Three princess(1597)

This is the story of gora veson, lek nein, and joc joven, the princess taken away from there kingdoms they ruled gora of sandena during an assassinotin attempt but upon seeing the girl decided that the king pay a ransom for his but by a member of the naked beauty before the assassin could the chance 5 years ages. Lek of three ring island being kidnaped by her uncle to have his son be the prince 1 years ages while joc of korrI tundra being sold by her mother to the naked beauty 7 years ages until one night the lek saw a woman in blue on a some tree popping a weird pellet thing causing her to disappear out of site then when some member began cooking. What she looking at, see a extra splash not form the food they were putting in there soup "seen she looking the soup why need beg for it with her body" after eating one of the going the slave cage opening it to take lek but while walking her but the member drop dead with the other following suit "someone poison them?" going to the bowl left out for her and smelling it "witch poison" pouling it out and taking the keys to sleep in the slave cage. The morning when everyone got up lek unlocking the shackles of everyone then taking clothes of the dead member the all looking at each other to figure out who speak what languages after a bit an wagon with a man and woman "hay do you need help we are heading to vilgod tree to visit family" the woman holding a languages book with the girls geting on the mostly empty second wagon with lek holding gora and joc back. Once wagon ride away, the two other looking at lek in confuse then trying to communicate to follow and later the three walking to see a camp with a white cajack "who are you" drawing a axehammer "no no we were held captive by the naked beauty and im with sandena and a korrI tundra female" the three setting down the campsite, so that unfortunate of you but how do I know if your not coning me.

Taking the joc shirt off to show her back "you tried many times and you were sold to many man form how many brands you have" grabbing some crystal salted meat sticks "your story three ring girl" getting a bite out of the stick "this doesn't have flavor but you have a language book" "you never learned their names" only the numbers they gave us. Taking the language book and pointing to phrases "gora veson princess" "joc joven princess" looking surprised "so i'm not the only princess" looking over to her "what about you since you able to communicate" "right my lek nein princess of last titian" getting a bite in "any reason why you not in your kingdom" "I all over heard my uncle plan to plant his son in the thraud but I was caught and drug" corruption of kingdom. Getting up to grab eyecrow then speaking into it "head to fynlo seven in korrl morrand because gora father has set a request to find his daughter" looking intrigued "are not going to take us there?" "I have to do my job as a merchant and there should be an old house on the way to korrl morrand" throwing compass "this is set to kingdom and city" pointing the direction "just follow the compass and get sleep the red tip will kill you" the girls getting in the merchant wagon. The next morning, the girls walking the direction of compass to eventually stop the girls and spotted some animal traps carefully moving thought the area for three day until reaching a house then knocking on the door "who are you young ladies" lek going up the him "can we get ride to korrl morrand my good sir" looking at the girls, was your cloth stolen. No we were free by someone while in a slave wagon "who free you them" "sorry she was in night sky blue and was hard to see then disappeared" confuse "how, it not possible to just disappeared you but a witch most likely know something at least" going inside and getting some food "so what purpose are you going to morrand for" "we were told that fynlo seven can help us by a white cajack" so what your occupations.

We'll all princess "your lucky to be together while getting help" grabbing a trap "I'm going to show how use this" lek watching "wait I think this one is broken" examining it "oh you're right this would snap my finger off" "I use to going hunting with dad friends a lot of it second nature to me but what do you have to do this" a plaseat in the korrI morrand is paying me to hunt down some deer. Point her finger to her neck "you have a funny voice" looking at her in confuse "can you make animal sound too" making animal sounds "that must have came in handy during your time in captivity" "I use it to avoid being ravaged by the man there" getting ideas "intriguing but we got hunting to do so I'll lock the door behind us" walking in wood setting traps. Could you mimic a meeting call, hiding a tree while making the call with running to it stack in the trap then getting stab in the heart "hosend mat, your" "lek nein, the other girls gora veson, and joc joven" throwing some rope tying the legs with hosend hanging it on a tree "here a knife you know what to do" guting it and putting organs in bucket "so how many are left" we have about 10 more to go so let put him in the crystal water. Your should clear it the smell alone will alarm animals 4 deer later "it getting late lets call for this night" once they got back to house with hosend cooking some meat for them "I do not know if this is rude to ask, do you have extra utensils" looking her "yes it is because here in malhen you carry around a pouch for that" after a day hunting and traveling to the town of hometin, alright ladies we'll here. Walking to tailor "aren't we going to check into a inn first" "not like that you girl need look presentable when you reach morrand" the girls picking up clothes and going to the dressing room "say you know where a witch of body is" "he would be near the city of oriole bird" later at the inn "so we got a room for ourselves" "tomorrow morning we leave to korrl morrand" lek looking at the other, I wonder if I'll get meet them again.

The group traveling, lek saw fortune teller flooding along with wagon looking (there something I'll like you to buy at the market) (would you mind telling me what it is) (you alright know what it and who jew it for) then disappear, when arriving at korrl morrand a orange cajack seeing the girls then walking, your the girls mentioned in the report. Lek looking over to a merchant "hosend can I buy something" "fair enough, orange cajack where this fynlo live" "he live in the braful kell inside of mansion of sex" "stang name by no maner, where did you what lek" the two walking thougth the market "this is you first time here" "oh yah, forget to say that sorry" looking at some hats "did your father teach the common language" pointing to green cone hat, my get a language scholar to teach me since in my family hunting is a tradition. Does you family taxidermy the animal "yes we have showing of one of the cities" (the booth after) leaving 2 silver then seeing lek go to booth looking at a black crystal necklace "are you sure what that" (my eye can't look away) "I'll that one" the seller looking at her "finally was about to throw the damn thing" confused "why is it not popular?" 10 silver and it is seen as a witch thing. Gora and joc at the mansion "a harem girl I see" then swinging languages "I believes that your father is worried about you so a cajack will be here to pick you soon" looking over to joc "I have uses you as that kingdom of which you once ruled for will be beneficial to me" "what doing mean by beneficial?" The current family in the kingdom of hillfon is doing a soul sucking job at rulering. What about my mother "oh the poison sick rat she was trueing wrong, couldn't tell an angle for a demon even if a bird shit on her hollow head" looking happy laughing (so she got what she deserved) gora looking at him "the other girl lek nein what about her is anybody coming for her because she got lucky not to be sold" a letter has already been sent to last titian with an eyecrow.

The new recruits are here, good sent them to master scythe