alll's helmet(1594)

This is the story of isismot alll, neithmot alll walking to isismot room "the jew got a book for your kid" the in hand "ichabod has good taste" neithmot put her hand together "tyr is going to be happy right" putting bookshelf "go tell bennumot that my weapon are in need of some repairs" taking the folding black blade, look like you have a fight on you hand. No it was purple light inside erupted form inside it "a purple light will it said that purple is the color of fate by maybe it a coincidence" picking up a book "let's hope so" neithmot walking to Yu-huamot alll lab with naked girl wearing black helmet that covers her eyes ``oh what do you what birdly eye" isis folding blade snapped. How the snapy happen "fight happen" the girl taking the blade "also are the helmet ready for the test" laughing "yes yes they are lusting for heads" neithmot walking to the door "will go sing your words to her" bennumot alll waiting at the other side "so you have a weapon that she can borrow" the two walking the isismot room, no but did you hear anything about my mother. Nothing about jane restful but it likely that was her work name "that sad but she likely still work as a maid" "on the other I want to given good time with the hadiabod and ichabod" "what girls did they like" "ichabod has a thing for the easten woman while his brother just what with whatever" "not surprising he was hitting on the wheel maids'' at the her door, will I'll be leaving to play with tyrmot in the library. At a house in mainland malhen three folks by the names of hordle fellin, kis lu, and lusson vell drinking and playing games until hearing a knock on the door "I'll go get it" kis opening the door as a woman comes running into the house with torn clothes and clutching onto a book "the naked beauties killed my father" lusson giving a shirt to the girl "what your name young lady" gil veller and live in a mansion 8 hours from here.

The three getting together "what do you thank we do'' hordle speak up "it likely that the naked beauties may come searching my home in a group" lusson speak up "so it settled we escort her" "what if a scont follow us" "no worries we have an advantage inside the mansion" getting there warhammer, swords, bow and arrow, and axe. The four riding on horseback to the mansion and making it inside "lucrtuney, let hope that the bandit do not find us" lusson walking ahead looking at a painting of a man and a woman "is your mother around" "not at the moment she what to the witches market" hordle getting kis lusson attention "let still here until her mother gets here" kis looking around "so where the maids" "keep it in your pant but on the serious note" me mother forbid my father from hiring any. This sound like man your get along with, your not wrong "hordle walk with gil here" the two walking to the stairs ``we are going to look for some loose ends'' the two walking dining room "did feel like something wrong here" "your referring to the maids" "well yes but not in the horny why" looking at the kitchen "is a little big for just simple family" lusson putting his hand on kis shoulder, you may be right by every but let keep this to yourself. This is a big place to live in just your family "it was my mother chore as my father what a smaller home" looking a painting "is that your younger sister" the two looking at the painting "yes she what with my mother as will" looking over to her "you sister overshadow you" clenching her fists ``sound like you do not have a good relationship" but let go into my room. The two walking to gil room "so what they after" "a witch space stacker for the garden" "strange by not uncommon for the rich" "earter you said something naked beauties maybe will attack'' putting on a smile "it ok we're here to protect you lady veller" "where are lusson and kis at" "chicking the place out for any opening" at the door "can you still at the door when they start looking for me" right my lady.

Did you find anything yet "no it look like the residence were one step ahead" kis going to a door "what are doing" walking over to him "it locked but they do not use this room" kis looking into the keyhole "chicle was shoved in" "what let me see'' looking into the keyhole "even worse this the maid quarters'' it seem off like this is plan. Kis walking to the window "did you see something" "maybe a scout not sure" the two walking away "what to check the other room for clues" "we may not find anything but why the not'' walking from room to room find nothing interesting related to clues ``I see you two did a lot of walking" "while you did a lot guarding" the door open up "hordle can sleep in my room for tonight" were take the room next to you just for incase. That night a black armor woman with a executioner black sword and black round shield that a hidden blade underneath (what a nice wall the three rats most by asleep by now) swiping at the wall leading to the kitchen then going in smashing everything in there (the food should be here) opening white Crystal store room with the food "your a puppet for the alll'' smashing the a purple glowing fruit, your needed elsewhere. The next morning, how where the beds ``they were great so where gil at" "she likely getting dress so let go the kitchen" walking to the kitchen "what the hell happen" kis walking to the opening "maybe an connonlock was used" "it must have been scout marking here" hordle and gil walking to the kitchen "the food how did this happen" hordle going to kis and lusson "it look like they mark their track and along with one set of footprint" gil running to the three. Take us to the library, after walking while checking out every door "there such be a map of the place" the four looking around the library "guys I find it" gil running to the three "now let start planning for a possible assault" after awhile lusson and kis got to looking around for materials for traps while hordle and gil breaking in the armory, which one will you choice lady veller.

Gil looking around to get a short sword "how much training did you do with the short sword" "a lot with my father" lusson and kis walking the into one of the room to find a decorative shield with engravings on the inside "len veller, kanle veller, helde veller, venson veller, and denna veller'' lusson walk to kis, what your looking at. Pointing to the names ``there space for more gil isn't in here" putting it back "it be safe not bring this up around her'' (there more to this but there must be a reason why) looking the room "let hurry before hordle get mad at us" walking through the halls to catch a glimpse a black moving object "see something" "it was just the mind playing tricks'' hordle training with gil "you left yourself open that time" the trap are done. The black armor jumping and circling the mansion (good there no one awake) picking the body of len veller put stop after hearing some footprint (looks like someone saw me) walking the area and following the footprints to naked beauties scout that started running (you think you can run away) while the two were running the scout three full shot but nothing could penetrate then catching up to slam the hammer like head breaking off the shot arm. Swinging the shield at him with the scout dodging but the blade coming out as he was move decapitated the scout (did you truly think you could escape) walking back to the body then walking to a one of the windows before throwing him wrote a letter then stab it into the body (this should be enough to arouse them) walking past the scout body, looking at it (I wonder) walking over the it. Go tell him, kis running to hordle "a letter" looking at the trees "was his mind truly playing tricks'' when gil' hordle, and kis making it to body "how long age was the letter wroted" kis looking at the it "last night it seem" lusson looking at some of the footprints "no use looking for them as they double back on them but judging by how deep they are, the body was carry to the window" so no witchcraft.

Gil hugging hordle "we should come up with something" once in the library "we a party naked beauties coming in five days" kis speaking "if there a group of them coming, most likely samexg of men'' lusson speaking "we should start by trapping every entry point" gil at hordle side "there are some weak point arould does area" kis looking at her, any objections. The four trapping all the entry "so did you talk to hordle about" "no that gil is close to him" "try for the next 3 day" pulling out a string bomb "let plant them at the points'' what the day came four saw bodys standing in the distance "still with me" a burning ball rolling site of them then gil holding the sword backhanded stabbing a syringe "lady gil'' hordle falling a sleep, there moving as much. Kis looking out a window at they just a decoy" hearing an explosion (smart of them) kis running to get a peek seeing a black armor woman on the ground "have to tell lusson now" black armor spotting him then quickly getting up to feel a pain start running though her left arm (this is getting interesting) getting some medicine gel on two finger and pulling out with the other two then putting it on the spot. Running to the end of the hallway while the black armor was chach up while lusson arm a cannonlock with a roundhead shooting with the black armor using the shield while keeping the arm out of the way (trying to kill me I see but was mistake) a piece of shield flying off then running at lusson knocking him out (now for other one) walking around to find kis hat in a room, constantly moving it with the sword to see a string and covering up as explosion happen. Kis with cannonlock shooting a armorhead with the black armor narrowly dodging as the black blade was slowing it with it able to cut the halfway thought before breaking it and dislocating her shoulder "what" swing the executioner black sword to knock the cannonlock out of his hands then knocking him out.

Isismot putting the letter so that the plan neithmot "let get the horses really on the day" picking up a book, this is going to be a fun hunt.