Old lady(1574)

This is the story of ibott crane, after being captured and thrown into a prison to later to be execution the following day but that night, she was crying cursing life for not letting do what her heart desires punching the brick wall until the bear knuckles start bleeding and screamed into the cell breaking down crying then the call door open on it own. Thinking this was a dream take the opportunity picking up the purple key but when making it to the main hall, was startled by a guard upon looking at him wasn't moving a muscle further convincing her that it was all a dream goes out of the castle riding a conveniently placed horse to vilgod forest ripping off the dress, hauhabod gave to her ridding herself of the broken bond of her sisters after going deep then falling asleep on for on forest floor. Waking back at the cell with guard holding the same purple key forcedly lifting ibott as they walked her to the execution ground with higher ranking members spitting, tearing the dress, and throwing food at her upon getting to the grounds looks at the direction of princess Cinderella smiling then walking her exposed body to guillotine placing her neck accepting her fate. Guillotine landing down but instead wakes in the forest wondering what's real and false, is this her afterlife, a road to hell or heaven, a dark purple and a light purple crows flying in site asking "why if it is ibott what do you happen, roaming like a personal pirate slave, off the chain or never chain" "talking crows this can't be real place has to be in my head but maybe" light purple respond "shot it down uncovered thot, having us will half you soul in chain". Dark purple saying "you hunger, use purple key on door on tree, start walking bot" now having no other choice walks around the forest looking for a door on a tree thinking "this is insane the dream, being boss around by a bird and how the hell would a door work for tree" after some hours finally found a tree with a door to confusion upon opening it saw a luxurious complete with an icebox but close the door to lay on the ground.

Squirrels with armor drag a bag of apples to ibott with her accepting it and eating down to the core as still motionless staring at the door until a white spirit appeared as older looking man dressed as if he was from the diirovqe tribe then the spirit walked to ibott, she don't covered herself nor was scared by the presence but something about the spirit felt familiar. When the spirit gave a hug she was transported to a house and what appear to be little bird outside the window, hearing a man running down the stairs with hauhabod stabbing him in the heart upon further inspection the man was form Sandena island along with saw that hauhabod had a letter form odinmot alll but is unable to read what it contained. Noticing she was pregnant thinking "is that my sister more and the father never left" now finding herself back in the forest with door on tree gone, the crow flying in with light purple saying "redemption in way, maybe would spirit give more in bed, thot get to tree again" dark purple "you see your ma, kill sister da, ho many really had, find again for learn more more". Does my mother truly care about her children, getting up searching through the forest for that spirit form earlier but find a room with a letter upon picking it to read it, the sandena man received a fortune "hauhabod plan to use your child as a means to corrupt the main city leave immediately" the sees her walking in taking a look at the letter saying "little rats should learn that little bird is the only way" after exiting the room which vanished. Looking in the distant the spirit of the sandena man came walking to ibott smiling "how was my girl up to her last moments" feeling sorry "she was manipulated to the last breath like I was" the spirit fading away with tear valuing to haunt hauhabod until her death then giving a ring that was mead for more, now in tears seeing her mother for what she was, can't accepting the name given in birth.

Crows flying in "no name, what do people call now, may forge in true heart" light purple "nameless slave, what true answer, drag chains" dark purple "no name, look up to angels, da help out" sees the white spirit form before stilling looking at nameless making a to follow me gesture, as she walked behind the spirit then was transported. A house in an unrecognizable location then seeing a diiro man reading to a young more going up to book remembered seeing hauhabod burn it in the fireplace goes up stairs to find twins babies asleep as her mother open a letter form odinmot again now curious about their relationship then was transported to a scene of lovers quarrel over what to name their child with hauhabod refusing to used diiro word. Hauhabod pull out balllex dagger trying kill to the diiro man which was able to defend himself and escape muttering "please come back to me iyyoqo and ivorra" with hauhabod saying "your never see them you native animal" then was transported back to the forest it was night time in which babies cries can be heard somewhere in the forest, walking to source of sound for some time to come across a baby on the ground. Transported to scene of hauhabod leaving the male baby behind to be eaten by wolves, horrified at the prospect of losing a sibling of which she never knew about with crows coming in "lost different twin, just monster need harm, da be down on knees" light purple "undeserving slud, make child discard, will die will beheading, carcass left forest" dark purple "tragedy bitch, not believe, bear one more, surprise you" with door tree in front of her. Goes inside for a healthy meal but is unable to purge her mind of the baby upon finishing eating return outside and close the door to sleep on the ground but the dream was different as she was face to face with her father, seeing nameless giving big hug "is that you ivorra coming to my dream, come set over at the table" "so your my father she lied to me about the departure, she said you were evil" that how she treated you.

She away knew how to manipulate does of the other sex with nameless looking sad her father "what happen to you twin, please I must know" "he is in wolf food" "I've away knew their was something up in her but the time, I spent with was return in strangeways and the letters" then woke up wanting to hear the rest of his words. Crows flying in "secret, betrayal, agendas, personal gain" light purple "black mask, control slave, solder" dark purple "alll secret, damn Yu-huamot, hell you go" in the distant man with a black mask over his head walking to it just to be grab and throw on the ground then transported to a house in an unrecognizable location which was decorated in eastern fashion but what appear to be a guest room. Getting off the missy bed and find torn clothing on ground following it down stairs into a wine cellar at first confused decides to look at the wine, seeing it form sandena lands but is started by screams coming from behind a wall dropping the bottle now going to the source to find a pushable wall finding an naked girl chain to wall with a letter next form Yu-huamot but same as before can't read the contents then seamlessly no longer had hands. But transported to scene of hauhabod receiving black mask form a robe individual which she immediately hid it and open letter form odinmot after a bit gone into wine cellar into the secret room pull out a knife cutting off the naked girl then covering the wounds and throwing the hands in bag, cry on the ground muttering in a language of which she unfamiliar with. A man with a black mask came in with the naked girl looking happy but is kick back to the wall as hauhabod stripping, again going up the man to be a kick to the wall once more, then began mating in front of her but as tries to look away is forced to watch as her head is slam on the ground when they finish the man pick up the naked girl.

Was ordered to take the naked girl in the woods and leave her there, transported back in the forest in front of the door tree with the crows flying in "iyyoqo ivorra, unshackle at last, sleep and eat, anew" upon entering put some clothing fashioned after the diirovqe tradition with eating a healthy meal and going to bed. In the morning she woke the crows were waiting "a witch, a white dove, a hut" when exiting the room see the Squirrels with armor holding wyvern toy with light purple "more glow, closer get, old hag" dark purple "caged, white dove, purple key" then grab the toy but it starts swimming through the air with iyyoqo following the toy to an old hut. When going into the hut a kind looking old lady saw her then push the old lady down and grabbing the caged dove and runs out far from the hut after while the white dove started transforming into a handsome man with the squirrels turning into guards and trees into horses when all done the men revealed "i'm the poseidon of atlantis, ill been transformed by a jealous which" iyyoqo "how many years pass" nipak "right sorry don't introduce myself i'm nipak poseidon I was on a trip to see the king of espoir de crista but he definitely dead by now" "would you like to go to my birthplace" yes, you have my thinks diirovqe woman. after weeks of traveling they arrived at diiro hoq realizing that it not a dream with her father giving a big hug to his daughter with nipak staying in the town.