This is the story of Nakecabod crane, hearing her adopted brother going about nonsense spreading your influence to a poor town that can't help but be interested in politics of little bird then he head to a poor town later that day nakecabod grandma got sick nakecabod remembering the magic mushrooms she got from a hooded merchants selling exotic foods then made medicine with the mushrooms. As Nakecabod tells her dad about a mushroom cave to the west Nakecabod dad giving a golden sword with jeweled blue diamond, food to last the trip, golden jeweled armor, and war horse with golden jeweled armor then when on course to the cave along the way the spot a group of bandits that lets her pass on through finding it strange that they didn't try to rob her. After traveling for some time Nakecabod spot a lake thinking it safe to wash herself then strip to bath in the lake but upon entering everything seemed normal until one of the bandits took the armor, sword, and horse but instead ran to the trees as in something wasn't right climbed one of them waited until nightfall then spotted the bandits searching for her immediately seeking shelter in a long abandoned cabin. Then finds a bag in the old bucket of water right next to a decaying body but seen that someone killed him earlier but was curious on what was in the bag upon opening it up to find a rusty old lamp then an angry fat old wrinkly skin ugly green looking genie came flying out taking a good look a Nakecabod demanding to know where he is. Nakecabod info the genie that he's in the country of malhen, looking confused like he was not familiar with the land then saw the situation she was in offer to grant some wishes to help alleviate the problem at hand nakecabod wish for new clothes with gaveston under chainmail, a saex then the genie pointed to a nearby town.
Nakecabod goes to the nearby in hope of finding someone that can remove the rust from the lamp upon entering the town of old Aleyn spot some slave from little bird wondering if there family don't what to buy them back then saw one of her old friends that were free then Vorgell wheel saw nakecabod going to her to greet her. Nakecabod happy to see her again they go and drink at the bar but some get suspicious so when one of the men what to ask the name of Nakecabod so she gave him false one Jenkyn Calibrid then the men where she from then asker with espoir de cristal then he looked at her bag noticing that a rusty lamp poking out so tells her that his brother run a store that specializes repairing personal belongings. Vorgell take her to an inn that she owned then ask how the situation at little bird is but wasn't surprised by the faet it getting worse Nakecabod ask how she acquired her freedom which vorgell said she earned it through helping the town as the other that kept refusing were sold by the mayor since he saw them as slut. In the morning she saw that the lamp was missing then a vorgell servant came to her room bringing the lamp as the men brother removed the rust form it revealing a silver lamp with slot for jewel but it seems someone has already stolen them a long time ago after putting it back in her bag then was given a book on ver de sable history. Then when nakecabod exited the the inn to be presenting a horse for her travels then vorgell come to give her with an old map that may show the location of mushroom cave then info her that there are dangerous groups that are out there and gave a good luck charm to Nakecabod then thinking vorgell for parting gift.
On the way to the mushroom cave the genie manifested next to Nakecabod commenting on how strange that vorgell knew about the trip with Nakecabod agree then saw an old castle the genie then info that somebody is following her and there not from old Aleyn immediately move to the castle to be stopped by witches asking what business they have. Nakecabod tells the witches what happen but they restrained her for suspicion of being a thief then was taken to the leader wearing a black pig mask a rare breed of pig that the rich will often own as pets but rarely eaten due to their scarcity then the leader ask once again what her business. Then the genie come in his human form to her aid with a mirror to display the person that was following them then spoke to the witch leader if Nakecabod can stay a night in a jail cell with her belongings after much negotiation the leader finally agreed to let her stay a night in a cell only if the genie help out in ritual later tonight. The witch leader ask the genie if she can examine the lamp noted that the jewelry that were once imbued with gem with magical amplify his power when attached then how he lost gems the genie said believes that the thief from his time must have stolen them or someone task with cleaning the lamp must have done something stupid with it. The witch leader then took the genie to the ritual site as one of her brothers was killed by a group of bandits three day age earlier then gave instructions on to perform it after the ritual was done. The witch leader gave a magic enhanced charm to the genie to help restore some of his lost power.
In the morning Nakecabod was escorted out of the castle then gave directions to a town in a dangerous part of the forest in order to pass the swamp without contracting a disease from the insects thanking the witch leader for kindness then started to her destination the genie would manifest with a brighter green grow then grab the ver de sable history book. Nakecabod asked the genie if he was looking for anything specific then responded that he was always interested in what happened to his brother then explained that he was created for two purposes as his brother were created with only one then she asked what was his purpose. Then explained that he was created to be loyal to his owner and be able to protect them as for brothers the blue one was to only be loyal but unable to them then the red one was for war generals to lead them to victory before could get to specific he senses a group people behind then told her to go off the path. The genie uses his magic to turn them invisible when they did Nakecabod take a good look at group following them realizing the bandits that stolen everything from her while in lake then the genie has a plan to eliminate them from the picture to ensure safer travel as for they are unsure on how much power the group holds the area. Then hide in the area the bandits decided to camp in with the genie using his magic created a green mase that poisons the food to ensure they do not wake up in the morning after they go to sleep upon waking up to see that the plan work then Nakecabod starts going through there stuff to discover the golden jeweled sword to still be intact then gave it to the genie since she has no use for it with him removing the jewels to reform them to fit the lamp then imbue them with magical properties and charging the material of the sword to be useful.
Then Nakecabod arrives at the town the witch leader mentioned the town of hejan but upon entering the genie transforms into his human form then as they enter the town people stared the genie as the sword now charged into khopesh as a group people came in pushing Nakecabod out of the way then attacked but he fatally wounded the attacker. the genie said to the attacker that if his apprentice is hurt in any way they will not be so kind next time with everyone watching and not help attacker up Nakecabod and the genie go the mysterious store with a shady one eyed old man then ask if they were here for crystal repellent as almost everyone came for but when Nakecabod for price price then the shady one eyed old man replied with it be easier with your body. At that the genie ask for how much gold it would it but the shady one eyed old man gave an unreasonable price then left because Nakecabod feeling uncomfortable being in there then gone to the inn in town to come up with a way to steal the crystal repellent then when finally came up with a plan. Then to wake up to the smell of purple fire to then jump out the window to the ground below but a group of people blaming the genie for the fire then started attacking both of them but when Nakecabod draw out her saex to notice a purple grow on it which allowed her to cut through armor after fending off the group calls for the horse. When they were out of range of hejan the genie return to his original form but Nakecabod noting how strange that her blade emitted a purple glow then the genie manifest info that was a phenomenon that happens randomly to most people but no one is able to under or find a source then handed the crystal repellent which was looted during the fight responding with it don't go as planned but was glad out of that place.
When entering swamp the genie still in his lamp as he was only able to grab one crystal repellent as Nakecabod journeyed in to find that the fate of all who wander without the crystal repellent as for all insects avoid her like the plague along with some inhuman monsters wandering around screeching but would run away. Even when night fell the creatures avoid the area altogether after some time found an abandoned village but when she got off the horse he followed her as not to lose to aura of the crystal then started looking for suitable resting place as most if not all was converted to hives but when she did find a barn covered with hives. Nakecabod goes to the barn door but was shut from the other side but when she tries to go through an opening in the wall but the horse bit down on her shoulder not letting go afterwards she just decided to camp instead with her horse staying by her side by the morning horse was ready to go when hopping on her horse then left the swamp. When she was at a safe distance the genie manifest was relieved to see Nakecabod was alright then ask if anything interesting happens then info he of the hives and creatures that wander around the swamp with disgust and intrigued. A fortune teller was waiting for them at the entrance of a cave but she had a strange appearance as most do wearing armor with crystal light form like engravings but they let up with the armor being thinner and more flexible in addition to the strange flintlock of an impractical shape with no hammer.
Then fortune teller then congratulations Nakecabod then disappeared in a flash of light appeared behind startled draw out her saex but the blade instead hit a mist of light in the shape of the fortune teller then the genie asked what kind of magic was that as it impossible to appear and disappear to form one place to another. The two watch as the metal that was admitting a purple image of the fortune goes dark starts floating up the folding in shallow spot in the back then flew to her metal belt with the genie asking what of forbidden, ancient, and religious magic was she using as he read every text to date then wonden on how they can see because there are always cover their eyes making it impossible to see. The fortune teller brings a metallic sphere then many smaller one come from behind into the sphere with Nakecabod if she is part of the new study that the scholars call science but the fortune teller says in time she will understand the meaning of the scholars research. When the last sphere land in the sphere a cave of mushrooms appeared with a castle above then the fortune teller info her that a civil war was happening at little bird and that her brother was teaching at a town with a wonderful girl to be born but interrupted by genie suspecting her of informing Vorgell about the trip smiling and telling the castle is yours to keep before disappeared. Since that day Nakecabod and the genie repaided the castle using the mushrooms as a food source by the time they finished Nakecabod now had skin as white as a mushroom.