Kill goblins

(Emily POV)

When I was about 7 years old my parents died because of an orc raid our village got completely destroyed and I had only my sister who was 15 years old she has white hair like me and green eyes like me she was training herself to become a warrior. Or for as far as I know both of my parents are dead they may as well be but it could be the orcs kidnapped mom.

We left the destroyed village and headed out to another village where our uncle lived.

My sister kept me safe the whole way there she cooked for us she set up camp she kept wild beasts at bay she had kept me safe and warm she was the only reason I survived and I was very grateful for that.

One night I really had to take a poo but sis was already asleep and I didn't want to wake her something so trivial because she already did so much for me she deserved a good night's rest so I thought I could go on my own in the forest to pee. I could have also just peed a couple of meters from the camp. I didn't need to go into the forest for privacy as it was just my sister and me and it wouldn't have been that unhygienic if I just kept it a reasonable distance away as we would leave the following morning.

But still, I was young and stupid. So I went into the forest to take a poo and as would be expected I heard a bunch of scary shit around me I heard a beast growl far in the distance I heard the wind going through the leaves.

Still, I took the poo and I used some leaves to wipe my ass.

When I started to pull up my pants I saw 3 green midgets with pointy ears and knives come out of the bushes.

I immediately screamed and tried to run away from the 3 green midgets with knives. I immediately stumbled and fell over because I didn't have my pants up yet. The 3 just cackled when they saw me fall over.

I just kept screaming for help and crawling backward as they came closer and closer. Then my back hit a tree and the one closest to me immediately jumped on me and landed in between my legs it ripped off my panties and started to lick its lips with a long slimy tongue. It was ugly when I first saw it but now up close I could see I was wrong it wasn't ugly it was hideous like gag-inducing hideous and it's smell fit its appearance it was absolutely disgusting.

I tried to kick it off but it just laughed and signaled its brethren to keep my legs down as it started to fumble with its very torn pants which had something in it pointing towards me. It had a small green pencil-like thing and started rubbing it against where I normally pee from.

Before it was done with whatever it was trying to do I'm not sure there was a piece of metal that suddenly appeared from between its eyes and then it retracted from between its eyes leaving a hole.

The green midget to my right got its head split in half and the one on my left had enough time to react and pull its dagger before it got skewered through roughly where the heart should be.

I immediately recognized my sis standing there other me with three dead bodies surrounding her and at that moment I realized I loved her.

She picked me up ran with me back to camp and first checked if I was okay and if those what she called goblins did anything weird or nasty to me. I told her I was okay and that they hadn't done anything to me apart from rubbing its pencil against my pee hole.

Sis just cried and hugged me for a while saying stuff like "it will be okay" "don't worry I'll always be there for you" and "I won't let anyone hurt you"

After a good 10 minutes of that, she stopped hugging me her expression now stern and she started scolding me for going out in the forest in the dark without her a complete 180 from her previous gentle expression.

I just cried feeling really bad because I upset sis so much. "Hey don't cry I'm sorry I'm not angry with you I was just really worried. Waking up to your screams and not seeing you in bed really scared me please don't ever scare me like that ever again just wake me up if you need to go you don't have to worry about me you just worry about yourself and I'll worry about the both of us.

*sniff* "O-okay," I said still tears in my eyes from that night on I slept with sis in one sleeping bag.

The rest of the trip went reasonably well nothing too notable till we reached the village it wasn't that big so after a little bit of looking and asking around we found his address and we knocked on his door and I remember thinking to myself now everything is going to be okay me and sis will live here then get married and live together forever.