Red promise(1591)

This is the story of holnuyn musket and borgell wheel, being born in little bird to the five family there is a lot except of them like education, status, manner, family specialty and skills as the scythe are experts of farming, musket are except at making weapons armors of the highest quality possible, wheel new of transportation while improving on other, crane except of marketing items to maximize sales. Holnuyn trained in various style of combat to better test out weapons and armors while borgell specialty in building and identifying the best materials but the while they are friends there a deep inner desire in his heart to married the girl he likes but the law of little bird forbids such actions as such frustrates him leading to have sex with the slaves own by the family. Borgell from a young age was intrigued by the art of which her half sister jorgell wheel made both lustful and beautiful art of the human body in various forms as she had the family eye for plants for the right color. One day when holnuyn was going to the training site at the aslmlclwl temple where Yu-huamot alll was waiting at the main gate "welcome holnuyn your here with the experimental weapons I told you to make" "you know it would be more respected if you call it a request yu" right right "also how the back up body coming" "it's going lustfully splendid like to hear more details" i'm not here to fantasize with you. Going to the training room where isismot alll, fortumot alll, hestmot alll, and karnamot alll "ok everybody take your pick" presenting a black speared man catcher, hooked black axe, folding black blade, and black blade musket with isismot taking the folding black blade, fortumot hooked black axe, hestmot black speared man catcher, and karnamot black blade musket.

After training the trainees Yu-huamot invite him into his room "may we speak now holnuyn" "yes to the point" "I'm working on a body of which your to be the first test subject for it" "wait how are going to kill me or is there a kink behind it" using a blade to get some blood into a vile, this will do it base on a book of alchemy by seivo enycel. So to get me into a new body there has to be spiritual connection and physical connection "precisely my head spins in pains new body definitely required" "it most likely the glowing resin you soak yourself in before" after a while chatting and looking at the book holnuyn return home to see his half brother bring the highly priced purple eyed slave for rented in hope of a mana infused child. Borgell coming back from a gathering trip jorgell waiting for the plants was delighted when especially rare dead sun that gives the appearance of a shriveled flower that had not been water for ages but the ball of which the bulb grows from, going to the workshop see a letter from holnuyn "meet me for a special weapon for you. At the alll church at full night." getting excited. Arriving alone "hollyn i'm here nice to see you lady borgell here a proposal piece" giving a black blade letter knife "wow it really unique and you engraved it too (let escape together my love) thank you" "there a secret passage around here" let's explore outside of little bird" two go thought the passage with a horse waiting to get on riding far enough as not to visible anymore. Finding a good place to camp "looking at the letter knife" "yes alway knew of it existence upon the alll family killing all that find out the classify secrets" "it a dangerous trade to go head first you need to wait for the time" "your right we will be there when the time comes" waking up in the morning "hey we should get going" riding to nears woods spot a wagon with weapon, clothing, armor, food, and medicine with a woman in a lake bathing.

Borgell looking at the female but something caught her eye the upper body was noticeably bigger while holnuyn was looking around upon sighting blue jacket with armor on the left side, a half sword spear with metal wings pointing downward quietly walks to borgell "it a blue cajack" then switch there clothing getting back on the horse to get to different part of the woods. Looking for a suitable tree upon finding "hay come here crushed this in your hand" coughing "is smells like shit what is it" "a masking pennant it's different from the grass blanket your guards use to prevent the rare goblin attack" "we are sleeping like humlin" "me sleeping in a hammocks like a wild animals" "will tell you our destination tomorrow" rise and shine wheel maiden. We are heading north tailland of malhen we just have to cross the mountain road "I heard it dangerous" "only in the rainy season when the natural poisons form the mountain fruits mix" "it not the rainy season at least" riding on horseback to along the way meet a mountain woman going by the name Kateryn gonnel "you left the awful city of little bird I know a man that can help you in the kingdom of kotyuh" really that good to know. Is that a secret passage "yes but you have to put bag over your head when we get close" holnuyn looking intrigued "you heard her" borgell staring at kateryn body "what you looking at" "she thank your skin is beautiful lady kateryn" "thanks we mountain people take great pride in our bodies" after reaching the arse that was close to passage bags were put on there their heads in order to enter. Upon removing the bags was greeting by hooded masked female figure letting them to a underground settlement old and abandoned with signs of a raid as many buildings were damaged while other that still stood had ancient markings perhaps as a sign of dominance upon making to what appears to be a place of worship, in the hand of a statue was a red orb "xhe I bring you potential" the red orb glowing.

great to see more potential in our larger scheme "larger scheme would you elaborate on that" "the passage of time will show you the fruits of you labor will show a path" a hooded red masked female letting them to a room as borgell looking up at the crystals on the ceiling "what are you looking at" the crystals at the ceiling. The crystals react base on the sunlight getting hitting the ground but since the kingdom was constructed, the light has severely become limited even when it day time it will be dimly-lit "lost history that exciting would love learn what your group dig up" "not to interrupt we like to know what to do help" looking at a other hooded masked "may you take her xtrength" nodding "yes my lady red" see you in a bit. After walking see what was obviously at one point a sacrificial ground, the women who she was following disappeared upon entering the ground it way bigger on the inside with a town alongside golem made to mimic the appearance of dragon knights form the story dragon of honor and ahead a woman who skin looked like beautifully polished gemstone. You what to know already fair enough i'm the witch of infantry xtrength "the witch of infantry but you skin is made up gemstone of many will try a kill you for" "your bloodline still to my disappointment continues but let's not dig the past up" "whatever my ancestors did to you it in past now as do not know what name or they had" queen Elizabeth kon has has a especially important item of extraordinary value of my. Do you have a painting of it "no but a replica it'll have a made by one of your grandmothers but i'm sure she had fun the naked beauties" "that disgusting to think my lineage the wheel family started with a unwilling slave" a golem walking to her with replica and notes on how it looks "now prove that the wheel lineage deserves my respect" exiting the sacrificial ground a hooded masked was there.

Got the script "yes" "make lady stone adore your presence" after walking to there room holnuyn was reading some of the material uncovered "I see you enjoying the history" "yes and found something interesting about the guild of relevant" "what did you found that was so interesting" there was a family call the kellivs. How much did you learn "the kellivs had a gift of being a able to identify materials of unusual properties of are imbued with what they call mythivair" "mythivair sound like lost knowledge" "I'll continue looking thought some tomorrow after our task is complete, next day when are got up the red hooded masked show up "may you scout the best vantage points for higher odds" borgell we need to use masking name also restrain your eyes. That much important on such simple task "names travel a long way my kind lady" "I'll think one up as she lead us to the kingdom walls" red hooded masked holding bags "put them on your heads" upon reaching a room and being tall to write their name holnuyn putting Huchon vorr while borgell putting lucy vomtoson on the note as they got new clothes as will then start mapping out there plan. Lucy you should go to a tailor for some night sky blue fabric "your so specific on that but I'll be with Kateryn for initial gathering around the market kell" "I'll be taking advantage of the painting band going around the kingdom kells later that day kateryn going into room "making a plan I see, lucy hope your comfortable about the kell where going to" holnuyn looking at borgell, I'll go join the band of integrity and good luck my ladys. After the spit up holnuyn got to the band of integrity began making their way around while borgell and Kateryn made there way to the braful kell to gather initial around the area "don't you say market kell" looking at her with a finger at borgell "just follow" walking through the streets borgell was staring at some prostitute going inside a dark alley kateryn grab her arm before going far.

It seem you take a liking to the female form as the two conuned while borgell stared at a woman in robe and pitch black armor upon entering into an establishment she whispers her "there was some woman in armor following" a man with a prostitute "wellcome kateryn your on time as alway" making a hand gesture then walking to a slave room with a secret hatch. Going down it upon sitting at a table "the knight are going to focus towards the left wall so there be enough space to sneak through" "about the fabric we are going to ask about" "night sky blue is are our demand" walk over to a hidden door "here may what you saw lost track of you" right before going in was given a letter going the passageway into different room with a man opening a door for them. Walking to there to next establishment but out of the corner of borgell eye saw a the same woman but walking into alleyway after to what they need to be but was meet horrific sight the dealer they were supposed to talk to was gutted open with her heart crushed by a force only seen in myth and fables, a prostitute smearing a sticky brown stuff on the door she came from then run to the two giving a letter. Go to the backdoor, as they run to the door while dead bodys and broken doors upon reaching it a loud sound of the upstairs door breaking as the two got push out with the two running upon making it to the open area then being forced to go to a different establishment to a secret passageway created before the queens time of which lead back to the hideout after so time in there red hooded masked show up to transport them to the presence of xtrength, sweet kateryn did an unexpected obstacle stand in your way of your task. Unfortunately due to my lack of knowledge was unable but perhaps borgell eyes are of use "only got glimpses of her armor but of what I was able to see it wasnt metal, wood, lather or stone of any kind if possible to get piece of the armor" very will send my apostles to retrieve your request.

Holnuyn making a return trip after scooting meet up with kateryn in ruin settlement "was a success lady kateryn" "good to hear on my end nearly got jeopardize our task by a black armor female" "black armor isn't she be burning especially in this season" "borgell wasn't able to make out the material" looking concerned about armor. Did this a first or new threat "a new threat as normally they are killed by our apostles this person is able to slip by unseen which is unusual" "indeed all secretly is important to everyone in the ranks but on other news did you got the fabric" "yes but why did would this oddly specific color" "what is the color of the night sky" "your smarter than you look but how much combat experience do you have" then let me show though sparring. Going to a suitable location with borgell seeing them getting really "holnuyn good to see your alright" "sat and watch" as she find old box to sit on, the two getting in a battle stance as the two started sparring after a while the copper sword where bending to the point that they break "your skill are impressive xhe appreciates the potential you bring to our cause" you did great but back to what I was about say. Speak lady borgell what on your mind "the suit you request it finish" "thinks great news to heard" "it will be at your room also would like you the firing musket to train the wheel how fight properly" upon going to the room saw the stealth suit blue as the sky, master of light, upon putting it on it was skin tight perfect for a thief before leaving a red hooded masked came to him with a same blue bow. Later that night on a rooftop overlooking to entry point but a guard inside the area drawing back the bow arming his crescent head arrow at the neck killing the guard instantly allowing holnuyn up the wall without detection utilizing a strange red grappling hook to create a sustainable bridge to cross using a red picklock given the red hooded masked, while sneaking around using a needle dagger tip with a sleeping drug.

Upon making it the room with Gilles de karis but was already dead as he check for what may have caused his death nothing point to a means so holnuyn stab the body in the back of the neck then heard someone coming some immediately hidden in plain sight alongside some decorated rocks the man who came in had bluebeard like the deadman. Not wanting to rick higher security got up and throw a needle dagger to ensure a safer return upon going to same rooftop the red hooded masked was ready to transport him back to xtrength "did you like the new helper xhe granted your soul" "yes lady xhe help is most appreciative" "a new note will be placed in your room to earn an audience with xhe of red" after leaving the sacrificial ground. Kateryn gonnel caming with an old book discovered in an a rusted chest "you did the wish of xhe justice" giving the book to him "think lady xhe" while borgell making armor for holnuyn saw a vision of two female helping a male with purple eye summoning a creature when the vision stopped she looked in mirror her eyes were now in a cross sharp but when borgell try again to look at the vision. After holnuyn pick out a fitting weapon for borgell upon entering saw her eye bleeding rushing to her side "your eyes why they bleeding" "nothing just working on the armor for what with the look on your face musket" looking down at her cloth "why is blood coming out of my eyes" after some hours the bleeding stopped, the two want to sleep. New morning, the two getting up holnuyn garb the short sword and war javelin "borgell here before the weird eye bleeding under the request of Kateryn I'm here to train you in combat I took great consideration on what you can use effectively" "a war javelin that seem to be to heavily for woman" picking up the javelin "how is in not heavily" "let start training follow me" following him to a training ground.

Throwing a training javelin and short sword while holnuyn gets a longsword "are you putting me at a disadvantage" "will are sparring attack first my lady" rushing in to thrust but using length of longsword to control her momentum against javelin to cause borgell to fall over "that how you use a spear get up" what the difference between the two. The spear is longer and make to keep the opponent away but war javelin has a longer shafts to withstand the impact of up close attacks "why did give me both a javelin and sword would it more effective to carry one weapon" "in battle it possible to lost a weapon ending your life" holding a hand out "other sparring session I see" upon getting in range attack with the javelin trying throw the longsword but was baited. The session ending with the short sword her neck "too open and predictable" getting back position "last try let make quick" throwing the javelin to throw holnuyn off and rushing in for swarp then dodging the pommel strike just to find the blade at her throat "good try good try you did better but should think about your strategy and your eyes are bleeding again" Kateryn around the corner, great job borgell. Bring a face mask "I think it look good" borgell putting it on as the mask absorbing the blood from her eye turning it from white to red "xtrength will appreciate the tribute to lady xhe" while walking to the sacrificial ground, red hooded masked along with other hooded masked kneeling before borgell upon making to xtrength every one of her golem allso kneeling as will, showing appreciate for the one and only red maiden xhe. You next task is to assassinate three folks who are planning to kill joringel Calibrid but all is as it seem so your will see truth "any knowledge we should know" signaling for red hooded masked giving her a note "you all may take your leave" upon returning to there room a hooded masked comes holnuyn "borgell finish the armor while I go and with open some rusty chest.

Following the hooded masked to xtrength personal room "the red maiden xhe embraces her unending gratitude for the musket bestowed by the womb of this world" going to a rusty chest pulling it to them "is the chest also what hell kind of lock is that" putting her hand on his shoulder, I do not know maybe it has something to do with the guild of relevant. Perhaps the kellivs family is connected to this "I never bothered remembering their face and name since my army invaded the city of heaven" "any reason for invading" "vessel borgell never mentioned it to you my musket" "now that you mentioned she has started making something with the rocks she been putting up rocks" "is this a recent thing" it not new she did this back at little bird. What a strange fascination "everyone has unique soul of mind" "get me two axes and two golem" tying a strong string around the lock with one placing an axes under the it while the other swing it down snapping the lock "more books and a lightstick of some kind "it doesn't have the clover on it" "I'll read the text and see what it supposed to be" making his return see some rocks with carvings, it nice to you did you got the chest open. Is there a lightstick core "it looks like but it make of really strong wood" intently staring at the core "it may not be a core due to the lack of crystal cures metal" holding up the armor for holnuyn "it can be an early attempt before the days crystal cures metal" "pay attention your is done" putting down what he was carrying at his reading table, this is really impressive how did you get in such a high quantity. The stone in the area is the best I seen it even with metals unusually higher strength "did you remove the rust off of it" "yes had to clean it because we do not have a blacksmith to make more" pick a stone with a design carved into it "that a hobby of my pick it form jorgell my sister talent of making beautiful paintings" grabbing a book "I what to show you something" walking to him.

I think you are descended from the kellivs family but more specifically an offshoot that left "how so did some have a severe disagreement or worse" "still have more to read to figured that out will let you in the morning" in the next morning waking up to see holnuyn sleeping at the book table, honey wake up today the day of scooting. Did I fall asleep reading "try to get some next time" step out to look at crystals on the ceiling "we have time for one sparring session" "this early we just woke up" "you have to know fight" going training location picking a straight sword "why aren't you using your longsword for this session" "your move my lady short sword only" stabbing her javelin into the ground "that disrespectful to your weapon put it on the rak" ok sorry. Getting back into position moving to hit the straight to try a holnuyn off balance then to attempt a strike at his lower body but move out of the way to find a sword resting in her shoulder "good try after this task your learn about proper techniques" walking from around a corner "the red maiden xhe loved seeing her children improve themself for their angelic purpose" borgell dusting herself. So you accompanying me on this task too "have to keep you safe from unknown threats my vessel" "which kells are they in" "market kell, blacksmith kell, and farmer kell" the three of them making to the planning room "Huchon your be going with otnel in the blacksmith kell, lucy is under my wing in the farmer kell, and kodol will have the market kell" the five drink from a flat cup. Holnuyn and otnel going to the kell to track down otes hod in the area meeting up with others shadows for his whereabout upon learning of the tournament house where fights are held otnel pointing to two people fighting, a man from a distance throw a coin at his feet as a stranger point a war hammer at holnuyn.

That my coin you thief pick it up now "then how about we duel to see who picks up" everyone in the area yelling duel, otnel seeing as everyone in the house was watching the two, otnel used the opportunity to go up some stairs then touching the wall next to her appearing behind the man running to the stairs. going to the other wall touching it to find the office room then appearing next to door of the room and placing her hand on the door to get in, going to the desk in search of some document or letter find some latter from Fuximot alll and found black cylinder with a hole in it putting it in one of her bags hearing a footstep going to a blindspot. A man covered from head to toe cane in, taking out a needle dagger putting him to sleep, making it to the stairs prising her back to the wall than touching appearing in a blindspot returning to the house main event as many people were lying down on the ground as holnuyn standing victorious the man from earlier walking to otnel "hey how about we leave this mugger be and play at the inn" using a needle dagger on him. The man falling on the ground, holnuyn walk back to otnel "we done here" nodding her yes as the two start make their way to a blacksmith with otnel taking a notebook "the payment on Mawde xe giralda" the blacksmith looking at the otnel "your lucky must younglings aren't accepted by a lady of high class" given holnuyn paper to sketch out what he want, afterward they return back to the safehouse. Kateryn and borgell going to the farmer kell to get everyone was looking at a foreign merchant, the walking to him "what would you kind lady like, I have goods form the lands of korrl snow" "what the black stuff" looking at her eyes "shouldly you can tell it from the snowwhite wyvern" sorry I'm from a different branch.

How much is it "oh mountain lady you made my day that be 20 gold my kindness" then walking to a farmhouse were a apostles was living at, the three sitting at a table "what the word on the client" "she a half witch by the title of Cristen ekend working with the naked beauty group under the goal of of killing joringel Calibrid" were will we find her. In a camp around the show area before you go how wear this lucy "thinks I'm should this will help" while walking to show area Kateryn whispering into borgell ear "go behind the tent" handing over a paintball, upon making it closer saw the front open being able to take a peck saw a saw a luxurious mansion mix with the interior of a castle adored like as she views herself like a god higher than the one and only gikxuk. Continuing to walk unlit a was throw of a bar with a bottle of monster blood wine smash on her when trying to reenter soaking her and being knock out, picking up cristen body and carrying her back to the tent then stripping, drying, and laying her on bed upon waking up a hour later "you're lucky that your skull is intact" looking around confused "my head hurts" "that a glass stone bottle for you" what to join me on a bath. While the two were walking saw statues of Inpoyl and Inqoyl along with appears to be other from ruin site "impressed much of it was purchased by my father and given to me in sea bird" making it to the bath that only the rich have but so narcissistic, in the back a statues of Cristen wape around the demon tail of Inpoyl with Inqoyl grabbing her horns while water coming of the spit tail end. This is big do you bring other with you "my bodyguard and me often bathe in here together" looking at the statues "how inversed are you in the gikxuk religion" "I was told by a man from sea bird it is a kingdom of heretics" "how did he explain the kingdom of joakke ur nafka do you" looking at Kateryn skin "at you from three" "no I have relations there" after it was getting kateryn out saw borgell in her vessel outfit.

My kind apostle, you're safe this way going into an alleyway giving a robe to Kateryn, moving through carefully so as not to be discovered as the black armor woman can be seen on rooftops while other shadows dress the same, moving around in wands then spreading to make it back safely. Holnuyn relieved to see the two back safely with borgell running to give him a hug "should I give you some space" "so lady kateryn did you learn from cristen the half watch" smiling "she was easier than we thought" "she working with the naked beauty so this is a surprise" "may I converse with Huchon in private" lady borgell we will talk after this. Upon entering into her room saw otnel neck there was a scar "what that you have" picking up the black cylinder with a hole "how involved are you with the alll family" "not very, just in training members with only one willing to talk to me on a normal bases" "this is a truely a hard oil nut to crack" putting it on the table "otnel represent holnuyn presence for xtrength" once the door was close then they sit down. Show a small bottle to him "do you know what this is?" "can't say" "it's a love potion made from snowwhite wyvern but common a misconception is it help to make the person of fall in love but it more often used as a mean to get the opposite sex" placing it in front of him "use when you see fit use it" putting it inside a medicine tin "what do plan on doing after you work is done here" it to go and live with my daughter. After the meeting with xtrength, otnel come back with note on what was said at the meeting "thinks my child" tearing out a copy for holnuyn "thinks lady Kateryn" returning there room were borgell was making substitute wifes for the bathhouse in the ruins "making it with the ideal body" "my sister offled made they them for saeler out on the high seas" walking to his study "did she teach you" I looked up to her because she was more gentle and caring but jorgell want to travel by head of the forbids it.

So the old wheel doesn't know how to advanced in mind "way not join us in the bath after the task" picking a book "it a promise I'll join you" the next day they got in a quick sparring session with holnuyn using a straight sword while borgell used the short sword, Kateryn walking in as the session end "you have improved my vessel" let's get down to it. Holnuyn and otnel going to the blacksmith kell but something was off there was it wasn't as crowded as the other going to the tournament house to find it full going to see what the commotion it was knight form joakke ur nafka standing at the fence watching then otnel broke away, making her way up the stairs placing her hand on the wall appearing across from another wall then got to a backroom. And appearing from wall to wall until she got in the hallway with the room otes is in throwing a needle dagger at the wall then returning to holnuyn watching the knight fight, then suddenly otes got up clenching his chest walk to the half wall falling on the ground in front of the fighters with everyone in shocks as some guards ran passed pushing them the two aside to check on otes body, holnuyn and otnel backing away. Kateryn and borgell going to the farmer kell passing the apostles farmhouse spitting from there while Kateryn goes to the bar to buy some monster blood wine bring it to Cristen tent of which she was came running form one of the upstairs door to the presence of the wine "is this for me the divine goddess Cristen ekend" smiling and placing it in her hands, let's drink like mountain rain. Going to Cristen personal room with some maids waiting there as they stared at Kateryn "what with the golden helm fashioned after you" pouring some into the cups while kateryn held a capsule in her "bless our drinks" once they finished their wine cristen crack a smile "not your body belong to me" getting up kicking the hand of the maids "for a half witch your under prepared" running to the door but what was once a hallway is now a training room.

Some maid with crossbows shooting and aiming for head, dodging until reaching another door leading to a garden of which more maids scissors trying to cut her head off knocking the heads of somes of the maids until finding a door, leading to a pleasure room where cristen shot form a crossbow but was stop kateryn throwing a table at it. Going into a barrack room and almost getting killed by one of the maids but was able to fight back against them moving on to the next room, inside the kitchen a maid push her down with a knife at kateryn throat but used the natural strength she has push the maid allway while running to next just to appeared at what is the main room but with no upstair, going thought the only door arriving back at cristen room. Define the one and only true goddess "a full blooded witch would have killed you before you chance false idol" charging at kateryn but sudden pain hit the back of cristen "thanks borgell lady xhe will save you a place in her bath" dropping the sword as her body paralyzed from the attack was move to a table with a seal "give this space to xtrength" her body moving on it own helpless as the contract of magic transfer was complete. Now she dead like otes hod, and Johnet havlman "what do we with the body" Kateryn stripping the dead body "she will by drop by in the braful kell where many will play with Cristen" the making a safe return. Holnuyn, otnel, borgell, kateryn, and, kodol all going to the presence of xtrength "y'all make the many child of red maiden xhe proud to be in the legacy" one of the golem bring the armguard to holnuyn. Would like to speak with holnuyn and borgell private, xtrength leading them to her personal room "need that we are alone there is one more request in the words and preys of xhe" as gemstones around her body start to glow "there are two assassin contact by queen Elizabeth kon coming for joringel Calibrid in six days so prepair in the coming days" "holnuyn let all relaxil in the bath house" the vessel is right.

The three walk to the bath house, the follower, vessels, shadows, and apostles but one of the shadows has borgell attention a scar on the neck of otnel "what happened to your neck otnel?" Kateryn going with her "I find her like it" "it must have been from a perverse folk that wander around the land" xhe welcomes anybody. After everyone wash thameside, what leaving kodol got holnuyn on the shoulder "that shield thing let's test it at sunrise" after they got some but in the morning, kodol was in their room "do you not have a sense of privacy" standing up "get dress I want to see how it works" at the training site kodol pulling out his axe heit sword called the amphisbaena, holnuyn put on his armguard and a bastard sword as the two sparr while kodol gave advice on how other weapon types are affected. In the coming day holnuyn, borgell, and kodol all train and bonded together through shared or similar interest with otnel bring blueprint of the castle's layout, along with shadows making poisons, weapons, and tools for assassins. The day came, otnel drugging the food and drinks around the castle with kateryn taking joringel body away to a safe place as holnuyn and borgell waiting in the garden as the two men walked around like they were expecting somebody but after a bit they slipped up. Holnuyn following the man though the castle right wing as the man start to see that everyone asleep and all door are open, begin to looking behind and run to the training grounds picking a sword frantically looking around the area this give holnuyn choice to throw a needle dagger poisoning him then engage in combat swiftly killing the man.

Borgell staking the man thought the left wing as the assassin moves from door to door not having any success with finding joringel but suspicion of the sleeping body, starts speed walking to a wine cellar. Behind a stack of wine barrels in hopes of getting the jump on her but he pulled a dagger to try and attack but borgell stabbed the javelin through the striking arm and to his leg getting held in place as borgell stabbed the assassin neck killing him. After returning to xtrength, holnuyn and borgell were promoted from vessels to shadows.