This is the story of ichabod crane, being born the market district to a wealthy crane family who win the campaign then kicking out the sugarcane family as they ruled the district for generations, ichabod was strange among the rest of the family because he wouldn't ask for most luxurious product compared to his half-sister and half-brother. All Would study at aslmlclwl university with ichabod being the only one that was interested in the governor position as his sister would oversee operations but for his brother decided to help out in foreign affairs to spread the little bird influence to other nations. Overtime ichabod became well-known for his intelligence and skills in combat, even the alll family award with the aslmlclwl medal the highest reward that only a few have achieved. One day when ichabod was walking down the street to the aslmlclwl conference to vote on laws for people while on the way a kid ran by stealing a platinum coin from his pockets then walked around an alleyway catching the kid taking the platinum coin and giving him a gold coin instead. Continuing on the conference room wondering if the kid family would be ok with a gold coin as he entered the conference room, isismot alll was waiting looking at her sandena jewelry which the family his no problem buying at the high price.
Upon entering the note atmosphere was tense members of the musket, wheel, and scythe family representative where all accounted while isismot what back to her room to read a book, Fuximot alll picking up the list of laws to pass or leave. The first one on the list was "increase the amount of money the people of little bird can carrey at any time to 18 gold, 100 silver, 200 bronze coins" with three voting on it passing it, next on the list "increase the amount of money that the people can keep in their homes to 150 gold, 500 silver, 1000 bronze coins'' with three voting on it passing it. Fuximot looking at the last three laws like he was surprised and disappointed so continued on next one "should the people have short sword" with only one vote on it not passing it, next "should people have metal armor" with only two vote not passing it, and last on the list "should the death penalty be removed for tarnishing little bird pride" with zero votes not passing it. After the conference ended ichabod started walking back home until riot blocking the shortest way so to avoid the riots taking a longer route which pestered him but had little choice as the political climate has become unstable after ichabod father killed the leader of the underground resistance group making him a hero to the alll family but as to the people of little bird not to all. While making his way through the old part of the market district then finds a dead body on the street with morbid curiosity getting the best of him to go look but was shocked that the kid from earlier with both his hands cut off causing ichabod to feel like he failed the kid.
When ichabod finally got home could not let go of the sinking feeling of shame in his heart go to rest as he returned to his studies with a strange voice in start talking "looking behind will get what your aching heart desires" upon looking behind finds a strange box, walking to it a feeling like something about it was nostalgic. Opening the box to find a letter addressed to nobody, finding it strange read it to maybe got an idea "go to Sleepy hollow their you will find what you need in life, when in jeopardy your so companion and friend be there by your side, a good maiden will help your blackest times" wondering on what it means got to sleepy hollow. Go his bookshelf for a map of local towns which a teacher given him for doing favor and saw sleepy hollow marked on the map so makes preparation tomorrow trip, in the morning his father asking where "what destination delighted you enough to what to go to a town" with ichabod responding "to convert their them to the side of little bird of course" the father looking proud wishing him luck on journey. After three weeks on the dry and dusty dirt road, ichabod arrives at Sleepy hollow with everyone staring at he in confusion wondering why a noble form little bird would ever what to go or let alone be interested in a town of farmers and tailor as he continued noticed that a kid was looking at a book thinking to himself that maybe in this town there would be some interesting books. When the kid asked "what book you're reading" but to his shock said she doesn't know how to read with the mayor walking to him to inform ichabod there no school in this town unless he wants to convert what was originally going to be weapon storage with an immediately accepted offer to become a teacher.
While the mayor was taking him to the weapon talking about a weapon shipment never arrived with ichabod saying "maybe the wheel family had something to do with it because they sometimes buy stuff they do not need" with the mayor intrigued on how a family can be so greedy. When getting to the weapon storage noticed horseshoe nailed to the door with the mayor wishing him luck on the cleaning since no one like the little bird people while he was walking away ichabod what inside to see cobwebs, rats, and even a dark bird was nesting in there, seeing as nobody ever decided to uses in years for good reason. As he was about to start cleaning he heard a knock on the door to his surprise that the attractive lady offered to help clean the mess then while the two were making it less terrifying for children, the attractive lady revealed that she was actually mayor's daughter Jessica lettice. Jessica show appreciation toward ichabod and treses his jew nose, remarking on how strange it is to see a jew born into nobility as the resistance group was killed off in that horrendous city with him responding "I heard that they were just extremist group so was I lied to, were they just trying gives people freedom" "yes they been doing that for years, I'll let you borrow the book" later that night they finished. Since it late jessica made a quick bed for them in the basement because they can be dangerous with bandit groups kidnapped women exclusively at night, ichabod goes to grab a book from his wagon to read before going to sleep, jessica saw the book recognized it asking "how do the rich get that hands on such rare books because some folks risk their lives trying to acquire such works'' with him responded, "It's not uncommon for alll family to purchased them from travelers to be plese in the aslmlclwl library to safely stored for generations'' after the two talked for a while they what to sleep.
In the morning they started moving around furniture to make the storage look more friendly for the kids to have fun learning, jessica ask "the townsfolk believe that the people in little bird only have schools for the rich is that true or partially" ichabod answering "the poor only have the right to language, writing and business but for the rich they have the right to kind of class like weapon combat, hand to hand combat, blacksmithing, geography, carpenting, and architecture also it a rare sight to see the poor in rich classes" with her fascinated. After finishing putting up books jessica kissed ichabod before returning her farmhouse while ichabod goes to the mayors to inform him that the school was ready with the mayor surprised that a noble from little bird wouldn't leave after seeing how dirty it was and congratulate him on being the first and will inform the rest of the town then wish him luck on gaining the townsfolk trust. So in the next morning ichabod was excited to see how many students he would get on the first day, saw three coming to the school as he greeted them with open arms and started the lessons while the students where have fun learning math, history, and art after the first day more kids showed up with parents seeing their kids happier, in three months, people in the town started to warm up to the idea of noble being there in Sleepy Hollow. As his students were retelling the story that ichabod was reading to them, william giralda came back from a trip to joakke ur nafka in north malhen to visit family comes to see the school that everyone was talking about but to his disappointment saw ichabod and jessica together then proceeded to pick up heavy rock with ease and walked to them dropping it on the ground sterling the two after getting his attention. William telling ichabod "why is a jew from little bird doing here and are not draining the people future for personal gain" ichabod not surprised says "the political violence is a big reason why I left because it has been increasing since the underground resistance was killed off" jessica breaking up the two and saying "save it for the festival the crowds would love to see a good rivelley" with william leaving.
After what happened ichabod finish the day then goes to the bar to get so of the town beer, upon getting and taking set at the bar with the bartender formally welcoming and thanking him for becoming a teacher as the bartender child serving beer to the guests, he asks for the town specialty while the bartender was making it he spotted william. William in a drinking contest with some of the others guests downing 30 bottles of wine as his opponent fell drunk on the floor then bartender came back tells him that william always wanted to try dieu feu a rare noble wine which is rumor to be strong to be enough to kill a whale with ichabod saying "it rarely is based on availability of rare plant found on the ogrean mountain it really hard to harvest with people dying while trying to collect as much as possible" with the bartender becoming interested. The next morning during one of the lessons, one of ichabod students what their teacher informing on the traditional that the town had for generations waiting for magical orb to glow which created a festival around the once a year occurrence with ichabod asking ���does it glow in a specific day or time of year" with the student telling him it random, then it glows is when the festival starts. Ichabod asks "what are the games and activities in this festival" with his student telling him that a contest with three round and different goals each, this year is going to be blacksmithing, carpeting, and stone carving with jessica attending it each and every year but as he was more interested about magic object. After school was over ichabod take a horse to jessica farmhouse about the book she mentioned back when he got help, upon arriving hears a scream goes to the fields and spots nekloss from blood mountain region which is a rare occurrence to see creatures from that wander outside of their native habitats but if left alive it can slaughter whole towns.
Ichabod the nearest scythe cutting into the nekloss left arm saving one of the farmers trying to defend themselves with jessica looking from the window while he frantically tries to end it terror as quickly as possible, managing to cut off the claws the right hand but when dodging, the beast swing it left arm breaking the scythe and cutting into ichabod left arm rendering it useless. As ichabod barely dodges next swing as he grabs the blade of the scythe shoving it in between the paw of the creature causing it to lose it balance giving one of the farmers a chance to use a spear stabbing it into the eye killing the nekloss for good, jessica running out to see ichabod arm with remarking " they do not teach this in aslmlclwl university" with her responding "thanks for helping without you the rest of the farmer would have been dead" with beginning treat the wound. The farmer that delivered the killing blow when up to ichabod thanking he and formally introducing himself as goz zok, after she warped his wound and use fabric meant for repairing jessica mother armored dress while in the farmhouse she asked "did you come for the book I mentioned back then, sorry about not bringing it to you got really busy" with ichabod saying "I understand, was busy with the school especially with the rowdy children which was a pain in the ass at first as im new to teaching" with her hugging him. Afterward ichabod what to the bar with the bartender from yesterday asking about how to order so dieu feu while he was informing the bartender on where to get a bottle, william come in after finishing doing so hunting and spotted his arm recognizing fabric immediately go set next to ichabod asking "what happen to your arm, it seems odd that a jew would be using that fabric to hold together his arm" responding "jessica was in endanger form a wandering nekloss so came in to help" william clutching his fist. William asking "while I was hunting, jessica farmhouse was attack by nekloss thinks but the winner of the festival get to proposal" then get up to set back at his usual spot with everyone discussing and placing bets on how far ichabod will win one of the games, later that night ichabod could not sleep that night as his left arm was resting, decided to read the book to relieve himself of this feeling until he fell asleep.
Jessica came knocking on the door in the early morning waking up ichabod making his way up the stairs to open the door to greet her as it was his day off lets her in and what to make some tea with jessica looking concerned because the talk of the town is that william challenged the newcomer for her hand in marriage. When ichabod came back with the tea she asked "so william being rough, really wish he would just look past the surface and not just judge a book by it's cover" responding "it ok honestly I was expecting this but to this decree it tury surprise me" then after jessica finish the tea, give a box form goz zok with him opening it up to short sword styled after gaskzako warclub, asking "are you from gos dao fidee" responding "yes my mother was exiled for reasons I don't even know but what she always said gask are tricksters and liars well find a way to cheat a fight over a fair battle" why is your name not in the gask language. "That is because my mom doesn't want to be discovered but she was found dead in the fields" now setting next to her giving hugging and said "Im sure what your mother did was keep you out of the conflict of her doing" now that they found the common ground a new worry about festival coming tomorrow as the work out a game plan before jessica returned, ask "after this is over will you win because I like you ichabod" later that day started writing a letter. Which was addressed to joelkon som the blacksmith teacher that everyone likes but had to return to his family until hearing about the death of his master it not know what his up to with many of the students wondering if everything will, then what to sleep upon the completion of the letter. On the day of the festival got dressed for the occasion while walking to the site of the contest with the townsfolk looking upon making it, William start mocking him about the arm until goz zok arrived to be ichabod left arm with william saying "this is between me and the jew, got lost farmer" responding "i'm actually the jews left arm so please respect his disability arm and only play out actions ask me to" william laughing.
With the townsfolk taking their seats to watch the rivelley unfold in front of them with ice wood coming from hokuu woods in north malhen for use this year with ichabod comment "it must have taken ages to get here" with goz zok replying, "It's not uncommon for bandits to steal the wood because of it high quality" ichabod touching it. Feeling the surface that was cold but rough when the mayor's loading up his musket firing at the bell signifying to start of the first contest with ichabod cutting from the top with breeze of cold air shot into his face as they carved away, revealing cold icy look of the wood becoming colder as they continue. Managing to finish at the same time as william when come to show their statue to judges with william showing his statue of a Valkyrie holding the excalibur with 26 votes which really impressed with his work then came time to judge ichabod work showing off a statue of a dullahan protecting a young maiden while holding the durandal with judges equally as impressed giving 25 votes. After a very close game every got to having fun with activities, he was using leftover wood to make toys for the kids in the festival while Willian was showing off his strength ignoring good deed ichabod was doing until they were done go up to the two "how offed were you using money to solve your problem" ichabod responding "rarely because the rich and business owners overcharge for services at an attempt to suck us dry". Goz zok saying "that would explain why you know your craft" willian saying "really, I heard stories of how noble eat feast worth of food to show superiority over lowlings" ichabod responding "they all died of being fat and lazy since then no one in the higher class neglected their bodies also would like to borrow books on health" willian then walking away.
On the second day of the festival the contest was a stone carving with ichabod looking worried goz zok asking "what you worries about you should be able to win my okked" responding "no, it is not that but the technique I usually use is rendered useless here" william overhearing the two, walks to say "it look like the jew hit a dry pouch" why so arrogant. Goz zok responding "did you have bad experience the jew because is insulting" william saying "left arm do not talk" before leaving, the two giant stone form the ogrean mountain rich in minerals the two got really for to begin carving with goz zok holding the hammer when mayors shooting the bell after one swing ichabod saying "slow down willian may cheated by giving us a poorly made nail. The two now having to work slower while their opponent was making it look easy with william finishing first and half hour later ichabod finish as will now showing off their statue, william presenting his statue of jessica as a queen getting 28 votes which impressed the judges with the respect for mayors daughter. Then came time to presenting a dullahan riding a gorgeous horse holding the durandal in the air getting 28 votes marking as tie, jessica looking hopeful that he will win the contest and does not approve of seeing william cheating but was happy to see ichabod overcome the trickery later the afternoon at the bar everyone placing bets on who will win the contest with william downing 35 bottles of wine smashing each one on the table until one broke and got stuck.
Getting up walking while pulling a piece of the table to ichabod with an angered face throwing it at the empty set next to him with ichabod saying "after the festival I will bring a bottle of dieu feu for everyone" with his turning into satisfied look before leaving, later that night at the school he choosing a bottle to take to the final hour celebration. On the final day of the festival, the town blacksmith got the tools really for them goz zok remarking on how william isn't coming shit on you then asking "you did something to make him stop talking to you" responding "maybe but I think it something that was said at the bar" the bell rings. The two working at a similar paste with william pulling out old box of jewelry to incorporate into the sword, ichabod using silver cross form the aslmlclwl church to shape into a sword while the both using holy water to temper the blades, as they form the metal it start to glow lightly and by the time the sword were finish it stop glowing. William was the first to show his sword perfect replica of excalibur with judges amazed by it when came time percent the cutting ability a pig carcass the excalibur it cut clean through get 29 vote, it was ichabod time percent his sword the durandal which blacksmithing teacher gave instructions in a once, which amazed the judges more and ask "william you put some armor on pig carcass" william immediately agree and bring an old chest plate put it pig carcass. Slashing at it cuts like butter with everyone surprised and shocked with the judges giving 35 votes winning the contest later that night at the bar william looking down by his loses until he smell strong alcohol coming the entrance, it was ichabod with bottle of dieu feu with every looking at the size of the bottle which every one free up a table to place cup of wine.
When the bartender open the bottle most of the folks in the bar fainting from the smell alone, william baying more attention as the bartender starting to fill up cups one by one the townsfolk falling down drunk with only a few able to down a cup when everyone but the bartender and ichabod then william immediately pick up the bottle drinking it in one go. Take out steel balls from one folks drunk body and juggling then putting them back in the bag of folk declaring "the bottle of dieu feu is now my at last, thinks ichabod for this opportunity truly" responding "think for respect there, now would you be up for a final challenge" agreeing asking "what is it that you have in mind were in the final hours of the festival" that we race to see who gets to jessica farmhouse first. To propose yes "exactly i've prepared two horses of equal speed for the trip" the two go to horses as they were going the same route for while until ichabod broke route for a longer one initially confusing william as continued on shorter route, for some time it was normal up until an illuminating purple light came from behind turning his head to look it was a dullahan dress as if it was a part of the holy army of joakke ur nafka with a matching basket hilt falchion. Turn a different direction in an attempt to lose it but no matter what he did it still followed and followed while the dullahan becoming more aggressive along the way, now tired and fearing that the worse may come make a return to the town as receive a light cut on his back upon reaching his house drop asleep on the floor.
The next morning William woke up tired wondering what he saw that night was real before long heard knocking behind him seeing ichabod was with jessica at his door with what appeared to be holding the bottle of dieu feu he forgot at the bar that night. Ichabod putting a box on his table containing the parrying dagger and rapier of d'artagnan expressing gratitude for his first defeat with immediately put them up on the wall which is when he noticed a light cut on his back, "How did you get that cut on your back" "it must of been from a tree branch" the three of them laughing it off jessica asking "not to be nosely how did your family own that treasure''. It has been in the family for as long as I can remember, three weeks later the two got married and later had a child named jachebod krane.
Aslmlclwl = alll