The summoner and the summoned

(Otis POV)

Before we left to go to the summoning thingy the two hellhound bitches explained to me how it works.

They said that we will be going to a room where we will be summoned from and is aptly named the summoning room. Once we enter a portal will open and we'll have to go through it. Normally the portal would bring me to my summoner but because I don't have a summoner yet so I'll be piggybacking of theirs and come with them so they could show me the ropes and maybe even already find me my summoner.

Having a summoner is beneficial for a couple of reasons. Being summoned by your summoner will power you up depending on the power of your summoner, the time you've spent being summoned, the severity of what you had to do, and the satisfaction of the summoner. Though it can also affect you negatively if the summoner is very unsatisfied because you didn't do what they asked you to and if that happens you'll get weaker.

So I have to choose my summoner wisely I don't want someone who doesn't really ever do anything and doesn't ever really summon me or if they do it's for some menial task like getting those damn kids off his property.

I also don't want someone to rash who overestimates their own abilities and gets us both killed by summoning me and then trying to other throws the monarchy by starting a revolution and then chop every nobles head of.

So the bottom line is to be careful who you choose as your summoner else you may end up with some dick. Now I meant that metaphorically but if you make a really bad decision it would be less metaphorical and more literal.

Once you've chosen a summoner you can't get a new one until they've died and you have to wait a year's worth of time in this universe. You can't kill your own summoner at least not directly you can still ask someone else to kill him for you there are even a couple of the more intelligent summoned creatures who have made a sort of business out of this for a fee they will kill your summoner.

Summoning brings you to another universe and at whatever time your summoners summon you. This is pretty useful as this means we don't just get summoned when we're in the middle of something and we can choose ourselves when we get summoned and we still arrive the moment when we got called but we don't get too choose which time they summoned us and then arrive so we can't skip we'll always have to do the next summoning time-wise even if the summoner is dead in the timeline of another being we will still have to heed every summon made by the summoner.

Now they are lucky I'm not as young as they think I am because I'm not sure how they are expecting a pup to understand all this what they are saying.

And so we left to the summoning room it was in a part of the cave I've never been in before but that's not that weird as it's a big cave and I haven't really explored it apart from the sleeping and eating places I mean what more could you need?

We reached the summoning room and I was different from the rest of the cave because it was actually made of some kind of white marble though it looks quite old and decrepit. We went inside a room about 4 by 4 meters and the roof was about 2.5 meters there is a statue right in front of us we enter against the back wall but it's either destroyed beyond recognition or modern art.

Then in front of the statue opened a blue purplish oval which I assumed to be the portal.

I got pushed through by the bitches and after I was through they followed suit the moment I was through though I couldn't see the blue purplish oval anymore even before the bitches went through. Seems like it's a one-way ticket.

Before me stood two fox girls I know who they are because the bitches already told me about their summoners and told me what they look and are like.

They both looked a bit confused when they saw me at first but quickly dismissed me as they saw the 2 hellhounds coming through.

They started talking about stuff I didn't really care I was too fascinated at what there all was to see I started snuffling around seeing what new things I could find but before I could find anything really interesting they already barked at me to come with them.

We walked for a while a couple of times they had to bark at me not to stray too far away but further, everything went smoothly till we reached our destination and I saw the camp full of humans.

The fox girls summoned some demon imps and immediately went on the offensive. One of the bitches honestly I forget who's who told me it would be best if I stayed here and out of danger.

I nodded like I agreed but in my mind, I had my fingers crossed or toes in this case. When they were gone for 5 minutes I started walking around the battlefield mostly unnoticed until I reached a big tent and I started feeling something weird pulling me towards it so I went in and there hiding behind a pole was my future summoner.

I was sure of it the moment I came in.