Glass slipper (1574)

This is the story of Cinderella Calyhony, being born in espoir de cristal to hard working blacksmith family know in the kingdom for high quality armor and arms also being recognized by the king himself which ask hovert calyhony along with gohadem calyhony, making the Gilno de cristal while getting bless by the church of gikxuk. When news hit of gohadem pregnancy it was around the time many came to become an apprentice with only one being accepted the son of the mountain man jolved hod working in the shoes store before, gaining great proficiency in the techniques that even the kingdom folks joke about him having other kids but when cinderella born it wasn't as happy, gohadem died during childbirth of which hurt he deeply in the heart. In honor of the gohadem name made a decorative sword that will never be used in battle, the apprentice taking up most of the work while he took care of Cinderella and hiring wet nurses to help breastfeed the child. In her youth she was quite troublesome due to the lack of a mother figure as cinderella wasn't into same thing as the other girls often getting into fights but that a friend of hovert came to visit Fynlo korr, a strange fellow met in a performance at the kingdom of joekvon always dressing in female fashion without the dress. Though him was able to teach cinderella the value of helping other in while knowing the limitations of the body after a while she got into less trouble but made some enemies with some kids from little bird that threatened to stab her for beautiful looks and outlooks on life, the parents weren't any better as they saw themselves above anybody else and would get angry about being treated the same as everybody else.

One day when cinderella gone to a plaseat then the little bird gang until a eastarn woman by the name of ibat hadd came to the help and walked her back home then getting farming tool called kunai but one thing that stuck out the most was after they meet ibat they were never seen again. Then a hunter found one of the bodies dead and presumed that all were dead or enslaved. Cinderella can you go the bakery lady for the waterbarry bread "for crying out loud she has a name you never asked for" "also if your not interested in blacksmith why not stand in line for to become the next princess" "it's too much for me i'm not cut out to rule over the kingdom of espoir de cristal" walking out the door, one of des days your going to become a princess. Hello the usual "yes think Gilcolm" "is he still trying to convince you to become the princess" "ever since he befriended king gowen in a drinking contest a spot was reserved for me" "luckily only a few get that chance, here" "what this" "it jolved favorite" while walking the fortune teller fandollin bathory a female that should be helpless as she alway has blindfold covering her eyes with everyone thinking she faking her blindness. One of our dancers has fallen deeply ill and would like so help please there not many other women as pretty as you "all right with be there for rehearsal but when will I be expected" "tomorrow if you can't today" "thank my father is cooking meat in the backyard will see tomorrow" upon making it back saw both jolved and hovert "get the deer out sweetheart" going to dig up the deer meat to cut it into pieces while the two drink from the alcohol barrel. When the food made it to them by the time they finished eating, the table and floor was a mess with the two sleeping on the couch.

After cleaning and going back to her room saw a purple glow letter opening it "your female knight was of great help defending our town from the black puppets. Please accept this coin of appreciation.`` Looking at the coin it shows a painting of a female knight with a holy sword similar to the Gilno de cristal putting it with the kunai. In the morning going to theater for rehearsal with many of the other dancer complemented her looks afterward fandollin gave a purple ring to Cinderella upon going home seeing hovert on couch coughing and wheezing "father at you ok you seem ill" struggling to breathe "ye-s" going to lad him down "it that illness that doctor have not found a remedy" "no there a witch that can help" "time against us" holding different kinds medicines. I try everything when fandollin inform me of the illness "the witch of medicine is too far from tailland" "exactly" tearing up "please do not do that it not look of a princess" wiping away the tears "please collect me some white angels they were your mother favorites" laying on the couch. In the morning, going to rehearsal with fandollin fully aware of her father has one of the dancer bring her some upon leaving saw jolved at the door with a casket "you have the flower I know it hard but we could not tell you because we don't to worry you nor risk your life for a useless endeavor" helping him out to move her father body and to bury the casket as the flowers planted with first sword jolved ever made place for the grave marker. Fynlo korr coming to visit but saddened to learn of his recent passing after much talking the two what to sleep, in the morning, a knock at the door alerting fynlo "it most by some friends of hovert" "who this devil reject" looking shocked "who are you" looking disgusted "has my twin not spread my word prophetic" cinderella looking her began going her dads to lock it and hide the key in a hidden compartment of her room.

What happen to my sister "she died during childbirth" "how rude of her to leave before my vision" cinderella coming down the stairs "hadem calyhony long time no see" "I no longer go by that improper name call me hauhabod crane you heretic" fynlo trying to claim her down then the daughters come in Immediately on first sight he was able to tell that they all had different fathers but did not mention it at first. So why are you taking this new name "Im a part of the crane family so to be owner of the market district" the three girls come in sitting together on the other couch "let me introduce to my three angels more crane, ibott crane, and Ishikawa crane" cinderella looking concern "how you found a husband to lay down with" no they all leave me because of my rich personality. As hauhabod to go on a ranting fynlo offered up tea to everyone upon bring it managed to calm them down with praise then cinderella showed them to the guest room after waking down stairs while he give her a letter "it for fandollin ill stay it made sure that nothing goes awry. When making it to the theater fandollin stilling there "why at you late did something happen" "hadem happen" "now that rotten unripe goblin come after your parent death would you like to arrange an assassination" "no she will be responsible for her own death" laughing "I know she came to one and was angry about her death" right here a letter from fynlo. Good to know how considerate of fynlo trio are will make sure get in private meeting he "I let him know after rehearsal" afterward going to bakery for some bread, Gilcolm eke was holding gold and white stone sphere polish to perfection at the size of her hand "it you cinderella, was meant for hovert it took forever came so now it your" giving her the box.

Upon returning home fynlo was reading a book "you reading lucifer rising that such rere find now a day" closing the book "indeed stole it for that reason alone" "did you deliver the letter" sitting up "yes i'm assuming that it important" yes it's for show in ver de sable a friend of mine wanted foreign performers for this show. In the morning, when cinderella woke up with a cold chill down her spine rushing down the stairs to the kitchen to see the icebox was open and then closing, turn to her left seeing more was asleep on the flood with a mess taking this chance get a bucket and broom, stilling there looking at more but she wake up "i'm not your slave I you slut" immediately bolting out to up stairs. Fynlo coming in seeing her clean up immediately ran to her "no you have the rehearse to go I'll do this for you and go the market for you" "thanks" giving him a quick list and walking to theater with fandollin with for some last minutes precipitants "good you made it on time is that hadem causing more trouble then it worth" she a horrible mother if nothing is done to them there going to die. Upon getting home see fynlo shirtless giving him a funny look "it not what it look like it was one of the daughters lift the heating box on" "not surprised but it seem there gone" "yes some peace and quiet at last" jolved going through the door "finally the damn disrespectful pest do you have the sphere" yes what is it for. Just wait and see "you heard him" going to look for a lock for the icebox "locking the icebox good idea" returning to her room to read after hours hadem and her daughters with a loud scream "the icebox is locked that slut of gohadem did it" loud footsteps and slamming on the door ignoring it to writing letters many of hovert friend to inform them of his passing.

The next morning, waking up to a foul odor at her door upon checking it but find human waste "hadem daughters most have done this" fynlo come in morning "Cinderella have something important I need you to do" looking at him "my door is dirty not right now" going the stairs placing his expensive upper female wear on the waste in her way. Thank you shouldn't have "here a letter I need you to take it to a green cajack in town" "come to think why are helping me like this you didn't give the look of down to earth person" "appearances are deceiving by nature you can't everyone with a blind eye regardless of sex, status, and behavior" "we talk more after rehearsal" upon making it to near the theater, there was the green cajack but was too crowded to go. Do we have a problem here "yes fynlo what me to deliver a letter but too crowded" signing to a staff member "give this to the green cajack" going up to crowded "not to worry she has it" afterward heading back saw two of hauhabod daughters more and ibott throwing their waste at the house of gilcolm concerned moved out of site to find some guards to stop them. Upon returning home saw fynlo in a skirt "is a part of your performances" "it a part of being a traveling jester you most play the man and woman parts also was hadem alway so rude" from what I seen her do and heard from my father yes" "not surprising trying to hit me while calling me a creep from hell" after fynlo left and hours passed. Awoken by loud door slam "how dare they lock you angels in for bad behavior and accuse you of slinging your shit" hearing footsteps up the stairs with slamming at door "how you hurt my daughters" with banging continuing for a bit until it finally stop as she was about to sleep saw a purple bird with a letter, a festival is on the way and special dress is being made for your honor of the Calyhony family.

The next morning, see a that rock has broken her window goes downstairs with fynlo waiting there "good morning it seem that nobody is here" "Cinderella I have important news so please be careful in three days I'll start making my trip to ver de sable" "right safe trip to your show" going to the theater as see some dead squirrels. After making to the theater fandollin looked relieved "the daughter are killing squirrels and throwing them at other also please go check on gilcolm father" "did something happen" nodding yes making it to the farm to spot him on ground rushing to his aid "are you ok" touching his forehead "you a nasty fever" dragging him to his bed then looking in her medicine pouch to get a med ball after four hour awoken to the site of Cinderella and gilcolm. What happen got sick while working I guess "you were poisoned unfortunately" "and you were saved in time to fortunately" looking at cinderella "just like your father alway preparing for the possible worse or best" "but anyway how did this happen" "a sandena-looking girl came offering a round cake then before I knew that happen" father it's not your fault" gilcolm take this box to her next med sun. wasn't there a about the poor being poisoned by the rich in little bird "sound interesting will check the library out after fandollin show" isn't that tomorrow" "yes and hadem daughters are likely to try and ruin it" "after my experience the stalker like knowledge of fandollin is a savior but did she send you here" nodding yes, it scares me on how much that blind faker knows but is it a witch thing I swear. You should go home i'll go and notify guards but if she did it before that fine too "hope you make it to the show" while walking back home saw the girls getting chase by some guards upon returning home and going to her room see a letter "make earlier than usual the small murderous insects will be running around with daggers" then loud screaming broke the piece and quiet.

The next morning, upon getting up see a package with a letter and putting it under her bed for when she get back from the theater but also noticed the daughters were not home again "are they tired of my presence" walk to the front door there was a note "you going to died" tearing the paper, moving on to the theater. Along the way saw ibott with a dagger knowing the bad blood between them saw a guard nearby "one of hadem daughters has a dagger and will cause harm to other" the guard nodding upon making to fandollin she looking relieved "good your here the insects are running around daggers" "I know saw and death threat on the front door" "are you sure you don't what to set up assassination" like I said she will be responsible for her own death. Yes one were a crowd of people will watch a previous victim strikes her down "that the reason why the folks find you strangely obsessed with death and yet you elegant demeanor everything else" "it a part my charm" going the backstage saw that must of the dancing dresses were ripped, one of the dancer comes up "someone picked the lock on back door" who do we have to kill. Do we have extra "yes they in a basement but it a secret so you have still have" after coming back with the extra dresses after the preparation the show proceed smoothly and was given a package at the end along with some guard escorting her home "my thinks to king gilno" going back to her room to look at the other package "a gift of my departed wife we at the eke family like you to be at your peak beauty for the festival. The dress was kept clean and safe since the day of the wedding ceremony. - eke family" looking at the package. Opening it was another dress it was gorgeous but a demonic screaming hadem broke the silence "you guards were chasing around my angels some dagger you rerelease Ishikawa and more at once" after some hour she was taken away by the guards with ibott in the guests room screaming at something not want to disturb just what to sleep.

In the morning, waking to a silence that was oddly relieving even when going to the guests room door heard a crying from ibott on the other side leaving her to make it the shoes store "they need some rapaiding" indeed they do" "leaving them on the workbench and go read at the library" upon arriving saw the librarian carrying little bird history book. Kind librarian may I ask to read the book "why the sudden interest" "have some relatives form little bird" "the three rich snobs and unfortunately that good for nothing mother is your tree too" leading her to a room on the second floor "here were the ones I was carrying you may request others" upon reading while looking normal at the beginning but start to notice the inaccurate of events. Historical characters placed in point the make no sense with information missing and other contradicting past information but to her dismay it like the people have to give up their freedom to live there after reading goes up to the librarian "how did you acquired such work of confusion" "a thief bring them as her group was hired to steal them from the aslmlslwl library" "that impressive" you really do resemble your father in character. Think I,ll be on my way "safe travel princess Cinderella" upon exiting saw ibott chasing a dog not wanting anything to do with it head to the shoes store seeing the shoes on the workbench "they finished so did hovert pass them onto you because they fit as you have a similar character" "but do not want to be the princess I know i'm in line for it looks like a impossibly large responsibility for me" that what your father said to his grandfather. Here a box it has what your life need and wear the shoes with the dress it fit you that jüngling will be prove of you, after making the trip to home saw that hadem, Ishikawa, and more behind her so cinderella speed walk back home after making it, goes to her room unboxing the give it was a dress of magnificent quality that going to sleep for festival tomorrow.

In the morning, getting dress for the festival activities with a knock on the door as yet again they were gone upon opening the door gilcolm "there is a special on hard shell bugs and your coming" garbing her hand take cinderella to festivities ground fandollin bosses around so of the worker on how to set up the crystal lights. Upon making to the plaseat with fombell hod bring their food "here eat up princess and my son has a give for you at the dance tonight" "thank I'll make on time for my father" while eating saw hadem and her daughters being forced to work at setting up decoration along with remainder of the crystal lights. After finish their meal "let go and fun with some of the games here" grabbing her to take her to a shooting range being host by jolved with crystal locks made by him "princess your here" "there seem to be some prices are they handmade" gilcolm going up to one "let try to win the decorative arrow" "oh your have to hit all the targets for that sweetie" putting up black glass stone skulls but she only got half. She try her hand on the game and got hit all the targets "my father show me at a young age while we what hunting before" "not surprising your father was good shoot so here" giving a box with the decorative arrow inside it after some hour cinderella return home to but more, ibott, and Ishikawa wearing the dresses for occasion. The girls stormed off leaving cinderella without a dress go to her room to find the lock was pick, collapsing on her knees in tears "so then my sweet daughters have something for you" looking up to see purple ghost of her father "hey take this" receiving a dress that the god gikxuk would give it childs for this occasion "here are glass slipper made of blue diamond" thinks father for all you have done.

Once at the festivities everyone couldn't take their eye of her with the prince immediately stopped dancing with ibott then directly to cinderella to begin dancing after the event was over the what to the castle as they were walking fandollin waiting at the entrance "welcome your majesty please follow me to your residence" that a fancy word room my room. Yes fortune tellers are a unique breed, going into her new room to begin fortune telling sessions afterward invitations were sent to family, relatives and friends with jolved binging gauntlets made from gold and white stone sphere.

The day after the wedding ceremony, hauhabod, more, ibott, and Ishikawa at cinderella house "we were not invita that slud of gohadem" throwing a apple at ibott "why don't we just kill her" more stabbing a knife into the table "the creepy jester will sell us into slavely" ibott sharpening a dagger "ishikawa give the crescent head arrow to snap that neck" hauhabod locking at a book. Find there a law of which if the princess is dead or killed in any way a relative of one has to replace the princess "let's make a plan for tomorrow" the next day, each of the three getting into position to assassinate cinderella. Ibott goes to the plaza and carefully follow her upon they were in a place to stab the princess but some guards ambushed ibott trying her down to be put into the jailhouse of which to be executed at a later date. More going into a maid plaseat to become a maid when the princess and prince with cinderella needing to the lady room but all of the conner of his eye saw more putting poison one of the three tea cup, another maid saw it too so once the tea where place the prince got up "let go over here and talk" as the maid switch the teas around when she came back to drink third cup. Walking out excited at the prospect of the wedding ceremony but starting to feel dizzy and collapsing on the ground succumbing to the poison later for the body to collect and burnt.

Ishikawa climbed up a tree near the art house to get a good arm at Cinderella neck as she was really to fire a sharp pain hit her foot with an unnatural force adjusting her have the heart pierced by one of spikes on the fence. Upon getting stabbed she saw her pull down a scarf phasing through the metal with beautiful divine yet so anonymous "no hard feeling the books dictate your final moments rest here" later the body was found and burnt like the other. it was discovered that hadem already left espoir de cristal despise searching for the whole but since that day the king gilno the fifth declared it illegal for people born in little birds to enter.