This is the story of nolehee sugarcane, after his family lose power in little bird and was forced to move to the town of diiro hoq as the crane family kicked them out, at first the locals were hesitant to accept a family form the awful city after some beggin gukkhee convinced the town chief but with one condition if his son Marries the chief daughter. Gukkhee approves of the condition to get a resident in diiro hoq not want they want but was a better option than paying taxes to the crane family just to get nothing done for the district, it took awhile to adjust as the people of the town show them the rope of fishing, hunting, and farming until the family accepted the situation and settled permanently in town with chief surprised that nobody was trying an assassination attempt. After several months pass by nothing and no one came, the chief confused whether their telling the truth but stop worrying about it and after 20 year what by nolehee and irravqo ovirra got married but at the beginning she was shy to him as the stories of sandena invading the land of mairren influence her view with the chief trying to encourage the two to play. The two parents trying different activities but one stuck at it known to people in little bird as ball in the basket but to the townsfolk in diiro hoq it was as kahho jaqon a traditional game that fell out of fashion when the narsakej and gaskzako started making kingdoms to rival the sandena which later evolved into a rivalry among each other ultimately leading to a disconnect with the diirovqe tradition. But the game only help a little as the two kids would be very competitive and wouldn't socialize much afterwand until a group of goblins attacked killing farmers as irravqo was about to die nolehee stabbed the goblin and killing a few other before getting a spear in his right as some of the town warriors came riding in the goblins running back to the trees.
Since the day of the goblin attack irravqo developed a respect for nolehee and only growing stronger since that day onward but came a time when she saw a purple whiskerfish in her dreams saying "ask your diiruked to speaked the magic word of whisker, whisker in the sea come,I pray thee, here to me; for my diiranod, good irravqo, wills not as I'd have her will, at last be care of wish spoken" in the morning upon waking up asks her diiruked to go to the sea. Nolehee asking "why to the sea there are many places, I would go to pleases you but why the sea" as she then explained the purple whiskerfish instructions, thinking that is all just crazy talk goes to fetch a fishing rod to catch something to eat then he got there spoke the magic out of curiosity to see if something would happen but to his surprise the whiskerfish indeed swim up asking "greet nolehee, speak diiranod wish, may good irravqo, be please" nolehee telling the fish that his diiranod want to see her mother alive. The purple whiskerfish saiding "she visiting after a trip to atlantis go meet her in person and some fish for you may have a lovely meal" picking up the basket of fresh fish then started walking as he overheard the townsfolk talking about the return of the iiraqog but thinking to himself if it was the right thing to do or if he should ask the whiskerfish about the nature of the wish, upon getting to the door ittavqo ovirra was there. Nolehee welcome ittavqo while holding their baby commenting how cute she is then start cooking the fish as both gather around with ittavqo telling stories about atlantis city of minunat apa like the parade with the Poseidon giving out gifts and hosting games for visitors to play after eating the fish and heading off to bed still feeling like there something about the wishes he doesn't understand quite yet but will ask about that on the next visit. Later that night the horn what off signifying the rere bandit group that show up from time to time so nolehee ready up his bow and took both irravqo and the baby to the underground shelter then immediately ran back to the town to find that the group was heavily armor than normal bandit especially the chief illovpo ovetta was having a hard time trying to identify an opening as ittavqo struggling to throw one off balance.
Illovpo managing to throw one of the attackers off balance picking up a warhammer to finally do damage quickly move to ittavqo strike the helmet killing the bandit and giving her a chance to take straight sword, turning the sword upside down to half sword even when her hand started to bleed kept going as the rest of the warriors do the same to kill off the bandit but as nolehee was about to finish off the last one the bandit throw a throwing knife at ittavqo direction. Illovpo moves in the way of it stabbing him in the lower back while ittavqo holding him as nolehee rushing to his aid clean up the wound later having a town meeting discussing who were the bandit as normally they do not have that kind of armor or the skill presented in this raid, killing some of the best warriors in town as nolehee believing it to be a private army but who would send it to the town or if it was directed at the town at all. Ittavqo wondering if it something she did back at Atlantis happened but when suggesting it was maybe her involvement with one of her friends in politics, illovpo coming to meeting showing everyone an engraving on one of the helmets but when ittavqo looked at it and found that it was a language which she was unfamiliar with, assuming it belongs to the neighboring kingdom on three rings islands. After nolehee got to sleep but in the mourning irravqo ask him to go to the whiskerfish for the next wish but when he asked what it is she would not answer, so instead ask if it was helpful with her saying yes so goes to the sea "whisker, whisker in the sea come,I pray thee, here to me; for my diiranod, good irravqo, wills not as I'd have her will" the purple whiskerfish came swimming up saying "greet nolehee, the town of diiro hoq already has an army of skilled warrior" before returning nolehee asked what is the nature of the wishes. The purple whiskerfish simply responded with "you see, your eye" then left upon returning to the town spots an underground army barracks then goes to illovpo to asked about going to a blacksmith in ogrean mountain but was greeted by chief having a scar on his face that wasn't there before, confused but didn't ask about it and mentioned going to the blacksmith for sword design he had wanted to be created.
Illovpo asking if the design was elegant one with nolehee saying "yes" but illovpo said "after the battle with norsu gke army and will have ittavqo send a messenger to ogrean mountain to have it" now understanding how it kind of work so instead of ask around simply pretended to know about until one of the soldiers came to he asking "did you finish repairing the shield" but surprisingly know the answer. Nolehee giving a yes and goes to retrieve the shield for the battle ahead now have ill feelings about the events ahead goes to help a friend with her farm as some of the guards join to battle until noon waited to see if the army would send a messenger so the next day one came but the news was not happy, illovpo was killed in the battlefield with ittavqo shocked but had to still strong for the town. Illovpo was trying to get back land from the tribes days but narsakej all ways had stronger and wiser warriors as the gaskzako warriors were seen as equals with battle often ending in a draw or the rere victory but this news distressed irravqo since her father made a promise he will take back the land for future generations, nolehee now worried she may now wish something that may the town in danger get a triton ready. A ceremony was held to honor the brave warriors who fought in the battle with ittavqo taking the title of chief for her diiruked and drinking the blood of manwolf native to the blood mountain region as everyone sing a song thinking the warriors for all they have done with her getting tattoos in memory of illovpo. After the ceremony nolehee wondering if he kills the purple whiskerfish well it reverse what has happened but if it didn't would put irravqo in farther distressed as the night drags on could not sleep so he stepped outside to go see illovpo grave but was surprised to see ittavqo crying, she turned to see he stilling there say 'I know it shameful to see me like, I warn he not to go but" nolehee interrupting with "I know how you feel but illovpo would not like to see" ittavqo kissing him.
ittavqo telling nolehee "diiranod without a diiruked is not fit to be a chief, please meet me in my room" then walking away, nolehee feeling the worse to come in the mourning and just goes to sleep until irravqo woke him up, asking once again go to the sea with nolehee going to the purple whiskerfish speaking the magic word for what hopefully the final time "whisker, whisker in the sea come,I pray thee, here to me; for my diiranod, good irravqo, wills not as I'd have her will" when whiskerfish swim up. The purple informing him "illovpo received warships as a reward for winning the battle along with the land lost in the past, you should go see them they are gorgeous" then nolehee rise his triton to kill it but is unable to move for to stab the purple whiskerfish see another whiskerfish but is able to stab that one in particular confused whether it was scared as makes the same face. Trying to ask the purple whiskerfish what is his purpose atlas got no answer, returning to town for see the warships for his seif they were beautifully crafted to win in one hundred naval battles with ease and lined with twenty-five canons on each side with illovpo pulling his hand on nolehee shoulder telling him "we won the land back, the promise I made to both of you is now been fulfilled and the tribe now owns three nor hekon one the strongest ships in malhen has to offer" then walk to ittavqo getting her a hug. Irravqo waking up to nolehee telling him "innevqee our little girl is going to travel the world with the nor hekon and thank you for being there" so that noon he what to help with organizing a crew for each as to be prepared for upcoming danger in the hope of limiting the damage of irravqo reckless actions while he know that no one well thank him for it, not even the diiranod but in the end if the town of diiro hoq is safe that all that manor. When the work was finished started walking to see illovpo to congratulate him on his victory upon entering the chief room saw a strange book written in the language of gaskzako and ask "you got the book from the battle right" with illavpo saying "it drop form one if the speeding demon and their a note attached to the back but it's in the common language" then walked to nolehee giving it to he.
Nolehee take a look at note reading "give this to a man in winter coat" assuming it maybe belonged to a traveler take lost it along to way, illavpo thinking maybe the speeding demon kill the owner considering deadly they were in the battle which would be unlikely for anybody else to survive an encounter. Illavpo offer nolehee bolte of ell with him accepting it right as they started drinking somebody was knocking on the door furiously like they were trying to break it down, while the two were startled by the constant banging with nolehee picking up a sword with illavpo opening the door to find a pale skinned person wearing a pitch black mask with armorer but instant of attacking it handed a letter addressed to illavpo. When they look at the doorway it was gone look whatever the person was it look human with the exception of male and female characteristics then illavpo take a look at the letter "to seem that you win a battle with the narsakej and now have some three nor hekon, we will send a naval fleet of three warship for a fair fight" surprised by this order nolehee to train the crew. So the next morning they develived the news with many of crew worries if that this sudden battle would not be won even more their no timeframe on when they well come especially during training so the crew of all three immediately got to work, even with nolehee limited knowledge while conserving resources for the people in town ready at any moment to go into the underground shelter as days gone by, the crew felt tired but determined to protect the town of diiro hoq. On the 14th day the warships sail with everyone of the three nor hekon ready as they can be but the gaskzako had six warships, nolehee seeing this wondering if the captain disobeyed orders to take three ships with the crews feeling like maybe they been lied to but none the less they try the strategy they practice which only work on two ships but so find that two of the nor hekon where being boarded with crews being killed as illavpo and ittavqo trying their best to take control of the situation to hopefully won. Nolehee slamming his ship against one of the gaskzako warships to attack the gask soldiers on ittavqo ships managing to her as for only three of the crew surviving with illavpo covered in cuts about to be killed as nolehee sails right next to gask ship giving him the chance to jump the only remaining nor hekon but one gask soldier throw his swordspear stabbing illavpo through the heart he landed on the ship.
Ittavqo broken down in tears cradling her dying diiruked as nolehee sails them back to safely of diiro hoq as other gaskzako warship is about to fire, one of the crew mates arm a connen at a weak point saving them all from being slaughtered after lost sight of them was able to return safely but what remained of the crew was exhausted and wounded. When returning to diiro hoq it was stricken with sadness in the air as the townsfolk saw the lifeless body of illavpo with tears falling from ittavqo geef carrying him to the statue of the goddess uttaeg with nolehee going up to his body taking off his hat leaving in the hands of illavpo. Irravqo seeing three together wondering why everyone's face was down as she saw the grim reality started to set in as she try refusing his fate really happened calling illavpo name with no response at last seeing the consequences her wishes have caused she returns back to the house cradling innevqee making the promise that she will meet him. When nolehee finally return homes seeing his diiranod has already prepared food, irravqo start asking "Am I good diiranod, did I bring a destructive gift, was I so careless" with him responding "what you thoughts" then sat down to eat after they finished their meal the head to sleep without talking to each other. In the morning, holehee decided to visit the purple whiskerfish but to his surprise it was still there looking depressed then asked "this is unusual before you didnt show expression" with whiskerfish replying "good irravqo heart is dark, down in hell, would like to undo the wishes" then the whiskerfish was startled by the request nolehee maded "would you undo the last two wishes" the whiskerfish did as asked and promises become the guardian of diiro hoq.
diiranod = wife
diiruked = husband