Something’s wrong, I can feel it.

(Author thingy)

Thanks to everyone for being okay with me taking yesterday off.

I said I would update the previous chapter but then I realized that if I did that and didn't hit the update button while leaving the chapter I would lose everything I've written so I just deleted it I'm still very grateful for the comments.

I don't think those comments on the deleted chapter are viewable by anyone now apart from me who sees all comments and by the one who wrote the comment if they got a like or reply so sorry for that.

(Julie POV)

The 6 guys who had moments before surrounded us immediately disappeared. It seems they were holding back or something because at the speed they disappeared I imagine even Olivia would have a hard time catching all of them if they ran in different directions. Her power is mainly focused on speed amongst a couple of other things so that a couple of them could possibly escape her is very impressive.

This is not taking into account whether or not Olivia would be able to take all of them down in a fight. If they are hiding their fighting abilities just like their speed they could very well actually be able to take Olivia on in a one on one fight.

I on the other hand would have a lot more trouble as my power relies on the undead I summoning there aren't a lot of powerful corpses here though if I had to fight them I would probably summon some undead insects to annoy them by trying to crawl up their noses mouths and kill them from the inside while I run around looking for a better corpse like a bear or a wolf or some other big predator with that that I could maybe kill one of them like that and if need be I could finish him off with a good old fireball. Then the rest I could maybe finish off with a combination of my undead beast human and insects. I'd have to divide and conquer focusing on killing one at a time and distracting the rest. This plan could work but it has some major flaws like if any of them know a half decent area of effect damage spell the insects would be quite useless and would barely provide any distraction, they could also not separate from each other, and then I'd be screwed.

Anyways that part was a very important part of the story and it isn't like the author had already thought of a fight scene but then decided to go down another route but didn't want the fight scene to never be even remotely used.

"Oh, those pieces of shit perverts. Are you girls okay? They didn't hurt you did they? The white-haired girl with a scar other her left eye and the lean muscles who the 6 idiots called Emily so I'm assuming that's her name.

She looked us other with her previously filled with rage but now with concerned green eyes

"Oh yeah everything is fine," I told her "do you maybe know those people?"

*sigh* "yeah I do know them those 2 groups of guys have been at odds with each other since forever those 6 grew up in an orphanage with each other and they've always had this competition on who could get the best girlfriends the funny thing is none of them have ever had a girlfriend because nearly everyone thinks they're gay. So they always come here to pick up girls and spy on girls neither of whichever work out as no one in their right mind would accept someone as their boyfriend who they met hiding in the bushes with 2 other guys on the way to the women's bathing area. But please don't be too mad at those guys they actually help out quite a bit as they chase away any serious criminals away from the area so there aren't really that many kidnapping and/or rape incidents on this path anymore."

"Anyway, I'll bring you two to the bathing area those guys won't be coming back again today it's too late. I'll punish them tomorrow when I see them again."

I and Olivia just nodded at her and signaled to lead the way.

Olivia walked closer to me and whispered in my right ear "something's off about this woman I don't completely trust her."

Now I personally didn't feel like anything is off about Emily but Olivia is better at sensing these kinds of thing than I am so kept what she said in mind and just in case I started discreetly preparing for the worst.

We reached the river after another couple of minutes of walking there were a couple of other girls bathing and playing in the water.

"There we are a couple of safety tips don't stray too far from the rest of the group strength in numbers and if anything bad happened you can call out and I'll come to help."

She looked at us other again only this time it was a bit uncomfortable and I understood what Olivia meant earlier.