ancient vision(1573)

This is the story of Akafuku Haruhime, when making it to vilgod tree finding out that they spoke a different dialect of malhen after much conversation managed to convince the locals to lead them to their leader, the one that they were following looking concerned about something while further observation saw how the kingdom is built. The houses were smaller, the stairs were smaller, the weapons were smaller, after walking for a bit until they meet up with leader explaining that this is a great location for dojo and it importance after some negotiation they came to terms of agreement of assassination of king advisor of espoir de cristal "haruhime go complete the task at hand I will stay to direct the construction" as such haruhime got on the horse. Moving though narsakej plains until group of kind looking folks dress like street performers were spotted traveling the same route to espoir de cristal so she tag along while being wary of strangers, at night as one of the folks crack open barrel and offered up drinks with everyone garbing a cup then drinking. As the others start drinking haruhime sniffing before drinking it but upon consumption it had no odd taste then felt heavy and sleepy falling while one of the folks catching her with another reaching for the clothes as he was about to rip it off until she open eye again but they were a different color, the whites now a grim black and red to preparatory yellow the three around her moving away drawing there daggers. Getting up "demon or human" throwing a shuriken at the neck of one with such perfect position to cut and snap as the other two rush in counter one to use as a shield from the other while using a hidden blade to kill, the last one stabbing and stabbing to cut through his friend then using his momentum to her advantage to kill him once all was over fell asleep on the ground.

Upon waking was horrified at what she saw then voice rang in her "breed her" taking a mirror but the eye were the normal color then so after got on horse after a while got hurry then grabbed a piece of katayaki but saw it broke easter in hand, walking thought without incident as it was hitting noon saw a naked gray skin woman on some trees. Its was rather curious sight even with the black demon like horns and demon like segmented tail with a black spine clearly visible but as she approached her a sense of hostility never filled the mind and soul, what was more curious the gray skin woman looked and calmly walked until they were in each others face. what are you similar to yokai or in other words a demon of so kind, garbing haruhime by the arms looking into her eyes like she knows something is off then mudder "nergok" walking backwards then going into the forest after a while as it got darker she come running back from the forest with a deer, cooking it but not engaging in conversation "do you talk or are you incapable of talking" using her hands to communicate. Your not capable of talking but making demonic sounds interesting also think for the Shika but shinobi have a strict diet, after falling asleep as the gray skin woman finish the deer upon waking up saw she was in tribal village without her clothes get up to see the outside then bears witness to a man of sandena origins being cut open with a knife, what appears to be tribal leader pulling his heart out and eating it. Tribal men spot haruhime throwing her down to the ground as the man holding tight while several women were taking pot of water pouring on it haruhime after some time she was dragged through the dirt to a hole not so deep but deep enough use a ladder, the leader jump down with two other before she knew the leader pin her against the wall holding her leg at that moment she realized it was ritualistic rape.

Waking in abandoned house then another voice rang "it's norhun it's" walking around the house to find a long dead body of a women then goes out to find her horse in perfect shape along with being farer down the path, while on the dirt road thinking to herself "what was that, how did I get here, was that a dream or a vision" confused and scared. Then started noticed her sight and hearing worth far more enhanced than before hearing the birds chirp, stepping on the grass, eating of food, and screaming for help as she rushed to the source as the group of bandits were in site throwing metal needles with force that he was propelled forward hitting the girl in the process. The three other surrounded her dropping cow drops as the bandit try to step over the cow drops one come from behind then warps the chain around his neck choking him pulling in for the stab, one walk though the drop enduring the pain, throwing a shuriken at his face pushing deeply into the skull kicking up some drops giving her chance to launch one at using the sickle as a mean to direct it. The last bandit eye burst open and into the skull killing him after picking up all the drop what to check on the girl lucky she was ok only a few cuts then another her age came changing with knife but was captured with the shear strength holding her arm together with one grip as the tighter she held the bone in the arm cracking down the knife, screaming and kicking until Haruhime throw her against a tree breaking every bone in the body. Terrified at the strength displayed of which should be impossible for a female of such weight and height but still able to move like normal, going back to the house then reach the pouch for a food pallet and a thirst pallet, thinking back about the dream and the statue of norevanar but unsure how she acquired such knowledge as there are no books on the three tribes over in Nihon.

As noon hit shadow figures moving among the trees disappearing as she got closer then when setting up camp a figure that resembles the tribal leader and blacked out waking up back at the village again tied up, looking down to find that she was pregnant immediately understanding what happened in the vision decides to go with. A tribe men came by untying her walking to large stone with another pregnant woman tied down also of sandena origins as the leader put a knife in Haruhime holding over the woman chest feeling every moment of pain coming from her then the leader pull out the heart force it in haruhime face as another open her mouth, no longer having choice in the manner chomping down on a still beating heart. As she is forced to eat the heart while the tribes people tearing out the oregons of the sandena woman and burying them including the body with the baby being given to another tribe person after all that she has taken to tent as her body gently placed on the ground, one of the tribes people got pointed sticks different colors on them, passing out from the pain hours later. Waking up naked in pain like her body was pierced by several needles, working up the strength to get dressed then start making trip again still sensitive from the dream thinking maybe she going crazy or even insane, start seeing more shadow figures but point her a seemingly no reason or if there was one she didn't have the answer continuing to point. Seeing a black cajack and walking next to his wagon "your using me as a mean of protection not surprising you sole female that is dangerous on its own" looking at her "your a shinobi in malhen that something unusual you have business here" "yes but I Assume your aware of how secretive we are" indeed indeed I been to Nihon before.

Out of curiosity you cajack always have a different color jacket each time does that mean something of value "even the cajack has their secret and this is a simple one to figure out just by visiting halldinland city" right perhaps when my tack is done. So what your destination nibon lady "just call me by my name Ibat hadd and heading to espoir de cristal for a first time visit" "they always do but hardly mainland malhen allways tailland here's a coin when you eat free at" looking at coin "thank can I name get from you" right I'm geffry black cajack. As it was getting dark they set up camp "so what kind of weapon did you specialize in or is it different for individual shinobi's" "no we shinobis specialize in same multiple weaponry with the rare exception here and there also it seems that the cajack clan look to take inspiration from other cultures'' bring out the gou-rang, good eye there sometime other cultures can give you an advantage in combat. That intriguing traveling to land to land for a living but does get lonely out there "that a part of the job also it getting dark" falling asleep now waking up in a tent with her body tattoo alongside the leader, hugging Haruhime, walking outside their tent a group of sandena people tied up with baskets of insects and ka-dak-kor really to sawing them in half and all to be used, Haruhime doing the honor of putting baskets of insects on there heads. The insects eating away at their face screaming in pain leaving nothing but bone walking the ka-dak-kor pouring blood on black glass stone chips sharpen to their fullest as handed it to a tribe member then the sandena man proclaim "this is a mistake you savages attacking our town, raping our womem, killing our children and sacrificing them to some god, once the peaple of ver de sable heard this your all dead" none of the tribe member understanding.

As they started saw him a chanting of presumably religious origin ceased after being cut in half the hand was buried, the bones form the man was used to make jewelry as for the ones the form the baskets were used to make weapons. Waking up now closer to espoir de cristal to make at noon but found that strangely enough geffry also affected by the narsakej god with some shadow figures dancing with another voice rang "nokornar nurolak" geffry getting up "what are you looking at you'll ok did someone drug you along the way" getting dressed "no I'm ok hey look we're close to espoir de cristal" also why are we both naked and how the hell are we closer espoir de cristal. check yourself if we don't have unexpected sex, this must be the work of a mischievous witch "why is our equipment and horses travel we us" turning to her "your right why would this happen but enough of this i'm going to look into witchcraft on how to prevent this" packing up and getting on the horses, it only a noon away so let put this strange occurrence aside my wife will stab me and drop my body in a lake if she finds out. Upon arriving at espoir de cristal then parting ways geffry goes to the market while Haruhime walks to nears inn check in as Ibat hadd leaving her stuff in the room then goes to a plaseat while eating saw a girl being torch and being harassed by group of three men, two women, walking up to them "that's disrespectful for a female of the age in malhen" one of women getting up in her face. What did you say eastarn face rat "keep that attitude up and your become an oni" getting mad trying punch Haruhime but cut her lightly as one of the men rushing to her but quickly used a cow drop to trip him up landing on ground while another tried to get close was stop by a hidden blade, the group gave up while grabbing her food and throwing it at Haruhime but dodging it hitting her food instead.

The girl that was harassed came up to her "thank you for help back but your food ruined" after eating in peace "so what your name eastarn lady I would like to know" looking at her "it ibat hadd probably not the answer you were expecting" looking disappointed, why do you not have Nihon or Zhōngwén name were you born in a eastarn lands but was raised in malhen. Something like that "my name is Cinderella Calyhony also you have a wrist blade never seen that before" "its ancient design but wasn't actually made untall year laters" "did you find that in a history book because my father has a lot of them" "this looks like your home also here you go" looking at the kunai "what is this" it a specialized farming tool. Upon returning to the inn see a note on the door "you eastarn goblin we are going to kill you" then writing on the back "meet me at vilgod tree to have fair fight" gearing up to go to the castle sneaking in through window popping a blind eyeball in order to eavesdropping on some guards and waiting for one to be alone upon making the corner throws the white egg. The guards stop "where the king advisor" "he's up in the guest room in right tower" after sneaking around until she find the door pick locking it to find the advisor eating with a letter on the side of him, throwing a pest pellet with the Dani crawling to the open leg of the advisor attaching itself causing him to start coughing up blood. See the small creature pinching it to pull it but fell violently ill, paralyzing him falling on the ground shaking violently, opening the door to pick up the dani body then throwing it the window going to letter and finding the reason for the assassination, closing the door as his body stop shaking violently and moving it the bed.

Exiting through the window, returning to the inn and making a return trip back to vilgod tree upon returning saw how the kingdom was greatly expanded upon to accommodate them and future members of the ega clan.