Going berserk

(Author thingy)

My iPad has still not been repaired (as I expected) so I decided I'll just write it on my phone. There will probably be more spelling mistakes and it's kinda frustrating to write on this so if you see a spelling error tell me before Godpineapler does so he doesn't 1up me.

And you are being quite nice to me which I'm very thankful for I was expecting the first comments to be about how shit I am and some kid saying they fucked my mom and I could be like oh wooooow what a great dis I've never heard before man you must be such an original person everyone give him a round of applause for his originality man I can't even imagine being as great of a person as you it's just too much. But I'm very happy I haven't gotten anything negative yet and hopefully never will unless it's criticism but that doesn't really count. Anyway just want to say thank you

(Mia POV)

Mom stood up looking dumbfounded at her empty hands where moments before an adorable little boy named Sam was sleeping. His eyes closed and his face so very peaceful and calm. Then the next moment he just disappeared like he was never even there.

Grace the voluptuous dark elf (about whom you've only read a couple of sentences so not weird if you forgot who she is) pulled me and Valery by the arm towards the doors. Normally we wouldn't let that happen but this time we were stunned by the sudden disappearance of my precious little baby boy and we didn't even notice she had taken us by the arm.

Only when we reached the doors was it that I came to my senses and did I realize what was going to happen if we didn't get out of here as fast as we can. Valery seemed to come to the same conclusion as us.

The doors started opening but not fast enough so we started pulling on the door wherever we could get a grip.

The doors didn't really open that much faster these doors are designed to keep out even the strongest of beings there are very few things that could even make these doors budge.

As we were prying at the doors we heard behind us in a soft whisper


This got us even more desperate and we started cramming our arms and legs between the doors to get them to open faster. As they opened up a bit more we started to try and squeeze through but we quickly realized a problem or 2 to be more precise our boobs are too big we can't squeeze through yet. If I die because of my boobs then so be it it's worth it.

Normally we would be able to turn ourselves into foxes and get through like that but in the throne room there are some inscriptions and incantations that severely increase the cost for any magical actions and turning into a fox cost a lot of mana but our fox form normally makes up for this because of the fast replenishment rate it has but if we turn now we would get knocked unconscious because of lack of mana and that would be really bad.

"Where is he?....where is he?...where is he?..where is he?.where is he? where is HE?! WHERE IS HE?!! WHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHEWHEREISHE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom started screaming louder and louder she started shaking grabbing her head bending over pulling at her hair and the look in her eyes as she glanced at as was just horrifying

Then when all hope seemed lost grace finally squeezed through Valery and I quickly followed suit and we all started running towards the teleporters in the castle those are the only way out these are also a reason why teleporting out of the castle is a lot easier than in otherwise these wouldn't work but they are quite far away in the lower parts of the castle because, in theory, it could potentially be possible for someone very good at teleportation magic could maybe take a one-way teleportation gate from the castle to where ever and reverse it somehow. Though this is only possible in theory and has yet to be proven to work in practice. But that doesn't really matter as there was no real reason not to be safe instead of sorry mom has more than enough recourses to allocate to defending the teleportation room just in case and there was room to put one there.


Now, this doesn't bode well for us because mom is most definitely after us normally when she's more composed she would be able to realize we don't have him but now she's completely lost it she has no rhyme or reason I'm not completely sure what she'll do if she gets a hold of us but it most definitely isn't good.

She is the embodiment of greed and she just found the most precious thing in the world he even called her mom which I'm gonna have to take my revenge on her for that but not now. She's now lost the most precious thing to her ever and were the only ones in the room with her as he disappeared so it's understandable as to why she's acting so crazy. But why she's acting like this doesn't matter now, we need to run and we need to run fast.