planting crane(1575)

This is the story of Akafuku Haruhime, Akeygmund scythe the recruits are doing great in tools making "are you sure that you what to give them the choice to leave once the training is done" walking the main house "it the secrets you what to ensure never comes out" "it that nomyuyn musket guy you're worried about" little bird is indeed problem. The letter we got form lonabod crane on the alll family plan "I like to get more dirt on alll before making moves on then" "where sure were start" enter their home to see a girl "this young girl know something about their operation" the three sitting down "got this know while I my brother was busy with a female, the letter she drop had detailed" drinking from tea, they plan on planting their kid into the surrounding kingdom and city to gain political power. On that do have you have possible location "unfortunately no, I was knock out and before I knew it I was on a slave ship" "how far where you from your home" "10 days from port bird but is there a drug like what the white egg is made out of" "you would be dead by now, the angel powder form the angel flower in low doses your under there control but if you take much your body would have stopped moving" haruhime looking her, thank jain kian. Walking out "we'll speak on this later" haruhime starting talking in Narsakej "that was close" later when akeygmund was done with training the recruits, hon conner walking to him "scythe can speak to you in private" looking at her "what on you mind" the walking into a meeting room with a treeling cleaning "may you gives us a moment" the treeling leaving the room. What troubles your mind "haruhime has been acting strange lately" "your referring to how sexual she gets around me but not normal way" "how long has she been acting like this" "since we gone to norsu gke where she chanted some Narsakej words" after a bit of taking the two gone sleep, while in the mederm of the night to see that she not in bed getting off then going to the recruits rooms.

Outside of the room "your eye there yellow and what the hell are you saying" listening to them, returning back to their room then morning hit one of the treeling gave a letter to akeygmund "it form lonabod crane" after reading it what to haruhime "lonabod is in need of assistance" now we can put our plan into motion. Haruhime going in horseback with a recruit to take horse vilgod tree, getting dress for occasion, applying the the face mask then getting on a wagon later arriving at little bird in front of the crane mansion "welcome to my home lady jane, right this way" seeing two kids "you the new maid I see, I'm hauhabod crane" bowing, good to meet are they your child. Yes, hadiabod is the first born and Nakecabod second born "jane may speak to you" following lonabod to basement with jewish women inside "you made it in one piece so I'll start laying down the details" distracted by the pregnant jewish women "she a plan of the long-term" "was there specific land you what from" originally a eastern women was going to used but my body move it own to the jew instead. the eyes are going to get you in trouble "your comparing her to the purple eye slave" "it quite a compliment you give her" (purple eye slave) "but on task at hand, there's an assassinoion target, a weapon in the musket forge, and emblems" "that what you need ensure the plan works with tomorrow we are going to meet with the woman your killing" the next morning, the two going to bar called given good time. Why if it isn't the crane and what do we have here "she a maid that chose to work for me" everyone in the staring her way "let's start walking to my office" while walking to lower floor sound of females being used to pleasure men "wait this a talk between two higher up so wait to the door" holding a dagger to jane [you may need this] the going through the door not hearing sound coming from behind it, she has nice glowing eyes.

One of the man walking to her "what this now maid for cranes, I see" getting nervous "yes what do you went" grabbing her face "does are beautiful yellow glow get around freely" "please let go" throw a capsules into her mouth "come and join the other" looking at him "sorry on not interested" looking annoyed, you took a illness potion knowing this would happen. One thing you an eastern accent "I recently served eastern family" getting closer her until he felt the point of the dagger "tell me what your name" looking him in the face "jane restful" backing away "a number would suit you better" heart beating, after a bit lonabod came out "we may go now" the man from before walking to him "where do you hire this maid at" "my wife saw poster of on her trip to espoir de cristal" well I'll sure to enlist her. The two walking to the aslmlslwl library "so that man what to use you as cattle" "purple eye slave what her origins" after getting into the library and giving a book to carry "she was some girl discovered in a town located in the lands of korrl tundra but as far as detail go that all anybody really" walking out of the library "that a unique maid you have you have" turning to look at Fuximot alll. Think sir fuximot "I must say you eye are beautiful when the there glowing" bowing "thank for your compliment but I have job to do" the two making safely to crane mansion "now may had the books to isbelle hallie in the basement" going down to basement "the books thank you and what your name" "it's jane restful" you have an eastern accent, that dangerous around certain samexg's of men. So why does lonabod treat you with respect just for the plan or is he going to sell you off again? "I was taken away from my family and he promised to sell me to someone that treat me the same" "let hope we'll meet again some day" walking to kitchen to start cooking "mrs restful the master what to see you" the other maid taking over while jane goes to meet with him "you call it almost time so let me show you something" go to a torture chamber hidden under the stairs.

Surprised that there was a chamber "member of the the sugarcane would go out and kidnap people" "you bring because there a secret exit here is there" "you catch on quick so that what we'll doing" offering a lantern "I can see in dark sir lonabod" looking around the chamber finding skeletal remains until finding painting removing it to find lever. To two hearing a sound and going to it a secret passageway "so who tell this" "kukulmot told me and you know the target vanluyn musket" holding the shinobi clothing with Haruhime getting dress then jumping on to the roots and waiting near musket weapon house until she range of the string drop around the neck decapitating her then drop a sugarcane emblem on the body, returning back the crane mansion. In the morning, the two going to a game chamber looking for then open spot with lonabod sitting with a men "is this you maid she nice eyes" "let delivered our attention to chess" feeling someone slapping her butt turn to see the same man from before "why hot play round with me" looking him "come on have a sit" sitting down "sorry not that good at chess" getting a different game "let change to checkers" setting up the game, so what you name. Jane restful "bennumot alll would be my given name" starting the game "do you often get compliment" "yes but since I came here it kinda been the opposite" "that sad a flower like you has to be harassed" "do you offed come here to play" "with family or people that I trust" after a bit playing "I'll be leaving now, have the important meeting in the aslmlclwl conference" we should getting going too. Upon return the mansion they go the office "what the next step" "that would be to steel a weapon once it complete in 5 days from musket weapon house" "one thing what makes the purple eye slave special" "she can regenerate body parts along with healing at a faster rate which is why her shackles are made with spike going through them" getting vision of Narsakej tribes, what the manner.

If nothing, getting out of the room and going into the maid quarter "Jane are you alright" putting her hand on Haruhime with her turning then taking the maid on the bed "wait your not serious going to do this?" Later that morning the two woke up, knocking on the door "may I come in" lonabod coming in, are you feeling well. Sitting the bed "it must have been drug that man throw into my mouth" "still here for today I'll take different maid to cajack here" lonabod with a maid waking to silver cajack looking at what she had "look at that" a wooden fox with a scarf "how much would that be" "5 silver" receiving a set of 6 fox with scarf (wood,stone, glass, clay, metal, and, witch ice) "lets share this with the other maids" when presented to maids jane quickly grabbed the stone fox. hauhabod the next day going to a horse race taking jane and two other maids with her to vip seating seating area in the Agriculture district watch are other member of the musket, wheel, and, scythe sat there "show off how did she get that maid" "where did they hire her" "damn it they got lucky before but now" upon returning to mansion seeing tribe people taking in place of the maids of taking care of the children. The night of the musket weapon house came, Haruhime on the rooftop looking a back door holding handle pushing slowly until it break then using a blind eyeball and going in, getting past the traps set for inverter then making it to a mainroom seeing the storage house with 5 locks, taking her hands breaking them by hand "a ghost" rushing to the child knocking her out and carrying the body. Finding the box that has the weapon but before going tring up the kid then leaving both the letter and sugarcane emblem, once in the torture chamber "good let's open it up" a musket with a black crystalhead ��it seem that they was experimenting with elemental attachment" looking over Haruhime "you keep it for clan" putting the musket in a new box "a peason will come by tomorrow" the next day as jane woke up hearing knocking on the door.

Bennumot was there at the door "morning my lady" "why are you here?" lonabod coming from behind "if you walk like might not get the girl" taking the eyes lens off "there would a reason why I'm here" seeing a cross pattern "to honest with you your eyes are we what in our family tree but if we need to build trust instead of funds" sorry but need to do my job. Walking closer her "then let go on out together and build our trust in each other first jane" the other maid looking jealous "get dress you your coworker jealous" the two going to Plaseat in the Weapon district "thank for accompany me to wonderful place" drinking from her cup "thank but why a private room" just because you took a illness potion doesn't make you immune to getting drunk. A waiter bringing a bottle "if you refuse your go into the jail where it will not be pleasant but on the other hand we have fun in a private room" the two drinking and eating then going to then inn accompany by some guards for the night, return back to the mansion "how is the culture of little bird" "the alll family are obsessed with looks even down to the child" "you don't try to kill then and there" getting off the torturre device "to risky, i'll go and write letter to Gilcolm" to risky for a shinobi. In the morning, jane bring food for isbelle "it good to see you again mrs restful" putting the food down for her "the alll family truthly see themself as gods above everyone" eating some "unfortunately so were drive out of little bird and hunted by black armor woman on the outside" looking at her "Gilcolm nav is a long time friend of mine" really is that a close friend. Putting her hand on stomach "one of these days I'll like to see my child grow but understanding the nature of lonabod plan" hugging her "your going see them again and help if I can" letting go seeing an image herself in tribal tattoos, picking up tray then putting it back in kitchen "mrs rustful the master would to see you" going the torture chamber lonabod laying on a torture device.

like me to take a hammer to your balls, getting off "funny this is backscratcher not smasher" the two sitting down "the final nail in the coffin" looking at the letter "kukulmot what your help?" "the family is about fed up with the sugarcane" putting the letter down "what poison did you make" laughing "just throw stuff in the pot while cutting some fruits with the stem still connected" you unknowingly made poison. What are you doing tomorrow "going to the aslmlslwl library to play some games with Bennumot" "I'm going to go shopping in the Agriculture district" looking at her "your expecting me to recreated what I made" "I'm gonna teach you made each time��� "I guess fate is on my side" getting off, well I'm going to tell hauhabod that you cooking. The next day, jane with to other maids going to agriculture to pick up fruits while guards around were watching closely "that the from given good time" about to move "stop the guards are watching" looking annoyed "so am alll beat me to her'' walking away "we are going to have to take this outside then" the three returning back to the mansion and start cooking while waiting for lonabod to came back. What he came home later that night "jane good to see your up" walking to her "here finish one so let show you how make it" the next day, the two going to aslmlslwl library where kukulmot was waiting seeing the two then making follow me gesture the three wait into a secrets room "the sugarcane are becoming a nuisance to my family and can not risk them uprooting us" jane walking to him giving a box, thanks for the ring. lonabod crane one thing before you leave there be a package at your mansion "thank kukulmot" the two leaving "is he alway this like" "yes since the day I met him" looking at him upon returning and looking at the package a ornamental sword but the handle strange uneven spot putting the sword in lonabod room (what he hiding in here) opening it to find a letter then the two meeting in the torture chamber.

So he want the medicine house supply destroyed and what you to do it (did he see me a acquaintances) "do you have something that could destroyed a whole room" "I do along with a tool to nullify the sound of breaking glass" getting dress and going the medicine house in Weapon district then going up to a window with a sticky towel pleasing it. Smashing it and removing the towel with the glass shards the powder bag in middle of the room with a long string, once a safe distance and pleasing the emblems at where it can be seen jump on the rooftop while pulling the string causing an explosion then quickly returning back chamber "you should be hearing about this soon" getting some sleep the returning to vilgod tree in 3 mouths.

Damn it the sugarcane just had to ruined everything, kukulmot looking at reposts "first they assassinate vanluyn musket then steal the complete black crystalhead musket and poison attempt later a medicine house" bennumot speaking "especially with brithpact that I have with jane restful being at possible risk" your daughter isismot alll not getting the medicine for the black eyes. It's time to stop the second chance for the sugarcanes "bring death to them if you ever see them" I'll go tell the others.