Fading underbelly(1594)

This is the story of Hansel Abella and gretel Abella, upon arriving at espoir de cristal the two quickly grow accustomed to there new way of living with the gavson abella becoming a well known writer for his time with the wife luston abella taking over bakley after the previous owner died from a illness. Continuing the recipes made by Gilcolm eke, along with princess Cinderella aften coming for waterbarry bread while the kids were in school houses surpass the medical knowledge with the book from Hughqom Hugh helping a lot. Off writing your again "yes go study your medical know how and become doctor with your sister" "before I forget there a white cajack in the kingdom" "the usual'' heading out to the white cajack to buy some exotic drinks for his father "three of korrl tundra rum" "is this for a father that 60 gold" giving the coins and leaving with a guard walking up to him "kid do you need help" taking a bottle, here lets get this back. Gretel running away from some bullies ``your the talk of the town would you mind us the book" "back off you cowards'' curling up to protect the book from bullies trying to take it away but gawnerella Calyhony arrive on time to break up the scuffle "thank gawn" helping her up "the book again, so where were you heading to" "was going to graham huan" the witch doctor right follow me.

Taking her to the doctor "young gretel good to see you how may I be of use" "we final all the classes you recommended us" "I heard about it great job twins" taking a letter "here I a sister in cajack sanctuary that I and cattave recommend you meet once, cattave come down" go down the stairs "yes master huan" take her to comer rose. Walking gretel to comer "you make my master proud I have to say" "a man us this book with seeing how my mother got better, we what to be like him" "he must have made a expression on you" entering the book store "hello welcome to my store" "I'm here to get a copy of my book" an old medicine book good call this isn't going to last forever. That will be 30 gold, cattave giving the gold "what color would you like" looking at blue, yellow, purple, red, and orange "purple plesa" taking a white book and dropping a purple pallet on it creating a copy signed by comer "that was my last purple" cattave walking her home "sweet heart so happy you" "thank you for walking my daughter mrs. kelley" sister in a week we leave to cajack sanctuary with doctor huan. On The day of departer, the young twins got on the wagon with graham and two maids spending some months away from their parents they arrive to the city big, beautiful, and swarming with folks from around the world "enjoying the view, your be allowed to walk around after with reach my father mansion" "we are going to see one for the first time" cattave peaking an korrl apple, you what a some abella twin. Savour it because it hard to come by in malhen, arriving at the mansion with a butler standing there "welcome master graham your father eagerly awaits your arrival" while walking to front a maid was there greeting them following her to a room "havstuck, my father long time no see" "same so are they the twins you were telling me about" "introduce yourself little one" my names is Hansel Abella and my gretel Abella.

Laughing, why are you being so formal "grandfather are you forgetting something" "right i'm havstuck huan and this is my lovely granddaughter jingon huan" "nice to meet you twins I may show you to your room" while walking to there room "is your family comprise witches" "more specifically half witches" what the difference. Full witches have the power to become almost god like but a few weakness while half witches weak and fragile compared to them "that must be sad to know that" "not really i'm actually fine with that" "this is our room" "make yourself at home my lovely guests" taking there stuff out "the school we are going to" "never been in a city before kind of scared" "no worry sis it will be fun" later that night when the gone to sleep. Gretel getting a dream of which she was being hang be her hands watching a man cutting into a girl taking her heart out and placing it in a black ball then walking to up her getting stab, wake up sis you eyes are bleeding "what do you mean" touching her eyes "how is this happening" a maid taking handkerchief putting it on her face "get dress today is the day you get to go to seafish gather" after they got ready the bleeding stop when they got in the carriage. When the twin got there it was crowded with kids from other parts of the world, as famela on the appears to be on stage giving a speech about how the founder kon white cajack on how he created it with the belief that if you catch fish you earn a place in the hall of learning. After the speech they got in line to there schedules for the class "brother is this normal" "my guess it is" when they reach the person giving schedules "name" ��Hansel Abella and gretel Abella" getting the schedules then following the crowded to the school building to meet the teacher that will be hitting up the class, heaven korr for medicine, noman comstop for art of drawing, and samlin tosum for history.

How was your first day "it was different from a kingdom" Graham getting up to give a dagger to Hansel "this is for me?" "A relative of yours came by going by the name lavson abella" gretel looking at the dagger "it nice having extended family" sitting down handing them a book "a book on myth and legend of malhen" thank you. Havstuck "yes my lovely granddaughter is something bothering you" "yes it the bleeding eyes gretel exhibited before going to school" "bleeding eyes, bleeding eyes, where have I heard of that before" looking curious "perhaps from a old story or so" "perhap if I remember There may be a book somewhere in here" looking at her, you concerned, very I'll call you up if I have copy. On the next day upon getting up and really to go "who the our first teacher" "the history teacher samlin" when at the school they encountered two red-haired girls "do you know samlin tosum classroom is" gretel looking around "lets ask the guard there" going to he "where class brown dock lon 12" "that be over on the left wing" red-haired girls grabbing their necklace, thank you. Walking through the hall "what with that necklace" "brother that form gikakwan church" "is he not familiar with the teaching of gikxuk" "sister we so introduce by our birth given name" "sorry my apologies, i'm xorgon hivnom" "and i'm korgon hivnom" you haven't informed us of your names" brother we are at the class. Fate is funny at times, Samlin welcoming all of his students reading out the names of 20 in the class then going over how the Sandena settlers first arrived then going to art of drawing class after that going to rest time before the over class starts.

Hansel look, taking a topper bowl out and placing it on a desk "I dont bring top with me sorry" korgon going through her bag "here's a top for you to use in the game" gretel watch as they spin their tops but getting bored turning to luna popper playing a game of chess "can I play" yes I'm getting bored form the loser here so can you beat me. I'm thinking I can, setting up the chess pieces with gretel going first and luna going second "you win gretel we should again sometime" the bell rings at over heaven class for medicine "it appears that ross bormon isn't making her appearance today hopeful tomorrow" after class was done gretel eyes start where hurting "sis are your eyes ok" yes they are let just get home. Hivnom sister coming to Abella twin "we are going horseback riding with us tomorrow" "yes me and brother would like to" "after school right" "yes after school" returning home "my sweet jingon found it along with a copy by somlong rosser" "thank you grandfather so whos the writer?" It is a figure going by the name yen kellivs. How the original "it written in a old dialect of malhen" the two sitting down "let's read the copy together" cattave at the front door "welcome young abella master graham appressed you adjusted so well" "is graham busy" "no why you ask" "we were invited be a friend" walking to graham room "abella how your school doing" good but we like tell you we got invited to go horseback. Making friends already, cattave well you accompany them tomorrow "it ok to go" "life short ever since you came to me to make sense of the medical knowledge in the book" "thank graham" once the left the room "that was quick master" "there still kids you know" "I know but" your concerned about her eyes.

The next day, as the twin go to school Hansel notice a female students not present at the front doors but getting into class samlin "it look vell hannaevot not present today" after getting out of class "sis another female didn't make to class today" brother I'm should that maybe they got sick. Xorgon catching up behind "there you are did you make a definitive decision" "yes we here" "that great to hear, my sister will be happy" making it to class "noral veksin not here today that a shame maybe tomorrow" when rest time came, xorgon holding a top "Hansel there something strange about the school" spinning the top on the topper bowl. When me and some friend were walking around at night we saw a shadow by of the window "really maybe it ghost" a girl walking over to the table "hay have you seen gil young she usually at the front door of the school" "no haven't seen her today" korgon playing a game of sheep and wolves with gretel "did they get sick for something?" "Hansel, do you know of an illness that only affects females' ' the book we read has nothing on that, maybe something new. Whatever it the bell rings, heaven class "I see that bormon is not in class" after school cattave was waiting there at the gate "abella twins how was your day" hivnom twin going up cattave "your their maid well mother gikcon like your body" "thank happy she think of me like that" "is she going to accompany us" "she there maid after all" walking to a horse riding ring. Once at the gates the Abella twin looking at the at horses ``they are so big" "the horses are on a diet of witches enhanced fruits'' cattave to pet one horses ``let pay for a ride" the twins getting on the them while she pay for them and what for a ride with hivnom twin winning "brother we should try harder next" now now kids there alway next.

The three walking home as out of the conner of cattave eye see head with spine sticking out of it "mrs kelley what wrong" "it nothing" upon going home cattave goes to graham "remainder the dream I told you before" "that was a just a dream right or is it the work of fortune teller" will info havstuck on the manner at hand. Father I come to info you of possible threat "really now is important enough to interrupt grandfather and granddaughter reading" jingon looking at him "is it about the guard head" nodding yes "figured as much but did one of you maids bring this up" getting up "maybe this is tie to the recent disappearances" i'll see about asking a detective. That night gretel got a weird dream, it was continuation of the previous one but now she walking around freely looking a man cutting into a girl with both black out then taking the heart out, grabbing giant pair of scissors taking the head once on the a table cracked the open the skull putting the brain and heart into a small box. Reaching to touch the man but was awoken by Hansel "your eyes they are bleeding out again" "what not again" a maid giving a handkerchief putting it on her eyes "sis you feeling ok" making it at the front of the school "hello so have you notice" "that there are a fewer female today" "come to think about have you two seen anything out of the ordinary" hivnom twin looking at each other. have you seen lid copper "come to think of it haven't seen her walking" "maybe luna know something about this" going into the history class "again another female hendil runder" walking through the hallway Xorgon catching up behind "did another female not appear on your end" "the same thing on arw end" making to art of drawing "venly danie not here today are the female skipping?" once at rest time korgon starts to look concerned.

Hansel we have a request "what is it'' korgon takes hansel hand while xorgon takes gretel hand "let us sleep at your place" as they said that gretel eyes started hurting then seeing a image overlaying the hivnom twins with a horrific site exposing the heart and brain "yes you may sleep over tonight" sis "splendid father gikwan will oversee us" hansel looking over at a table. Luna wasn't there "what wrong" korgon looking over as will "luna not here" when rest was over while walking to the next class the Abella twins saw that another female student was not present upon getting in class heaven, the teacher looking concerned "yuna korner not here that only female student?'' After class the twins all meet up, let's go to your place. Cattave looking at hivnom twins "welcome lady korgon and lady xorgon" "thanks maid cattave" jingon going to havstuck "the detective send on the case has news going around that his men have not found anything that would lead to a clue of any kind but at the same they have been getting killed in the same manner" havstuck taking a small kellivs statue "put this the twins room" a maid coming in. the hivnom twin maded there place in a guest room with a maid going to check on them "the bath is really" upon getting in the bath graham wasn't there "sorry about the lateness this my sister yukon huan" getting in to the bath with havstuck going to her saking her hand "nice to meet you mrs yukon" moving to cattave "your graham personal maid nice to meet you" xorgon looking yukon. Korgon looking yukon "were you supposed to be the schools nurse" "yes but a illness hit the horses in a town I was in of which made them too sick to move so I had to rely on brown cajack to give me a ride" Hansel going to shake her hand "you most by the Abella twins it an honor to meet you at last" korgon looking over "sis are you getting jealous" no no i'm not.

Later that night when they fell asleep, gretel was now viewing the mansion from a bird's eye view initially confused, looking at a maid praying at a statue naked until a woman in black armor claimed up a wall on the left wing heading to a window. Flying to the nearest spot to make a sound to get her attention then was shot by the woman but stopped her pursuit once the maid saw her, as the maid tried to run but was shot by something that made her body collapse on the ground with the black armor picking her up and carrying it away. In the morning, the maid were worried about the maid that gone missing [should I tell them] korgon looking at her "are you worried" "gretel it ok father gikwan is on our side protecting us" on the way to school the twins saw more guards than usual "gik guards!" "you mean the ones that have more religious looking armor" korgon at Hansel, yes doe ones they only appear in cities or kingdoms that have a church of gikxuk including joakke ur nafka. At the front gate, a group of students looking a brood with name of the missing females with the hivnom twin praying at it "class about to start" going to samlin to be greeted by a message "doe to news of the missing student you will be escorted back to your homes by guards just hope that honna japper is all right" when walking to the next Xorgon catching up with the Abella twins "did you see the worried faces the teachers" we did along the stuff taking a rumor seriously. Really that's just silly story to scare others, when making it into noman class "that a relief not another gone missing" at rest time they got at their usual table but korgon wasn't there "my sister isn't here strage" gretel sitting down "do you think the students body is talking to her about the story" Hansel peaking an apple, let's ask when she come back.

Korgon walking to the table "they asked about the story" giving a piece of the apple "here maybe this calm you soul" "thank you hope gikxuk see a bright future for you" xorgon looking at her sister "so about what they asked" "one for sure this was real but didnt think I would be question about it" no need to worry about it right now. Korgon taking a letter and giving it to hansel "we will be standing we you until this blows over" gretel looking at letter "it not surprising you parents want to see the best of you in the future" when rest time was over they gone the final class of the with heaven growing increasingly concerned "please be safe kellen veksin" when returning home cattave was holding two statue of mother gikcon and father gikwan. Abella twins the hivnom family gift you protection form the grand gikxuk "our thank for the hivnom family" jingon going to havstuck "so the hivnom twin are under our wings" "for time being they are under our care" getting up from the his chair "I have a feeling that gretel know something the missing maid" "right because the in the book the kellivs are known for their strange abilities" right we'll keep an I eye on them. Cattave looking at the poster about the missing girls "it tragedy is it" putting the poster down "come to think, gretel took charge in making the decision" leaning back on his chair "your thinking how the family noticed a break-in at when they woke up after mysteriously falling asleep" sitting down "does this mean she then a off shot of the kellivs" if so she would know how the black snatcher works but it be best we did not asked right now. While she was walking in the garden to see xorgon naked praying at a statue "gretel is something troubling you my friend" looking at statue "what so what so important it old statue" "it a ancient holy gikxuk belonging to what was once ancient gikxuk temple" "really that interet" "please tell me about you eye drying up when you looks at females then returning to normal" stripping naked in front of xorgon.

So you noticed "my sister was never one for details" sitting down on a bench "you see the reason I took charge in decision so because I saw a dead image overlaying you and korgon" after talking for a bit "really the holy gikxuk blessed you with that power for a reason" getting up "thank you I appreciate that" no one else will know about this. Getting dress "lets go to the library" korgon you win again "you best beat me on a game of kingdom" sitting up a game of kingdom "when do you think that this situation was end" looking at her "it's not as simple you think it is" "the black snatcher seem to have some strength enhancement from the witch of body" "but she also knowledge like a thief" gretel and xorgon coming in, the sister come to join to us. Why not let's play will, looking at xorgon "we all have not play a game together, let us all have fun" master havstuck "what is it mrs neil" bowing the "your suspicions about gretel being a part of the kellivs tree is true" getting up looking at the book "not surprising I've had my suspicions after reading kellivs history but alongside have you found anything else" giving a scheating of strange marks on the wall on left wing. Lise jenny saw them when tining to the plants over there "looks a demon came by but they aren't marking know from a known one" putting it his table "for now do not say word to the twins" "the only one that knows is xorgon" think to himself "she we will be use in time" you won again sis "should we do teams you next are feeling like doing something different" gretel getting up, there a painting I want to final. Hansel getting up "there a paper statue I have to finish off" korgon getting up "let go read book that we were reading yesterday" later that night, cattave awoken for a nightmare "you up at last" turning to see a fortune teller sitting on her room mate bed,fit and healthy, cat ears and tail, and wearing armor of some kind of metal pulsing light on the back "what are you doing was you that cause me to have a nightmare" gretel earn the right and recognition of the universal truth.

In the morning, before leaving to school cattave gives gretel a korrl apple "a new shipment isn't here yet" korgon expressing jealousy "you order a batch a while ago did you" smiling at her "shouldn't get jealous i'll give one to you after school" once at the school walking passed the brood with more names on, that sad to see. Walking to samlin class "judy horn not here hope she found so" Xorgon catching up "it seem mood of the boys has been becoming worried as of late" gretel looking her "how long until the boy start investigating on three own" "not very soon as there a fence around the school of which the gate is close after the day" walking into class noman looking at the students "it look like dona joner not here" looking worried as he start class. Did you hear some of the boy whispering amongst themselves "sad it about the black snatcher" gretel passing korrl apple to Hansel to cut it into piece "you what one too korgon and xorgon" "gretel is this ok" giving one to the hivnom "thank hadn't had one in a while" "that because they are expensive" looking over to the table that luna wound be at but no one from her group was there, it so empty. Walking to heaven class gretel saw a teacher looking at painting of kate blue cajack on dock kate, making it to class "no one missing today good" when making it home the twins saw that cattave wasn't there at the front door "welcome back Abella and hivnom twin" "is cattave busy today" "she running errands for havstuck" let go to the library and play a game. I'm going to read at the statue of gikxuk, walking to the statue to find a naked maid praying at it, undressing "your concerned about the black snatcher" turning to face her "lady xorgon nice to see you" sitting on a bench "it a pleasure see a child of gikxuk here at this holy place" a maid coming around "lady xorgon, master havstuck wishes to speak to you deer" grabbing her clothes.

This is an honor for to meet head of the huan family "so this is the girl that know the snatcher" turn to see a man "may you give your name" "right sorry about that im Jenkyn fellin the detective in the cajack sanctuary" "it a pleasure to meet you detective fellin" havstuck getting her attention "I assume you know why you're here" the black snatcher right. It about "I know the specialized eyes of gretel, also your maids aren't quite as stealthy as you think they are" jenkyn clapping "now that we are on the same page, we should discuss how to catch this monster" "but school is closed after the day is concluded" pulling out a key "and when there no school that day but luckily me I have higher affirmative" "what the plan you have in mind" setting down on a chair, have a seat little lady we have much to discuss. Why are so good at this game "my dad played with me lot" xorgon walking into the library "who won" gretel looking her "your done reading the book" "yes was putting it back for the time being" "sis how about you play a game of sheep and wolves with us" after a couple of games xorgon suggest an idea "why not sneak in seafish gather tomorrow night" Hansel looking at her, how are you planning on getting in there. Opening her sleeve a little, the Abella twins saw a key [how did she key?] tapping his shoulder [brother this could be fun let's do it] "fine we'll do it" later that night when everyone what to sleep a dream where gretel found herself in the school alone and in the distance a woman in black thick leathery armour perfect for sneaking around in dark corners but terrible for the night sky. While walking around seafish gather, the woman would follow at a fixed distance but when gretel followed her the woman would remain at the distance she followed after a while of this got curious to see if the woman led somewhere upon doing so.

Saw her going into class gray dock jak 5 looking at a desk then exiting the room going dock jak 16 on the right wing looking at the black out body of a person lying on the ground surrounded by black liquid as gretel walk to get a closer look, a fortune teller put her hand on gretel shoulder "your not ready yet" walking her back out to the hallway. Prossign to follow the woman to the next floor class blue dock kate 7 putting her arm out like it with aiming at a black out person running in place then the women existing the room with her looking at a painting of kate blue cajack, walking again the next floor class brown dock lon 19 a skull with a spine but no body in site. Waking up in the morning, touching her face "my eyes there bleeding again" Hansel looking her "again your eyes" korgon walking in "morning why are your eyes bleeding" xorgon looking in "is this normal for gretel" putting a handkerchief on her face "yes it happen before" getting dressed going to the library to finish a short story "brother just went to ask what do you think of the hivnom twin" they are interesting soul. Come to think about the red hair that a witch job or do folks of the gikakwan religions like dying there hair into a permanent color "it likely there choice but on the are really for night exploring" looking at her "yes let make this a fun night" later that night what the twins got to gate and open it to get inside the school "ok we should spit up" see an image overlaying them with the hivnom twin getting a horrific one exposing the heart and brain. Hansel getting a hole through his chest "groups of two would be better" all looking her "sis you take hansel, I'll take gretel" now seeing image of a guard beside hansel so the two groups go exploring "they are going to floor blue dock kate" walking around "you saw it did you, so which should go into" walking on dock jak 5 going to the desk "what so special about this desk" let me look at it.

Taking a closer look finding a small hatch with a black cylinder with a hole in it "what a strange object it has bumps all along the surface but more specifically in the pattern" xorgon putting in her pocket "what it purpose?" while out of the room grabbing the arm of gretel "did you hear that" moving closer to her [someone upstairs] moving quietly. Moving away for until the sound of someone from upstairs could no longer be heard "maybe it the man the my sister claim to have seen but we should be careful as know nothing about him or her" getting her attention "look over there at the open door" gretel taking a look, then vomiting "it one of the boys from yesterday" covering her mouth and looking away, how can the ring of make a harmless trap in the school unintentionally damaging. Let go up to class brown dock Ion, Hansel "we are going a floor higher" looking backing at him "forget something in class the other day" walking to the other other up the stairs "it a coin that fancon the blacksmith make in limited quantities" putting her at him then hugging the wall at the two watch a man walk past them [that the man the form before] looking at her, nading his head. Making along form room to room to find a body of the male student with there head ripped form there body with the spine still attached as struggle to hold to in as hansel succeeded while korgon hands we're soaked [let keep moving] taking his hand then making it to the flight of stairs to the next floor making it to to dock Ion 15 to the student desk hansel rubbing his hand clean grabbing the cion for her. Making it up to class blue dock kate to make a trap to immobilize the perpetrator find the materials to make one that knocks him out cold upon completing the trap the two what to look at the painting of kate blue cajack that when xorgon saw lines around the painting like it was a door [maybe black cylinder thing is a key] [a key?] examining black cylinder thing closely, shaking it to find a smaller one inside.

Plasing the smaller one on the wall to see if it did anything as it did not have pattern but it stuck to something, the the xorgon following the spots it stuck to until a passageway opened up, finding system to work similar to a well but the bucket was made in a to support bodys with rectangular holes on the sides of it. Walking down the flight of stairs to welcome by a horrific sight of the girls the missing bodys without heads, hands, hearts, and brains holding back the urge to vomit while walking backwards then knocked out by the man. Waking a bit later hang from their hands, the two left speechless and hopeless with gretel trying to scream before she could the man put his hand on her mouth then stabbed the knife into the pelvis now in tears all the two could do is watch as he killed three other in front of them cutting off heads, hearts, heads, and cracking open the skull for brains. As hope for girls was running low, Hansel come in on stabbing the man with the dagger as some guards point short spear at him the freeing gretel and xorgon while hansel and korgon took gretel to back to graham with xorgon standing behind to answer questions for detective fellin once they were alone she punched him "that for taking the gift of mother gikcon away from her'' getting up from the punched, sorry I will admit that was my fault. After waking up from the treatment she was physically shaken, wheelchair bound until shipment of the witch of body medicine came by, upon returning to school saw a memorial for all that there lives with students in the gikakwan religion praying naked honoring the souls lost to a monster and its pet.

We have him in our custody but refuses to talk until the execution, about the purpose and plans "so what about his partner" "refuses until hours before the execution" "before I leave have you hear for the two guards gathering evidence" after the incidence, graham was inspired to write a book on the black snatcher call, black snatching maiden.