metal hands(1560)

This is the story of nakata makoto, coming to malhen with her brother nakata akiban who learn the common language while tending the rice farm "we finally here in malhen" akiban grabbing her arm "still close sis we are here for the first time" the two walking to a inn "this is where we are sleeping to for our time here" now we go the key let go to a Plaseat. When entering the port bird nest a woman in working there was sterling at makoto while taking there order "what would you like" akiban ordering the food, when they a female came running to up akiban "have you seen my daughter" backing away "sorry I haven't seen them just came to malhen" walking away as the woman try to grab makoto by a man step in between them. You know that rude to snatch up a little girl, throwing a bag of coins "leave before I change my mind" looking at him "thank you sir" bowing "no problem, it's a shame to see an easterner getting harassed" "thank you sir" walking behind makoto "odinmot alll, also with the naked beauties using dirty tricks seen after all it not just a samexg's of men" "again thank you" what bring you to this wonderful land of malhen. My father sent me to buy orb that will help in the framing "the witch market is what your talking about that is in korrl morrand also take a cajack, you can't risk it in an unfamiliar location" "them when well one show up" "it shouldn't take long seen cajack sanctuary is in the south" at the inn "well thank you for the help and how do we know if a cajack is in town" giving a bag of coins, when a messenger start running about. Hadem did you find a suitable host "the wet nurse bot the wrong shoes for me" sitting down "your were order from a shoe maker calm down" "a eastern man in the port bird nest" "a little girl was with he right" nodding "just walked with him to the inn" looking annoyed "why didn't you get him there" "no rush time things just do role and your get the riches you greedily desire" walking away, gohadem this your hate for some strange reason.

Walking to his room "odin your tea is really" "fandollin you always show at times like this" drinking from bottle "it not my frict that the body I'm going to be using for this timeline is 11" sitting down "I'll like to ask you more about the potential you said I had as a fortune teller" "not really allowed to get detailed but it is an eye piercing dance" so after my death the decision will be made. So you guest the death part "you have a obsessed with death" laughing "the job of fortune dancer is to follow the books" "where is the library at" "theater with no dancer but can seen performing or no theater with dancer but can not be seen performing, which is performing and which one is not or none" "so that a no then and I'll wait until become one" throwing a purple coin to him. Makoto is going to need this when you see her again, looking at the coin then looking over to fandollin of warping herself in a scarf then disappearing, going over to his shoes and putting it in the coin hole of the right shoe "makoto is the little girl?" the morning seeing hadem knocking on the door "how are we going to get the eastern man" "do not rush thing, you what to rup in the your in the face of gohadem calyhony'' master the black armor has been sent to you. Looking at a letter from Yu-huamot alll "it looks we are are getting a little help" throwing the basement keys to hadem "let work out a plan first" black armor walking to odinmot then showing her hand and the middle finger shapeshifting into a key, going to the door and closing it then using the key lock it and open it "an assassin infiltrator thanks Yu-huamot" can we just start. That night the black armor liquifying into a shape best suited for sneaking, unlocking the door to the inn owner at his counter then pointing her finger shooting a sleep dart, working slowing while crouching behind the counter as a person was walking in "hey old man are you here" walking to the counter looking just to get pull over and shoot by a sleep dart, now going up to akiban room.

Opening the door slowly and shooting two sleeping darts "hadem go to the secret chamber there here" looking at the moving picture frame "finally I can put the mask on that puppet" odinmot getting up "one thing do not kill the sister" turning to him "I thought the alll need the brain, heart, hands, and, feets" walking to a door. Your journey will determine your fate also reminder our deal "fine all for meet my ticket into little bird" "good so now put Yu-huamot toy to the test" hadem walking to chamber to find akiban strap down to chair "take the sister to the jail room" the black armor walking away "what do we here" getting a good look at his face "your quite the handsome one" taking the mask and strapping it down as the spikes piercing the eyes. The body now shaking as the muscles become bigger as the body force itself off the chair stilling font of her "get on your knee" akiban body did exactly as ordered, hadem putting her hand out "shake it" akiban body doing it "good now I have guardian but it too risky to take him to most places" odinmot walking in the chamber "you seem to be smarter than the rashful women I met on death door" that was gohadem fault for not coming. I have letter to write, walking into his room "one dance routine ahead" looking at her "you sitting on my painting" tossing the letter "gollow is a better artist" sitting down "now hear of them but they possibly do not exist here" laughing "I'll take you to a art show, once your dead in my dance" hadem going into her room, to find that makoto awako chain to the wall "so your up but lucky for you I'm not allowed to kill" what my brother. What that do not speak eastern, kicking her in the face "your body is perfect for the request of the alll's are making but nothing said that you can die indirectly" akiban body walking in "brother" hadem unchaining her and moving the him just to kicked harder "hold her arms'' screaming and crying as her were cut off and being put into a bag "now may we show you how to adults play" striping down.

After they were done "now to dispose of you in the nearby wood were you surely will be eaten alive'' the mask slave picking up makoto naked body running to the wood at inhuman speeds, some hours pass as she regained consciousness seeing bandages around her wrist with no hands along with a massive headache, brother come back. Please akiban I can't do this on my own, crying for hours ``shut up you Nihon eastarn banshee" a witch resembling a humanoid rat with a shorter stature "your face has meet slammer while you hands, so now that make you slave pet" moving up to the witch "can you help me?" walking away "yahsaw is what you call me so hurry up before I change my mind" following yahsaw into a door larger than herself. Who this naked dog "she only speak nihon'' walking to a mushroom horse "sorry about that, he my brother joskan" makoto see a leaf with food delivered by birds ``what i'm am I supposed to do'' jumping on her back "are you going to waste food" whipping makoto butt with her tail "unless you what you help, eat" jumping off "now what do need with" "please give me new hands" "there a framer girl that sneaks out at night so go cut her hands off" wait what. You hear me go, my birds will help you "you can't just make some?" looking annoyed "not skill in that type of magic but if you want to die of disease be my guest" "no do not what to take some else'' jumping and kicking her in the chest, are you that much of pussy nothing in this world is free also that witch skill you mentioned earlier guess what they had to kidnap a person. Getting up "but mountain person can make a metal replacement" "really where" a purple bird fly at makoto "bestla jotunnis where you what to go and the birdly is to help you" pulling her by the hair "how bout so clothes'' the door close once she was out of the cave "which way is bestla jotunnis" seeing bird hovering in place while yahsaw walking out "one thing I almost forget before you starve to death" stabbing a oversive lizard tail into her lower back.

How would a tail stop me from starve to death, the bird pulling on makoto hair "wait should I give some clothes first" while walking the tail adjusted to her body "the pain is now gone so the little birdly can you lead me to some clothes along the way" "oh my sweet child a bloody fate await you" turning to a fortune teller, a band of bandit as ahead. The bird pull on the hair to a new direction "lady hatsune why are you helping an npc" a ball of white throw "defecating on you sister isn't liberian like'' the fortune teller looking distressed "agarn, so we'll have to settle this different timeline" the bird scratching makoto on the forehead "indeed but for gikxuk sake we have job to do go back and read the books'' juless cold getting frustrated and disappearing into a mist of feathers. The bird going to her forehead "lets forget what happen here" scratching her forehead "what happen" the bird pull on makoto hair leading her off the new direction walking until night hit a sound was coming from behind "who there" a green cajack coming from behind a tree "your far from home sweety" makoto walking up to her "what happen to your hands'' looking at the arm. A woman who cut off my hand then had sex with my brother in front me" "that terrible but you most by hurry" the two going the green cajack camp ground "so why you and your brother doing here" holding her food "we came to get framing orb for our rice fram" "and how did you end up like this" "we were in the inn room then I find myself in another room chain up" "did you see anybody suspicious" maybe the women put the black mask on my him. Black mask, so where you're going "bestla jotunnis is where the witch say I can get metal arm" looking at her "you know it easier to sacrifice as the witch of body potions regrow body parts" "where do they live" "not taking you as it not on my path" getting sad "so how far do we have'' the green cajack climbing a tree "nilde green cajack, so give me you arm" giving her jacket to makoto.

The next morning, getting a shirt for makoto "gellwitch is days aways" the three treveling through woods "you came from the city of ventwitch" looking at nilde confusing "I came from port bird" "impossible that far from here" "what do mean I was that the other day" (is a there a witch made creature that can do that?) so what the creature looks like. It wasn't a creature, it was my brother with a black mask "not possible as witch can control the soul so they have to cut the head off" "sorry I don't know" "but let get one thing strange who do you think put you thought this" "how did this start" makoto thinking (maybe the men dress in the alll suit) "nothing come to mind sorry" the two making to gellwitch, come with me you can't be walking around like that. Going to a tailor "what something eastien for my nephew" looking to makoto "3 gold 1 silver" the tailor taking a her to a fitting room while nilde waited in front of the curtains, when makoto came wearing button shirt styled after a kimono with long sleeve to cover the missing hands while wearing pant styled after what cajack wear "it looks good on you" the tailor looking over to nilde "so how did she hand?" got careless in the city of ventwitch. Well her lizard is beautiful but keep a closer eye on her next time "I'll be shro to do that" the two return the wagon as the purple bird was flying around get the folk attention "set down and look pretty" at noon the when they were done the three go to a plaseat "nilde I,m getting hurry" looking over to lizard tail "it likely you tail is storing your nutrients. So I'll order something light" a woman looking over to makoto. The woman walking over to the tail then looking to the nilde "so which witch do she go to" looking to her "what the name of the witch you got the tail from" "yahsaw" "near ventwitch there a one name yahsaw" "thank you" walking out "your making quite an impression" at the inn while nilde was reading a book "nilde have you been to Nihon before" "I have for some trips and got a good luck chasm" showing a fox with a scarf.

In the morning, when walking out of the inn with a man walking pass makoto to grab her arm but nilde drawing a tri staff slamming it on the his arm broking it "that my arm" turning while holding his right arm and dropping a dagger "you what your face smash as, I may over do it" makoto behind her as another man walking from to her. A tri staff with a detachable instruments while the current ones being iron balls at the ends, attacking his right arm and swinging a ball at his jaw then stepping inward to deliver final hit at the side of the face cracking it while snapping the neck "just die" the other changing into her but get hitting his face cracking it open "that was bloody so let wipe your face clean'' makoto looking the tri staff, thank you for saving me. Walking to the wagan "no worries it my job" as the two were traveling to the town of hometin the member of the naked beauty saw makoto became interested "so what our next stop" "the town of hometin so in 43 days possibly" looking confuse "what you mean possibly" getting a five barrel spinning base Crystallock out and really "your there favorite pray" shooting at some bushes it see a frozen corpse fall out. Luckily for us it was scout but as for bathing in a spring somewhere not happening with you "right under but I really miss my brother, mother, father, and fram and do not want them to see me like this'' putting the crystallock back "tell you what I have a friend at bestla who well train you, for that you may save you brother" looking over to nilde "really" it like he being controlled by some method but I can't promise that he'll be alive. I'll hear that the mountain people use executioner swords "or what they like to call them mountain swords" "do they put weights on the swords to act like a hammer" "how do you know about this?" "my father has one a wall hanger but I always notice the notches at the end of the sword" "just say this to the blacksmith when you get then, cajack bar beat" after traveling for some time and making it to hometin.

Arriving at hometin and setting up shop "what is that over there" looking at an arrow with a letter "came with me" the bird flying to get the letter while the mayor ran to nilde "what on it?" giving the letter to the mayor "in 10 days the bandit is going to come to this town so get a hunter to set up traps" then the mayor got out a bag of coins. Taking the bag "deal" "nilde what happen" "got payed to protect this town" after selling items then going inside the inn with the mayor "go to your room I meet you there" the bird picking the key up "so the what plan green cajack" "first may I get your name" "jagirl vender and your" "just call me nilde but back to the plan" looking a the map of the town "this tower will have two person and how many Muskets do we have" 20 three barrel spinning base muskets. On tower one two man four muskets, tower two, two man four muskets "right I'll get the best fighter in town" "and your put here here here and here" looking confused at one of the piece "why is this here" looking her in the face "there no lock on that gate so they here to move around the wall with what is left will handled by us" getting up, I'll leave the shelter part to you. Nilde your back how did plan go "the strategy is set in motion, also can you pass my box" going up to box "it kind of hand to do so" the bird fly over and picking it up "think you the help" makoto walking to watch as she detachable iron ball a mace and blade instruments "you wouldn't get hurt using that" putting her hand on makoto head, were cajack are train regularly with our choice weapon along with a secondary weapon. Why a secondary weapon "what happen if you lost the first one" "but do have a martial art for that" "yes but weapon make it deadly and your put at a disadvantage against weapon" looking at her "your understand one day" the day of the bandit attack when the jagirl got all the town people into the shelter then running to nilde with a four barrel spinning base crystallock and stragesword, there you are hope your ready.

The folks on the towers shooting at all of the bandit heading for one of the gates as the other gate only 8 got thought with two of the bandit getting spear by two of townsfolk as nilde move in cracking a the skull of one of them, dodging an attack then cutting the bandit leg while the maze finish him off, moving into while knocking the weapon out of the hand. stabbing the bandit as a jagirl shot one coming from behind "get down" ducking as nilde shoot the bandit "that the last one" as townsfolk pull out their sword while jagirl was looking at a signal for the tower "where in the clear'' nilde walking to shelter "makoto we are done here" walking to her with the bird on makoto shoulder "we are leaving already" at the the wagon jagirl came running to nilde. Think for the help "no problem be and be careful of naked beauty scouts, lady vender" looking over one of the guards ``check the dead body for identifiers'' once on the path to virasat "did you tell them to check the body?" "no they are just being cautious" the bird singing on the head of nilda "what with the mountains'' looking over to the clouds "rainy season is going to start ``''what that" making it to virasat. While the weather was rainy pass through the gate of virasat and checking in to an inn "thanks for letting me borrow a hood" petting her "your tail looks pretty when it was in the rain" looking at her own tail that has a rainbow effect "let go to a plaseat" while walking saw fairy with firefly tail carry box of faeces "why did you grab my bird" peaking at nilde hand "let buy a cage" go to shop "2 gold" why are we putting him in a cage. Let just say that faymagrane will kill you, making it to plaseat to order food but more for makoto "after you we'll done were going to the town library" later at night inside the birdcage while everyone was asleep "let go outside" turning it sandly mass and flying the cage then looking over to the window "let's put them to sleep'' scratching makoto and nilde then opening up the window.

Oh your late the bandit you were supposed to kill are getting ready to attack "that nilde girl put my in a cage" juless breaking a ball "now go before the overseer start breaking our nest" lady hatsune flying to the bandit thought endless illusion "are we making to the town yet" looking at a map "we such by there now" the group turn to see 6 without their head. The bandit freaking out and drawing their weapons ``there a bi" seeing a 8 with holes in their chest "it a witch beast protecting the town" the leader dropping her weapon at the site of the 5 more heads gone then running away just to go pass the same group of body over and over and over again "did it die and go to hell" feeling a bird on her head singing a happy yet beautiful tune then quickly got dark as her head came off. On there way to the mountain road "soon enough we'll there" the bird on makoto head singing "the song it singing a beautiful yet dark tune" nilde extending a finger it pet it "where did you learn that" a strong smell coming from the distance "the smell are getting close" "that your stop at the end of the mountain road to tailland" upon making to the other side and meeting with a difexc. A mountain man leading makoto to the blacksmith "she only speaks nihon" "take a set let look at your hands" can also make my mountain sword.

Odinmot got you the framing orb that you requested of me, writing a death certificate "and now give this to the maid who is going to make the trip" taking the letter and tying it to the box.