Seivo enycel(1596)

This is the story of joseph eke, growing up in the town of old Aleyn to a prostitute in joakke ur nafka of which decided to leave because of religious pressure at the time but meet a man at the bar who after providing her service got a book of alchemy then leaves the kingdom for her hometown. When joseph saw the book at a young age he asks what's alchemy mother, who gave you the book. Isott eke smiling "some man I meet at a bar before at a joakke as the ottolt show was being targeted by the grand priest, often wonder happen to them, if they make it out" joseph looking interested "your see them again" then going to sleep, isott looking at a letter crying. Later joseph was able to understand the alchemy but eventually found himself making gimmicks with recipes that create a reaction to other metals and natural materials, of which the town used for entertainment, building, and, in the bar until Vorgell wheel look at one of the posters that the messenger left for town which read "come to the festival of inventions" she take it joseph. excited to introduce his gimmicks to wider audience going to isott for advice on joakke "here a book of notes but as I have not return or have the will to return, time may have changed but the danger not gone" "thinks, will keep thinking of in hand" later that day got on a horse to move before the rainy season blocks the mountain road. 4 months on horseback finally made it with three weeks left until the festival, check his horse in and walk to saffin inn for the time in joakke while being glad that one of the places in isott note was still standing so goes to plaseat but along the way saw a man with an insignia of which he was unfamiliar with then continued to popular location after eating saw same men form before had drop the insignia.

It looks like the misspelling of all with the addition of s m c w, going up to him and giving it to the men thinking joseph later that night there was a knock at the door when opening there was a woman in black and gold armor "master kukulmot would like to think with bag of coins for earlier, please accept" "thinks very much may you have a safe night" taking a look at the bag to find 1 platinum 20 gold 8 silver. The platinum coin is only used in one city with initials of s m c w so he put it in his shoe, in the morning wondering until he poster pointing to register for the festival to no one's surprise the crowds were massive having to wait to register but after doing so would get a letter know a workshop is really for him with the sun still out check out the location ottolt show. When he got there it was museum instead then goes inside to find the owner looking at old drawings with joseph waking thought looking at old poster to see who the other members were idott, ifott, irott, ipott, igott, and isott continue on to learn about the founder iholt Sissott establishing it during the grand priest orggan ritual, later discovering worshipping the god of rape, sacrifice, incest, and, murder, yohhal. Was burned at the stake with his brother blessed in as the new grand priest against his initial wishes at first now doing both the duties of gunsmite and grand priest, so as it was getting dark started making a return to the inn and found him being escorted by a guard for his safely while having the strange feeling that something has been following them upon going into the inn. What to his room to get a restful night so in the mourning the inn maid knocks on the door to inform that a workshop is really in the cremaiden kell, as joseph was walking to the workshop until he saw a mountain girl lifting up some large box labeled "invention festival" then decides to ask for directions "looking for the cremaiden kell handsome" yes, can you point me in the way of the festival.

What a coincidence, my father and I were about to go there "lucrtuney, this must be fate" "who are you chatting with yuhhen" yuhhen jaddem "one of the festival patrons" walking out with the appearance fit for both a gunsmite and grand priest with four crystallock of a holy design "so you're one of the inventors, allow me to introduce myself as taggone voyyuw or as the holy folk call me grand priest voyyuw" enough mouth exercises. Indeed you're help with early preparation, joseph join up and help out while yuhhen was having a playful rivalry to who can finish the preparation first of which it got done earlier than expected, taggone show him the workshop "you did better than mother gikcon expectation, also do not miss the ceremony" "right, it was an honor working with you" later that day at the ceremony with the rain coming down hard on the roofs set up keep everyone dry. Taggone go on to a platform with ceremonial dagger as yuhhen bring a baby goat for sacrificing to mother gikcon, cutting the baby goat stomach as the content into a ceremonial pot with chanting religious words in the name of the goddess after the ceremony a blue jacket merchant from hakonland carrying different kinds of metals, woods, stones, liquids, and plants all form the three large wagons. The people crowding around the merchant, getting worried about not have the materials needed so waited and hope what remains would be of use after some time was surprised to see that other left some great materials to work with, immediately taking the leftovers to his workshop then working on several blueprints for the festival then returning to the inn to get some rest. In the morning, yuhhen was at the door "thinks for help back there my father really appreciate it also, he invited you to come by the mother gikcon ceremonial in three day" "thinks i'm honor to hear that will be really to go on that day" then made way for the workshop until one of the patrons draws a sword out to challenge he to a dual, looking confused.

Sorry what now, as the women shouted "you're with the family who raped and sold my sister into slavely, monster" "what? I have never been outside of old Aleyn so I'm a townsfolk to the bone" as one of the people threw a pitchfork to defend himself, liar, I saw you two at the bar and later sent his servant to the inn that night. As she rushed in to attack joseph but not being an expert in combat but was able to tell that she was open like nuts, throwing the women off balance and stabbing the pitchfork ground next to her face with some guards dragged her to a cell finding the encounter strange continued onward to begin construction on a digging gimmick after many hours, what to the bar with some other inventors to have some drinks. One of the inventors commenting on how that women would have knew that the alll family did such a thing since there have been faker out their pretending to be powerful figures ``true, there have impersonators form all the kingdoms and cities on the land of malhen'' one of the inventors saying the kingdom of espoir de cristal was about to go to war with the kingdom of kotyuh order a false letter, after joseph finishing a cup of eke. One of inventors pass out drunk joseph and the other inventors put up the drunk one carrying him to the saffin inn while a guard followed for there safely got him in bed then joseph return to his room and noticed a letter in the letter box, opening the letter "i'm impressed by your knowledge so please visit the castshroom as soon as possible. Include a map for you to find your way but if you are still lost look for giant mushroom cups in the area" form Nakeshroom. In the morning, bump into the blue jacket merchant which he dropped a white pendant with painting of little girl "sorry Calypatric are you alright, no damage right" continued walking, making his way to the workshop then the same blue jacket merchant going inside church not being the nosely type arrived at workshop to finish construction on the digging gimmick.

Heard a knock on the door, yuhhen come in happy to see joseph hard at work "so this is your invention a digging tool" "made one before for some foreign farmers in old Aleyn, can definitely say they were quite impressed" move up to his face "heard a boobie got in a stare with you and lose what an amateur rushing in to reveal gaping opening" will to be fair i'm not inverse with combat. Also the alll family secrets are hard as an oil nut and only keeping to themselves, yuhhen holding medal that her mother picked up from a dead body which has a misspelling of all with the addition of s m s w "the member I saw when first coming that had s m c w perhaps a different or same group" there were documents that were leaked that were hidden in some spellbooks. Joseph impressed "hiding it in a place that nobody would ever look in, genius" "yes but it didn't show any inhuman acts that mother gikcon smite upon" looking curious "did it have information that made it uneasy to form alliance" yuhhen looking sad "it dishearten to see cityfolk trade freedom over protection but it was their choice after all" him noticing the time of day "let go to a plaseat of your choice" the two go to hofkon. When they arrived, taggone was with the blue jacket merchant with the two setting joseph overhearing "this is for my daughter" after the finish the meat, yuhhen looking happy "don't forget to go mother gikcon ceremonial tomorrow" walking her back home in cremaiden kell but seeing an injured guard "get in" pull him in "what the hell is it the thing that warranted a large number of guard" hearing a scream coming from the door. Joseph scared "think could you tell me why a demon is here" "would it surprise you that orggan voyyuw, unintentionally" looking intrigued "i'm no demonologist so please educate me" yuhhen setting him down at the table, "the demon summoned is called a yohlin it similar to yohhal but not of incestuous origin and more stealthily dangerous" that why guards are in larger groups.

If I was not restrained by knowledge as only the grand priest and everyone in the holy church of inpoyl the gray skin maiden, going to sleep for tomorrow's ceremony, in the morning the two make there way to the church of inpoyl while being greeted members of the church hold torches when it starts, three naked clean skin nuns holding ceremonial two-hander. Sliding the sword in the sheaf in the shape of hands with a naked clean skin male and naked clean female praying in a pool of holy water, the three nuns knee and praying position chanting the holy words of mother gikcon the goddess of sex, family, fertiliy, childbirth, chidhood, love, choice, and, creation as the male and female cerebrate of beginning a family in front of the onlookers. At the end the two are given a fertility dagger and family claymore with the basket hilt designed after the goddess inpoyl, after joseph and yuhhen exil the two what to special plaseat "it was beautiful think your father" yuhhen looking glad "it performed once a year with the priest and nun going through the mother gikcon ritual which the grand priest does the blessing" after sunrise yuhhen return back home with joseph returning back to the inn. That was a package on the table reading "from yuhhen, to joseph" open the package to find a claymore fashioned after mother gikcon herself beautifully made in the image of the goddess put it back in the box and go to sleep, while walking to the workshop see yuhhen with what appears to be a samexc with her rushing to joseph "can you had me with something something please, it be real quick" fine but can't neglect my duties. Walking up to the samexc "What's the problem" the samexc explain that most of the establishment do not accept samexc's "that because mother gikcon artifacts are believed to bring good luck to businesses that serve only difexc couples, but there are still places accept samexc's like ottolt bar" after a bit of telling which area has more of a neutral standing in religion.

When getting into the workshop to begin work on cutting gimmick for wood logger out in the fields much hour was having trouble with moving components after much tedious hours was unable find a solution, decide to relieve some stress by going to the entertainment kell for some inspiration, a mountain man selling toys. Goes up one of the toys and see the marksmanship the mountain man looking "your an inventor, impressed we at ogrean cavern have exquisite craft perhaps one could inspire you, pay me gold and it's your" joseph looking curious buys the most moveable then returning back to inn looking at one of the toy weapons it was cutting tool possibly based on legend or story of the ogrean people at that moment got some paper to write it down. The next day, when walking saw yuhhen worried about something "hey why so pale, did something happen" handing a special crystallock "it because yohlin attacks are becoming more desperate scratching and damaging door which is why every is buying holy blessed weapons" taking the crystallock in hand "think for the concern and may you by safe yuhhen" when made to the workshop. Saw a box with a letter on it "the box was meant to in early but the blacksmith had more business than usual. Here some wisdom, i'm sure your noticed with the mother gikcon claymore it a symbol of love in joakke ur nafka in which the male would give a fertility dagger. Also careful the yohlin has become more uncharacteristically violent attempting to break down doors. Do not tell my daughter I bought this it was all you" then got to work on the cutting gimmick and was able to get the blade to move back and forth. Then got to work on some entertainment gimmick with some being as simple as a box with glass over it with a sheet of metal which has attraction to a different type of metal and to release there a button on the back to reset, after making a couple of variations then it started to hit noon decided not to put himself in danger make his way back with a group of other inventors to the saffin inn, then getting saw yuhhen waiting there.

Speak of the devil, this is unusual for you to be here did something, yuhhen hugging joseph "that yohlin is stalking the grand castle and im worried that it may break through my window tonight" conferring her "lets sleep in my bed tonight for your safely" upon getting into his room gave the box to yuhhen "here you go open, it for you" opening it with excitement. Think you I knew you get me, hugging him "what can I say you an attractive woman" as the two lads in bed together eventually falling asleep , in the morning to find that she was naked in her sleep "is that how you sleep?" waking up "hey honey, please don't be shocked this is how people form ogrean sleep because our body regulate temperature differently" after getting dressed. Taggone came in through the door with a sign of relief "thank mother gikcon, your safe but your room has been violated last night with the yohlin killing some guards and everyone in the cells before leaving" yuhhen being thankful "right will go check what can be repaired" after leaving taggone walk to joseph "I know she loves you but in case here take this leather condom for unexpected events" then leaving with joseph now walking to the workshop. Seeing more of the folks holding weapons when he got to work on a spinning gimmick during experimenting found it to have many applications then started looking at everyday activities for inspiration but is worried the people well not adopt all of his creation but in time believe they will be everywhere not letting that get in the way of continuing later after writing in his note on what to do the following day. When walking back to the saffin inn in a group with glimpse of yohlin looking but never approaching, stalking by the time they got to the inn while everyone at the door as joseph pull his crystallock along with four other to fire, only three of the five balls hitting and causing a loud shriek then running away bleeding after getting into his room yuhhen looking relieved "did you shoot the demon just now I heard a loud shriek" setting putting the holy powder into the crystallock.

Unsure but three did hit causing it to bleed, is it dying or just injured only fate knows, yuhhen undressing "let's hope it dying that beast has been a sin left by orggan voyyuw ignorant" walk to the bed "after the festival don't know what to do got a letter form somebody that maybe a friend of Vorgell asking about my gimmick" sounds like an important figure. Yes she work with the mayor ever since she arrived as a slave and as of today is a freesoul "that sound familiar somehow is she a part of the wheel family" yes, she is are they will know in the land of malhen "the wagons and other transportation, the majority of it comes from them" she reached to grab a poster "a horse race is going to held at event kell tomorrow, you have nine days that plenty of time" agree. In the mourning the got really to go the horse race as on one the other inventors come to him "hi I'm Gilmurry kom also do you get a letter form this Nakeshroom person" joseph looking surprise "yes got the letter as well but can we talk about this later at the ottolt bar we have horse race to attend" right see you later, the two make on time with taggone getting to set in a chair fit for a king. After the event yuhhen accompanied him to the ottolt bar with gilmurry introducing the other Thomlyn havl, kodol van, heaven korr, and Edith vom with everyone getting familiar with each other while making plans to make a trip to castshroom, all have a drink but not enough to get drunk then going back to the inn but the yohlin don't show itself but not putting all his eggs in the basket as yuhhen prays to hear good news. yuhhen was talking in her sleep "mother mother your ok will go get, huh a coin, please still with me, promise me you'll be back" in the mourning, looking at her "do you talk in your sleep last night" looking embarrassed "a nun said that before" moving closer "is about you mother" yes but she likely die by now as I never got a letter from her.

Taggone went to jail cells when one of the nuns requested grand priest voyyuw, huwol informing him that she found something strange in the corner of one of the cells looking at it, he not familiar with the mask also noticing the shape was perfect for the yohlin. Joseph going to the workshop see a letter form taggone "this is no laughing manor that damn yohlin it has brutalist family-owned plaseat using dead body of guards to break the windows of establishment and to possibly hide in a blind-spot then to strike in the head to have a feast on the whole family. To all the inventors we need your help to make a trap for the sin that walks in the devil's foot step but be careful it is a smart creature. such as using the same trick twice, the grand priest, priests, and nuns are at your request". Getting to work on the spinning gimmicks by attaching the power source with a trigger making a self spinning grinding wheel for the blacksmiths and a handheld stirrer for mixing, start to make blueprints for possible traps coming up with many ways that can possibly trap it for long enough to kill it, when returning to the inn saw yuhhen looking sad like she got to learn about some terrible news. Walking up to the bed to set this to her putting his hand on yuhhen shoulder "what happen, what horrendous news did fate bestowed on you" moving closer hugging him "one of my father's friends founded a dead body on their travels and'' tearing up soaking his shirt "right sorry I'll to the point a skeleton with the amor she wear along with a note mentioning that an all pitch black outfit figure with skin while as while gets. It is believed that the mysterious figure killed her or had a part" hugging her. Yuhhen forcing him down in bed stilling like though the night, upon waking she still tearing up, puts the blanket on her then walk to the workshop to see which design would work best and began working on a metalbite to hold down on the pray which the pressure plate to lodge spikes into target legs and the other trap is based on the man-catcher with the same basic idea behind it but instead lodge the target in using the weight of the body.

Nuns sent by taggone gone to check on the inventors progress "it seems like your very well on schedule may you kindly explain how it works" going up to the metalbite to demonstrate on it work then her attention by the man-holder "looks like you're using the man-catcher as an inspiration but how you supposed to free someone free" moving closer to look. That what I'm trying to figure out "loved what I heard and saw today mother gikcon will save you a spot in her holy bath" after trying many release mechanisms decide on one for it simplicity then walk in the group Edith bragging her trap "my based on an ancient idea form the gaskzako tribe days" when they make it to the saffin inn, that is a great but would you go about using dirty trickery. Your see that methods at work, in his room see yuhhen naked praying to a statue of mother gikcon "normal for folk to pray in a way that mother gikcon would appreciate" finish praying looking at joseph "you catch on quickly honey normally there a langer one in room and it badly damaged so I'm waiting on a new one form ogrean cavern" walking up to hug "want to leave a gift of family before you go" wait we should celebrate the death of the beast. In the morning, when walking to the cremaiden kell saw groups of nuns as one of them approached him, "Is it really inventor joseph tonight that foul beast faces the wrath of inpoql soul" leading her to the traps "here you and also be careful with the man-holder can be very arm so would you kindly allow me to assist you" the nun praying, very will may the suing flames of the twin goddess of justice and punishment will embrace your soul. As the two walked out other inventor also had specialized traps some more unique than other, later in the blue light of the sky and the sleeping eye of inpoyl as traps lad in their spot really to be triggered with some inventor masking their scent, the yohlin don't fall for some but fell for other with the gaskzako painhook modified to bend and deform.

The painhook firmly inside the yohlin while moving around making it worse fall into traps that it would easily avoided and even one of it legs got caught on the metalbite, cutting off it own leg to escape just to lose balance when climbing further injuring itself while later getting caught the man-holder struggling until the painhook strike the side pushing into it heart killing it. In the mourning, the people in the kingdom are eagerly waiting for the good news as taggone with three guards going around searching for yohlin upon finding the body "thinks mother gikcon" dragging the body to the cremaiden kell still attached to the man-holder where joseph saw the beast bloody lifeless body. Taggone giving a speech "fear no more that mother gikcon has blessed us with the corpse of defile beast, now we all need to thank the brilliant minds of the men and women while some higher them other lets pray to the word of the grand god itself" yuhhen finding joseph holding his hands together then praying along, after the speech all the inventors got back to work. Getting back to work on the spinning gimmick for making holes for faster and easier construction, working on how to make removable bits for different hole sizes after many tries found a quick an easy methods but it meant the hours would have to start from scratch with it getting late, when he got in the room yuhhen was there really to receive the gift of family with the two in bed she grabs leather condom throwing it at the wall. In the morning, got dressed. Finish the following gimmick and when the day of the festival of inventions came everyone in the kingdom saw many of the weird and innovative creations which so of the most popular were spinning gimmicks, toys gimmicks, digging gimmicks, crystal hardin armor, underwater breathing gear, and the gatling gun.

Later at the inn alone while yuhhen had to help taggone with some important business when he about to start reading a book a woman in purple manifested form thin air holding the head of the servant but something was odd it look a puppet "a fortune teller never had one manifested in my presence" looking at him with an expressionless face. On your journey tomorrow avoid the first kind stranger but listen to what ugly disgusting stranger "wait can you explain to me why the head isn't human" but she fades into thin air before he could get an answer. In the morning, Joseph ele, Gilmurry kom, Thomlyn havl, kodol van, heaven korr, and Edith vom all got on the wagon to make their journey to the castshroom.

Samex = same sex couples/groups written format samexc for couples samexg for groups spoken format samex couple or samex group

Difex = different sex couples/groups written format difexc for couples difexg for groups spoken format difex couple or difex groups