Don’t skip leg day

(Author thingy)

I have the results of the test back I'm not infected with corona so that's good. What's not good is that pretty much the rest of my family is sick now and about half my class is also sick so we'll see how things go. I'm doing better I still have a mild headache and a stuffy nose but further nothing. I hope you are doing well too and we'll get through it somehow.

I'm getting a bunch of tests soon so I think my uploads won't be very regular

(Valery POV)

We started booking it for the teleported as fast as we can. Mom is in a mad rage right now and would probably not calm down before she tortures us for a couple of days and even then I'm not sure if she'll listen to reason.

Any way no reason to risk it for the biscuit because there aren't any biscuits to risk it for.

-Valery 2020

As we ran we ran past some of the maids and other staff members. We started shoving them behind us in the hope mom would be even a little bit distracted or delayed by doing so.

I threw a quick glance over my shoulder to see if it had worked and I can confidently tell you it didn't mom had walked right through the personnel and anyone who wasn't out of her way was killed.

Mom also started transforming while going after us her eyes started glowing a golden yellow she started growing golden scales started covering her arms and legs her fingers extended into claws and different colors of crystals started sprouting from her back.

It made for a beautiful yet terrifying sight.

Though luckily the process of transformation slowed her down a bit giving us more of a lead.

We started bolting through hallways going downstairs and smashing through anything in the way.

Eventually, we were nearing our destination the teleportation room if we got into one of the teleporters we could get away we wouldn't be home free completely but as long as we teleported to a random place it would be a lot harder for her to find us and if it takes long enough she might start seeing reason again and we could maybe convince her it wasn't us who took him.

But this is the last resort plan because if we get out of this alive it might have even worked in our favor that Sam got stolen away. Because what would have happened most likely if he didn't get stolen would be that mom had kept him for herself and I would never get to have him to my self again so we would have had to try and steal him from mom but now we have to steal him from whoever stole him from mom and I can guarantee you most likely it's easier and a lot safer to do that than to steal from mom.

We still have to see how we can get mom off our backs while I also obtain Sam again, maybe shift blame onto someone else but that would only be a short-term solution and she would eventually figure out I have him. I'll have to think of something.

While we were getting closer to our destination mom was also getting closer to us now only about a couple of hundred meters behind us it wouldn't take long for her to catch up to us anymore I and Mia were beside each other running's fast as possible it seems we are just as fast as one another but since were siblings I won't admit it and say I'm faster.

Grace was a couple of steps behind us as she isn't really the speedy type she's more of a magician.

There were some guards by the teleporters just in case but they were there more to sound the alarm in case of an unwanted intrusion and they keep the intruders at bay until the cavalry arrives so they aren't actually that good at fighting they are okay and know the basics.

Anyways we blasted past them no problem and we were nearing the door to the teleporter room the door is extremely sturdy probably one of the strongest ones in the castle apart from the one to the throne room. It was that strong because any enemy who could intrude by (kinda) hacking a teleportation portal must be very strong.

This gave me an idea. I summoned an imp to turn the wheel for us to close the door behind us so mom would be locked out for a bit she can probably knock the doors down but it should take long enough for me and Mia to escape. I do plan on locking grace out she will most definitely be caught by mom but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make and she would maybe slow down mom a bit who knows.

Then as if Grace can read my mind which she probably can she yelled something that complicated stuff for us a lot.