Knowledge shrooms(1596)

This is the story of Nakeshroom craneroom, on the next day Nakecabod and the genie started repairing the castle for use as a new home while mushrooms form the cave with animal hunted by the genie to be used as food source but a strange thing happened to her skin turning into white leathery skin as the hair turned brown over the time they were repairing the castle. Nakecabod crane was gaining strength unusual for a female of her structure, the genie noticing her skin shedding every two day so he made a room with a small pool and space for skin but weirdest thing to happen nakecabod was that when she was trying to wear conventional clothing resorted in her becoming itchy. Spending a whole year cursing her to feel disconnected from humanity adopting the new name Nakeshroom craneroom. Long time no nakeshroom, how was your journey to your new you "do you fortune teller have to know everyone you never meet" "I have higher purpose for your existence so may gravity express our well" "what are you proposing and what land does you speech hold" "if I told you it real but it not or it fake but is factual, which is true and false or both'' outsider i'll accept this offer but just know my trust is hollow. Turn her head to a pillar "your friends are alive genie of green with blue on a ship sailing to three ring islands also red is being used by a king in korrl tundra" disappearing, walking from behind the pillar to nakeshroom "who or what are fortune tellers?" putting her hand on his shoulder "green that something we both share" a man comes in "are mushrooms around the ruin you're doing my lady" reaching for her sword. The genie forming a crossbow from smoke "I'm a scholar working on a new study called science" setting up a table for the three to sit at "you have my attention so humor" after some time of talking an agreement was reached with the maid quarters for the time.

joseph eke, Gilmurry kom, Thomlyn havl, kodol van, heaven korr, and Edith vom on the dirt path for a month with everyone getting along just fine as a woman a blue diamond truly offspring of gikxuk, thomlyn looking as the woman "gilmurry can we adopt can this woman into our group" joseph putting his arm over his back. We can't trust everyone with our swords" gilmurry keeping the house going "he right we do not want bad actor with our band" edith reading a book "I'm not beauty enough for you" looking at her "we only just met it" heaven laughing "let the youth dream joseph" kodol going to gilmurry "how much longer this Castshroom place" in two more night we should make it. When setting up camp a older man ugly with scars all over his face edith looking concen "he dont look like a trusting soul" joseph looking over "do not judge a book by it cover" heaven and kodol going to the man to speak with him they came back with the guy "my name is Sissott giralda I'm looking for my brother" heaven looking at ring "do any idea where he is" find a letter that may give me a club. Giving the letter to her "it the same place as us the castshroom" gilmurry holding his sword "try something funny your off" after two of traveling the group arriving at the castshroom a man running sissott hugging him, joseph walking to them "is he your brother" "yes he is" the rest of the catching up "who that child sitting there" "a kid that a red cajack bring along after discovering his dead discovering" tragic. Edith walking to the child "what you name" "korrbell vomtoson" "why aren't you with your parents?" "they lost their heads in our house" heaven going fembell "it ok you're with Nakeshroom" joseph and gilmurry going into the castshroom seeing an older looking Sandena ugly with wrinkly skin "are you servant of nakeshroom?" "my mushroom some guests have arrived" state your name.

We came in a band of seven "who the seven pearson" gilmurry kneeing "a brother of a man that was here already" "oh that Gilcolm brother" joseph kneeing "sorry to interrupt don't get to state our name" sitting on some stairs in front of them "right state everyone in your band" joseph eke, Gilmurry kom, Thomlyn havl, kodol van, heaven korr, and Edith vom. Sounds about right, walking outside to everyone with the first one to walk up to nakeshroom was heaven "do you recognize me?" "surprising seeing you alive" joseph curious "so you both each other" "she was an old acquaintance of mine" gilmurry to joseph "no need to be a jew nose about" Nakeshroom walking to the rest of the group introducing herself "Nakeshroom craneroom the owner of the castshroom" Thomlyn look at her. Not to be rude, how is your skin white? "A witches potion" kodol putting hand out to shake "nice to meet you lady craneroom showing us to sleeping quarters" "their a guest house that still partially up" Gilcolm overheating and walking kodol "the maid quarters only have room for three each so my brother and I will stall in the guest house" that a afula lot of kindness for strangers you just meet. Hospitality is important parts of life "I,ll go to pick up some seeds" going to green "we need to start a garden" with genie making seeds from smoke on his left hand giving them to Gilmurry, they start making group of who will work on the garden with the knowledge Edith has form working on the family farm. Gilcolm and sissott electing to convert the guest house into guard post "it seem to have gone well and even with the kid sleeping you" "to be honest with you the knowledge acquired through such events excites me" a letter manifesting from a purple light "love the knowledge our cooperation brings" green looking at the letter.

In the morning, when Edith, Thomlyn, korrbell, and joseph work on the garden while Gilmurry, Sissott Gilcolm, heaven, and kodol work on converting the dining hall into a workshop, shaving your skin in the midst of water "uninvited yet you come but you knew about the mushrooms'' sound like you have fun with animalistic urges forcing Mathew red cajack down like it mating season. It creepy you know but yet you send letters to the seven "it was a once in lifetime experience with a deadman" looking at her "the seven are your keys of fate" angrily tearing off a piece of the shaving skin and throwing it at the fortune teller but was gone by the time she commence the act. After shaving her skin goes to the dining hall "It looks like you need" sissott looking at the nakeshroom "you're not human but what can you do?" putting her hand on the table turning into mushrooms making it easy to cut and move while gilmurry got a saw "for a witches daughter that a unique trait" "thinks sir gilmurry" gilcolm after cutting a piece "what other magic skills have" takes a piece and molds it into mini table then harden it back into wood. Kodol taking pieces and forming them into components for different tools "heaven let change this castle into a fitting state for our mushroom" the group went searching for materials in and around the area to transform and mold. the genie watching the garden with edith helping the other out "is this how farmer live'' thomlyn sweating "green do you have some water" edith reach for a box "who forgot to fill them" joseph going to the box "you got the got the wrong box" "why didn't you tell me" green grabbing the box and suching up the moisture into the bottles.

Sandena most rely on witches a lot "you can say that but we are most by resourceful on the hot desert" edith giving korrbell some water "think mrs vom" joseph drinking some "your doing a great job kid" thomlyn getting some water "what can we get to invent" thomlyn if you work harder I will have something special for you. Green laughing until a screaming could be form lengthy distance, korrbell hugging edith leg "everybody remain calm" forming a bird from dirt and created a puddle to see what made the sound flying the bird thought the forest to find a dead body of which was shot in the head from a distant away "it seem if a hunting expedition is going to happen this will to be taken into consideration" so who know how to hunt. My father made go hunting with a his friends while we had insect infestation" nakeshroom walking to green "the garden looking great also would like organize a meeting when your work is done" after finishing with the garden they all meet up the main hail "thank you for coming and to get to the point this is about a hunting expedition" kodol throwing his dagger down "so to get this out of the way who knew how to hunt" edith, gilmurry, and sissott all stand up. Well that was quick so let go over the dangers of the forest nearby by" green stepping in "there are different kinds of venomous insects with beast that cross over form the blood mountain region" edith speaking up "are the weapons you can make strong enough to kill them" "my magic can make weapons stronger then crystal coated metal" how many arrow can you make. How many do you need "8 per person with the head using a poison that stop the heart" that all very will" edith point out "how many bows are there in the castshroom" "there should be a lot of them in the armory" "joseph and Gilmurry go to the armory" nakeshroom making a flying mushroom to lead them to the armory.

At the entrance was dark room joseph hugging the closing wall upon the mushroom started glowing with gilmurry finding torch on the ground, the mushroom drop glowing spores he grab it "is that normal" gilmurry confuse "how hell should I know never seen this in me life" the mushroom going the torch with the spores touching it. Where the fire should be at, was now glowing mushroom on the area glowing brightly "no fire but strangeness of mushrooms" as the mushroom resume guiding them with a new light source to find the armory door but lock was rusted to hell "find a hammer to break it" looking a skeleton with a hammer embedded in the skull "find one with a rusty head" "it better them nothing" swinging breaking the lock and badly damaging the head. Lets see how many are in here, going with both surprise and disappointment "war bows and horse bows" "good thing nobody ask about weapon because it look like nightmare besides bows" returning to Nakeshroom "so how was it" "there are only war and horse" nakeshroom showing disappointment "so no hunting bows, so we use the horse bows" she right it better then nothing. When everyone sleeps "when do you learn to use your power the way did" "I wish I knew why" "so little trainee, what program are you using my white mushrooms of higher purpose" pulling out a oil nut "green looking curious "a oil nut?" "This destiny, this singularity is what lies in the gates of times, the times of gates. Reward for your lineage, key to the correct truth." the oil nut glowing purple "nakeshroom walking in the direction of the fortune teller. As you are still impure, the human aspect still remains "why am I moving on my own, green help" the fortune teller disappearing while nakeshroom dropping on her knees "my mushroom you're alright" a brick fell from above smashing the oil nut open revealing blue pearl.

In the morning, edith, gilmurry, kodol, green, and sissott grabbing horse bow while Thomlyn, korrbell, and joseph continue working on the garden along side Gilcolm, heaven, and Nakeshroom converting one of the guest houses into a guard post. Heading into forest with green leading "this exciting hunting in tailland" "you only hunted in mainland" gilmurry chiming in "is that where you got your scats form" "now just the scats broken bones and almost my life once" "how at you still alive after all that" "fate must have been kind to him" green giving the signal gilmurry being the closest [take the shoot] hitting the black horned deer in the heart. Good job, the genie up the dead body and using the lamp to store it "how many more green "at less six more should do" kodol chiming in "we should all get a chance on shooting" walking through the forest with edith, sissott, and kodol killing some pray [what was that edith] [she wasn't talking listen] a seductive female voice echoing in the distance, you know what think five is enough let head back. Which guest should we convert to get guard "let my make a flying mushroom" "it bigger than the last one" "it to get a range of how far we make it {thomlyn can you see my flying mushroom} {yes little to right} {better} {the guest house behind that} {better} "see I know what im doing" heaven laughing "you never change once" "so let's start building foundation" going to the house to get a feel of it, check upstairs. Yes this is a great spot to put a tower in "so you found a spot here" nakeshroom standing in different spot "no this will the spot because of the support beam" "set up some marker and we'll wait for help on the platforms" walking start repairing the guest house in preparation for the tower.

The hunting group returning from the hunting expedition "go help nakeshroom out" edith, gilmurry, kodol, and sissott walking to the soon to be guard post "we'll set up the platforms for tomorrow" after setting them up, everyone going to sleep. Nakeshroom looking at the blue pearl "what does it mean my mushroom" "got vision of my child changing form upon looking at it" your child, your lineage.