhounds came across me and one was quite wary of me while the other seemed concerned about whether I was okay.

(Quick author thingy)

I know most of you can speak doggo but there are some people who can only speak cat so for them, I'll translate it the translation will be between ( ).


(Back to Otis POV)

"Woof woof woof." (We can't take him with us there is no way a normal puppy would have survived on its own here for so long it's most definitely a trap)

"Woof bark." (Oh come on we can't just leave a puppy here to die maybe he got lucky to survive for so long and it's destined for us to find and take care of him)

"Bark." (No we can't take the risk it would just be stupid to bring him with us we'd risk not only our lives but that of the entire pack)

*whimper.* (pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase I'll take good care of him I'll make sure to feed him myself by hunting extra and I'll teach him about the stuff here please let me keep him I'll be eternally grateful and look at his cute face how can you say no to that)

I immediately used my ultimate ability I've been holding back till now but I'll have to use it now PUPPY DOG EYES ACTIVATE!

"Bark." (Damn it fine stop using those puppy dog eyes on me and I'll let you take him but you'll have to convince the alpha on your own to let you keep him I'm not going to help)

"Woof!" (Oh thank you so much you're just the best)

Then they signaled me to follow them. I walked in between the two of them. On our trip, we came across some different monsters even some I've never seen before and they killed pretty much every single one of them no problem apart from one there was one moment on our trip where we had to hide.

There was a humongous salamander-like creature roaming around it had the typical red scales and it seemed like it could breathe fire judging by the fact it had smoke coming out of his nose (though it could also be that he's smoking a joint) and the fact that he's a big red salamander so he must be able to breathe fire I mean that's only logical.

When the salamander had passed we cautiously came out of our hiding place making sure the salamander was gone and wasn't coming back. After we made sure it wasn't around anymore we went on our merry way to meet the alpha.

Then finally we arrived at their den it was a cave in the side of a mountain as we entered I realized it was quite a complex cave system as there were many branching pathways. Luckily the bitches knew where to go. I can call them bitches right I mean they're literal female dogs or well hellhounds but what's the difference they are both a very good boi so really no difference.

Eventually, we reached the Alpha they were probably the biggest one here and had a bunch of scars looking quite intimidating. 10/10 would be intimidated again.

After a bunch of persuading the alpha finally gave in and let them keep me as long as they accept full responsibility for me and make sure I don't cause trouble.

Over the next few weeks, I got trained in different things and I kept growing stronger now I was able to take down monsters around my size maybe even a little bit bigger.

Then one day after a particularly hard training they came to me and told me they were going to take me with them on a summoning.