This is the story of Hansel Abella and gretel Abella, abella family farm was blooming for years but a white worm infestation eater away at crops after three months decided to sell it to a nearby town three hour later comes back with the mayor's daughter to the family farm to negotiate the price after the negotiate mr abella hand it over ownership papers later move in his grandma home who recently passed away. They were fine for a while but mrs abella got sick and don't have money so mr abella asked his kids to go get medicine from an old hermit which presently surprised to see anybody come and ask who was in need of the ancient practice the kids tell him there mother need the medicine then held out bag of gold but the hermit push it away. The old hermit gives them the medicine for free as he is going to die soon then tell the kid about a time when doctors would roam around the outdoor helping the sick on the road but as it got dangerous the profession started to twindle more and more people who couldn't afford to travel return to the earth early. Believes there's still hope to bring the practice back then gave the kids his old medical book and tells them his name Hughqom Hugh as the only one who still kicking around goes by Red Cajack but cough up blood being ill himself but is able to give them final goodbye then died on the spot with the kids say think you and gets going. The kids start traveling back but a fortune teller manifested from purple mist with a strange flat outfit but formal with a cloth hanging her neck warning them that there was a dangerous creature from the blood mountain region wandered into the agaan forest then inform them that their father had a double barrel musket to fend off the creature.
The fortune teller informs that if they go and get a special charm to save their parents then pointed to an old road which will lead to three witches that will give three piece to complete the charm but not to eat the food from the kind looking woman, not to sleep in the bed from the kind looking woman, not to wear clean clothing left behind for them on the road. Before the kids got to travel the fortune teller remind them the road is there best bed then disappeared in a mist of purple then they start making their way while stilling on the road after some time a kind beautiful young lady offering up some food for both Hansel and gretel but gretel reaching out to see what happens as the young lady about to grab gretel and Hansel push her away. They both started running on the road but every time they look back Hansel noting she is unable to get on the road gretel now seeing the importance of the fortune teller warning continued on until nightfall arrived the twins slept on the road together terrified by the sounds while covering their ears as not to hear terror of the night. When day break all the night terror ceased the twins wake up see a witch asking if they are alright then invites them to her house but the twins watch closely as the kind looking witch lead the way to her home carefully watching as hawk on it pray after an hour of walking a house came on the line of vision, the twin asked if it was hers as it was built on a bed of brick the witch replied it to keep the black spirit away. The witch goes inside to grab a piece of the charm to show that she can be trusted now that the twins see that she is not a threat then enter the house to see a collection of old artifacts but one got the attention of Hansel an old bronze sword the witch noticed asking if he likes to hear the story behind it.
Hansel says yes to the witch then seated them at the ancient table then gave them some food and drinks started telling the story about the navtive tribes that lived before the sandena settlers came to colonize the big three tribes narsakej, diirovqe, and gaskzako who lived in war with each other until the sandena settlers come to the narsakej territory. Sandena swiftly eliminated narsakej main fighting forces with only a few casualties sustained by the sandena forces the surviving members warn the diirovqe and gaskzako tribes with remaining narsakej all settled on the truth combining all tribes together to get revenge on sandena invaders so then waited until night for a surprise attack after the sandena fell to sleep. The tribesmen started the attack move in killing almost all of the troops with the rest retreating back to the ships they came afterwards the three tribes build a wooden Castle to mock the sandena people when the witch was finished then gretel ask what happened to the castle as the witch tells her it would be long gone by now as doesn't preserve well with insects eating away at the wood. The witch gave them some gives Hansel a set of ancient pair of gauntlet as gretel got an ancient ring then gave a bag to carry their belongings Hansel asked what the story behind them but disappointedly said she could not find information about them but if they find books that she not aware of the bring them to her with Hansel making a promise that if find some books he will bring them to her. The witch prepared a bed for the twins to call it a day and continue the trip to next two pieces left to get in order complete the charm in the morning the twins think the witch for everything then started making their way on brick road after three hour of waking a beautiful eastern woman appear with a fancy looking bed made with the finest materials fit for a king the twins stared her down as it the first they seen someone from the east.
The eastern woman asks them to have a bed since she was supposed to sell but no one wanted to buy it and her father would be angry at her for not making money but the twins say to her when they got tired so the woman followed them until night came and the woman revealing her true then disappearing but brick ahead seem to overgrown with plants so Hansel not wanting to risk it but gretel insisted it maybe safe but after much consideration they slept for the night. In the morning they wake to find a skeleton of a young woman on the overgrown portion of brick road as the overwhelming feeling that something was wrong turn out to be right gretel suggesting that they move past it instead of inspecting it so they move on until they see a frail old man walking around some old abandoned town buildings but not wanting to step off or yell at him the two waves at his attention. The old man saw them then start walking to them like he was in his youth without showing the common problems that older folks have with gretel asking if he knows of a witch in the area which he replies with your looking at him but the twins looking confused then the old man explains that men can be witches too. The old man asked what business they have him as he not seen people travel this road in years then Hansel showed the charm and immediately understood responding 'oh your the kids that the fortune teller told me about awhile back' then let to his cabin to gave the second piece to them and ask if he can add magic to their ancient artifacts as it going to important later, they hand over their belongings. The old man info them the magic he going to add to their belongings will be ready in the morning and go explore the town kids like to do so while he did that the twins split up hensel goes to the town weapons store to search for anything interesting then spot a goblin monkeying around with a random weapon knowing that they can be dangerous at times so the safely concern grab an old spear then killed it not taking any chances.
Gretel goes to the training grounds to find that most of it was intact with discarded weapons littering the field with some body show sign the green leather disease was the cause of it as user mind degrades making them breakout in violence outbursts then saw a wall with names among them after a while found grandma name on a plaque. Gretel then run to find hensel to tell he about the incredible discovery looking and searching in every building then goes inside a church but two goblin eating a live deer then one spotted her, running for it looking for a weapons storage when she arrived then hensel pecked out form the side stabbing one of them and scared away the other which immediately climbing a tree then leaving. Returning to the old man to ask if there was a safe place to sleep he info that the weapons storage has hatch that leads to his room when arrived inside to find it clean and well kept, in the morning brings the ancient artifacts explained the magic behind the artifact the gauntlet now weaponize non-lethal prank and traps as the ring creates prank and non-lethal traps. The old man gave directions to witches hut down the oldest part of the road with much of it covered in plants so to be careful as he looks concerned as the twins walk away after a while hope of the road being a source of protection gretel getting worried start telling a story of how their grandma was quite a warrior in that town winner the jousting, hand to hand, and dueling was various different weapons with people giving her the nickname of Abella of all trades. After waking through the bricks dwindling as the twins hoping that an area leading to the hut that will have a bed of brick to rest on then they heard their names spoken being by a gentle voice looking around for a spirit while walking faster then from a distant figure of old woman holding a teapot but the closer they got image of their grandma started to fade away revealing a dark thin skeletal.
Gretel garbs some dirt and pass it to Hansel by the time they close the skeleton launched at them throw the bag at it face and start running while looking for a bed of brick but could find any especially when night fell twins continued running until they a hut but incase of worse gretel quickly grabs some more dirt then pass it to Hansel but was relieved that there was brick and collapsed out of exhaustion. A witch came by to bring them into her hut to allow them rest then upon waking up the twins thought her for after eating showed the charm to her but started tearing up as she explained that her mother was killed by an evil witch living in the old house. The witch mother was protecting the piece while trying to enchanted but was in the process then the witch daughter finished the ritual want revenge but her mother tells her no wait for the twins after she told the gave the final piece of the charm and teaches them new magic to avoid conflict then explain how the charm works as it makes them invisible to anything or anyone that has hostile attempt. The witch ask if they can kill the evil witch but twins just what to go back to their family then the witch explain to escape woods they have to kill the evil witch because a spell she placed on tree to prevent others from escape through non-hostile means rendering the charm useless in this situation after much hesitation twins agree and got the direction the evil witch cabin.
They go on the path Hansel noting that it now quiet and the skeleton from before walking around as the twins get closer it doesn't hear or see them but noticing it was carrying ingredients to make sugary sweets and cakes getting suspicious that something sinister then follow the skeleton on the as an other show gripping the child hand with the he looking back the twins. When they arrived at the cabin it was bigger than a normal one made with pastries, sugary sweets, and cakes also watch the skeleton take the child thought the front door then the twins what to window on the side but horrified by grisly sight of inhuman monster with a large mouth, large body, pitch black eye, and a dress adorned with beautiful designed bluebirds. The child from which the skeleton bring in locking in a cage with other children in them as the witch throw clothing in the fireplace and grabbing child form one the cages and throwing them in the oven then eating it hole scaring Gretel to the point she looked away and Hansel saw seeing the witch fall asleep then tells her that he has a plan to free the kids and kill the witch. twins go thought the front door instructing the cages to found from them locked Hansel telling gretel they have to find a key but no key was founded as the twins were at a lost then Hansel has the idea of breaking the locks on the cages then go to the kitchen to find some scissors to cut the locks off but was worried that the children would not be affected as they ran out the door the witch did not wake. Gretel start by setting up a harmless prank around the witch consist of string tie around her arms, legs, torse, and neck then attaching them to the walls and roof of the cabin then Hansel climb up to the top using gauntlet to weaponize the prank and making the string thinner while weakened the walls when they were done headed to the front removing the charm for a second then yelling immediately put it back on.
The twins start running as the wood goes from dark to sunny and road with a wagon as twins for a ride with their mr. Abella heard them come out with his double barrel musket hugging them hurrying them up to make it to espoir de cristal where their mother was at doctor after they made ms. abella was happy to see her kids again that didn't let go for a while then as she coughed up blood with twins gave the medicine to their mother now feeling better but needing some rest. Three month later the twin found the body of Hughqom Hugh still in perfect shape then given him proper burial to honor him and start studying medicine to hopefully become a doctor roaming.