This is the story of joaghee sugarcane, living in mainland in the town of gellwitch working as a bathhouse maid giving people drink "jog hee don't you forget someone" looking to the customer "one moment sir" walking to him "here you thank you for the wait'' one customer garbing joaghee butt "are you single my kind lady" currently meeting someone sorry. Come on we'll keep you company "I'll think about it if I can't find someone" after closing hour of clean then returning home "you home at last, did mother gikcon help" "no just a group of garbly folks'' velehee sugarcane going to get a five barrel sliding base crystallock made of gold "where did you find it on your hunting trip" "it was on some dead naked beauties bandit body that we looted'' the girls most have sold well. Well tomorrow I've going to City of ventwitch to the tailor "how much animal hide did you get from this trip" "a little lower than usual but it was alright" after that day when night arrived a black figure could be seen in the tree as joaghee with going to sleep "you skin so soft, what do you use" waking up to see a woman poking her face "who are you" garbing the her hand "where am I at, take me back to gellwitch this instant'' you know, how far we are. Far? How so "we are in port bird and your died of starvation if we do that again" "impossible what witchcraft did you use" "get her something to eat" a man came and sit next to joaghee bed "that was my daughter shivamot alll and I'm odinmot alll" getting off the bed just to feel her body not having the strength hold joaghee up "the drug has yet to wear off, stall put for time being" looking at him, wait you drugged me, when? After some time a maid came in with some food "my lady joaghee, the food you require" looking at the food and tea, sniffing the tea as the maid cut piece of food eating front of her, after eating waiting to gain feeling in her legs ``you're going lady red hideout" looking down at a purple picframe with small purple woman coming then growing to match her size.
Lady red isn't gonna let you live but is strange that she stills follow the books "sorry what about a book?" going up to her face "when you died that end of you story normally but I have some importance for you" pushing the fortune teller away "you're too close to my face" "just trying to gauge how your marvel looks'' can you leave me already. Reaching both hand on the joaghee face "now to look at what the marvel'' unable move from the fortune teller grabs as she put thumbs into the eyes "I'll have to grow your power" shivamot coming in to room "are you trappin out? Do you need a moment?" getting up '"no, what do you need" "odinmot wish to speak to you" going into his room "lady joaghee how your awakening in my home" when do I go home. Let's get to the point I'll make a deal with you "what kind of deal are you offering" maid coming in with tea "you like black tea, it just came few days ages'' garbing her cup "never had it before thanks" the two taking sap "it really strong and bitter" putting the cup down "it one of my favorite but back to the offering. We the alll's are proposing to reset your family back in little bird believe maybe your mother tell you story." really she never says anything about it, go on. You see the cranes took away your birthright along with your weith "Also your mother never tell you, joaghee your family can earn a second chance for your legally" holding out a hand "where do I start, odinmot please tell what I have to do" getting up "well follow me to my studies then we'll speak" going into the studies to be give a letter, now I'll proceed to teaching you the moves. Getting the contract to assassinate lucy vomtoson and Huchon vorr then blacking out to find herself in the kingdom of kotyuh, in the braful kell near a lady house "how does that work. Should ask after this." getting out of an old secret room to the site of an old man using a dead female body "who are you, a gift from the black armor" looking at joaghee in a lustful manner, I'll get to making the woman alright.
Drawing a short sword to defend herself "not again" the old man running away "what? Why are you running" a man coming from behind grabbing her arm while grabbing the neck "never seen you around or come from the gate" thwarting joaghee arm until dropping the sword "stop please I do anything" slamming her face against the wall. Shut it after I'm done here taking you to the lady house, feeling a touch "who that'' looking down at a girl holding a heart dropping dead "he dead?" the girl giving the sword to joaghee "thank you what you name" writing in a notebook "otnel hadd" shefing the sword "thank otnel hadd, so how did you pull a heart?" "Kateryn explained better '' lifting her neck covering showing the scar "that horror boe" otnel looking at a paper above joaghee's head before being pulled away. Grabbing joaghee hand and taking her to the love hall "room 12 is open'' the two going into the a basement with a hidden door that lead to a old kingdom with the crystals at the ceiling emulating with light, walking through a kells long abandoned by time with no former resemblance of it prior now a hideout for the ckot of xhe "where are we heading?" to meet with nelk una. Going into a room where a woman wearing nothing but long shirt tinning to her loom as fabric woven into clothing "who meant you be a new follower" stopping what she was doing "I'm nelk una and you new follower" taking her hand "joaghee sugarcane and I'll like to know more about this'' the sitting on the bed telling taking then going to the hooded masked female to get the blessing of xhe. The hooded masked lead joaghee to what appears to be a place of worship, in the hand of a statue was a red orb "xhe I bring you potential" the red orb glowing "growing need for later use potential in our larger scheme" confuse [what is that supposed to mean] "your going with nelk una to Mawde xe giralda before meeting xtrength" walking back to nelk room "I was assigned to you, to go someone or some where name Mawde xe giralda" in ten day your see.
Giving some clothes to joaghee "follow me" following her to a group of naked girls from payasam slave trading group "the slave marking not flemmer with the simple'' giving the girls in a line "they are a lesser group but more strict than the naked beauty but as of late there wagon have been going missing" missing, what do you mean. Someone or a group is adapting them while letting other leave back to a normal live but strangely enough the girls come back with weapon mastery of framing tools ``most weapons came from framing equipment so it has to be a clan that poor or liamd there self" a shadows coming behind "it what I been looking into lately, follower so what your name" turning to see a mountain woman "joaghee sugarcane and your. Kateryn gonnel, also be careful not to get her kill "it was a lap of judgement on the busty maiden end" "should we warn the new comer about, no let her finger out" kateryn walking away to a shadows ``we should do some training first, the last thing you need is to be found with a man you have no love for" the two going the training grounds ``are going to train like with only a shirt on'' it offer less restriction. Nelk drawing her hidden sheaths the same concept to the hidden blades but a sword as the sheath itself oval grab like dissign all thought all it, hammer on the tops ``isn't it a bit unfair to use some warhammers'' putting one hidden sheath on the rack and two hand "so I'll go first" joaghee attacking first as nelk stepping forward stopping the momentum then the blades sliding out close to her face "oh I'm using a real sword give me moment" grabbing a training sword. Something tell me that other offend spare with you "now i'm really my vessel show what you got" after three days of training, kodol korr with an apostles "may you be the new follower, lizade hyukamol a poured mountain warrior from bestla jotunnis nice to meet you" "and I'm kodol korr it seem that your getting along with nelk also you have adopted her fashion" it not like that, she make me wear this during training.
Lizade lifting joaghee shirt looking at her crotch "stop looking" pulling the shirt down "you seem used to this did you work at a bathhouse before'' kodol looking at her face "oh I remember now one of the bathhouse girls in gellwitch, the one you passed up for being flat" looking embarrassed, what that supposed to mean. If you were assigned to your would understand "you can go ahead I'm training with the two" lizade walking away "break her into a fighter, apostle" after 5 round of sparring joaghee collapse on the ground tired "we should start taking a bath as you what hard on her" "the amphisbaena will be really tomorrow if you like to train again" the three walking the bathhouse with 6 vessels, 2 shadows, 1 apostle. Once in the water the apostle going to nelk "it good to see you alright but who the new follower here didn't seem to be a former slave" "xhe saw her in danger and send otnel to her side" looking over to her "you give thank to our red madam new follower but what you name" "joaghee sugarcane and yours" "kuttanen yotten my kind lady" after getting out and receiving mask four day later "thank for the mask" nelk looking at the mask, the mermaid you're lucky. On the day of assignment joaghee and nelk walking to Mawde xe giralda mansion while wearing masks as shadows on the roofs keep an eye out the black armor woman "say has anybody say seen the red maiden before?" "only xtrength and apostles can see her as hope to one day see beauty that is xhe" "where is mansion in the farmer kell '' only father along the old greenhouse. Seeing the mansion in person while in the front yard a young white woman with gray hair in a wheelchair being by man wearing a whiskerfish mask, watering the plants ``it seen the bodyguard you requested form xhe have arrived" mawde rolling to the two "it good to see that your here" nelk bowing then joaghee following suit "my lady may we take this inside" the man rolling her to the front door while the other follow into mansion.
Inside, a red statue of blindfolded woman wearing a shell top on top of a cloak with female archer outfit, brigandine over it "who the woman[is that xhe?]" mawde grabbing her hand "that xhe our red maiden, are you new to the scheme" looking over to her "yes she the new follower that came 9 day age" going up close to her ear. That great to hear but what her name "joaghee sugarcane what would you like me to do" two bodyguard came by lifting mawde while the other get her wheelchair up the right stairs "let go to the library and I'll tell you the story behind her" following nelk as a maid open the door "now take sit while I find the book" walking to a glowing part of the bookshelf as hand with book "my child let me share some of my light" eye turning crimson red as a pain hit her hands. Sorry to keep you waiting just find the book "is it a diary of her but is alright we read it'' maid coming in with tea "she don't my it, open to everyone of the bodyguards'' reading the diary about how she being hunted by korrl morrand assassin under the king's daughter command as she learned that the king had bastard child that would get her removed from being the princess. Then fearing that the king will find out she sent assassin to poison the mother and sold the daughter mawde but the king daughter failed negotiation let to almost being held for ransom, allowing her to escape but when running on bomb that frost mawde legs landing on ground as the ability to run scattered around, when all hope seem gone a women in red then was carrying mawde to kingdom of kotyuh. Her sister sound like should have been held in a cell "I'm should her fate is as reasonable as her actions" a maid coming in "joaghee the kind lady wishes your help in the bath" nelk pushing her toward the maid "make haste my lady" walking to the bath passed paintings from artist of joakke ur nafka who hold art exhibits every year in the farmer kell "it seem like she like goes the art exhibits offed" our lady love to the arts.
Upon reaching mawde, looking happy to see the mermaid came at last "I'll need you to undress me as you can see barely any legs'' while undressing her saw legs missing the lower portion along the upper missing some as will "you hide your lag of legs under the dress" it would improper to show that off of me especially since I'm of high class. It seems that mother gikcon has blessed you with a healthy child "no man would come to give me a chance. Just my scars from the trap will not allow me to find love of any kind outside of the slaver." looking her in the face "you do make a point but they're someone out that will love for your looks'' while washing her back, mawde knocking her down and lading on top of joaghee "this is the where you taking to the bath" right my lady. Once in the bath "have you ever thought about going to see your father" "xhe has forbidden me from doing that because destiny has plans for him not knowing allows. Also because of being alive, assassins are sent on a daily basis so you have your work cut off for you." [who is this xhe, is she a fortune teller] mawde to reach her crotch "what are you doing cut that out, will you" your not used to sleeping with others. I live town of gellwitch of which is own City of ventwitch so I never slept in three person bed "really you never been out on the world beside kotyuh, so tomorrow I'll be going to the seabird theater." after getting and dying off "can you roll me to my room" "yes" rolling her down the hall "after we reach the room well you sleep with me'' confuse "why? for what reason in particular" mother has a believes that if you sleep with a woman, mother gikcon sleep with you. Never heard of that before especially since the last place I work has a lot gikakwan influence seem the boss used to be nun at joakke ur nafka in her younger days ``where did you work at that before" "at a bathhouse in gellwitch and work there since my mother and I what there. A maid came to me one asking for help and since that day, I have worked there.`` Are you with the nuns?
No was never interested as my mom what me to be but, I respectfully declined "I can really see you being one if you gave it a chance" reaching the room "let me open it for you" mawde opening the door herself "I can do that just focus on pushing" "right, do like doing things on you own at time" yes, my missing legs are not going to hold me back. Undressing her before getting into bed "aren't you going to undressing to for mother gikcon sake" undressing herself "did you do this with your mother" "sometimes when the maid wasn't around" getting into the bed that as nelk goes to the garden at night to see a flash of red coming from of the statue "is this normal" the statue moving it head "my child your future has been set for you and let joaghee do the major threat" is her fate to do so. Woking in the morning to mawde touching her "please can you stop" not stopping "but your so soft like an angel" a maid coming in "my lady may you get dress as not miss the show" stopping then stilling on the bed "help me get dressed before I'm late" quickly out of bed to get dress then going to the blacksmith kell as nelk and joaghee with two other walking alongside Mawde xe giralda. Upon reaching mawde gave order to joaghee and another two bodyguard "patrol around the area while nelk still with me" joaghee walking around the alleyway while the other bodyguard walking around the font (now watch as a woman come out from the barrel) the woman with a witch whip sword what to the backdoor trying to pick lock it as joaghee was charging almost hitting the assassin "believe you one one of them" the woman drawing the whip sword. Drawing a bunker shield as she blocked some of the attack getting a deep cut on her arm (watch as fate take hold of this) "not bad but I'll have to kill but bef-" jamp away to stop the bleeding (so fate has it that would at this moment she was killed here?) (this is the part the timeline takes hands into it our manner) grabbing a half filled bollat and throwing it then shooting it blinding the woman.
Charging in but the whip warping around joaghee leg causing her trip on the woman then drawing a dagger stabbing her on the ground until the woman stop tightening the whip sword "too bad I didn't get to interrogate but there should be a clue on here somewhere" struggling to get up (are going to let her pursuit this on her own) it path has already been set, just sit back watch. Grabbing a paper that had a message "hatter warehouse next night" after the show the group make to the mansion were joaghee reserved treatment "so the message you got from the dead body you can do it on your own(let me do it going to be risky for you)" in the library putting a book back "you really think that but I just got lucky there and lady mawde now preening me" wander you got lucky or not it still impressive. Joaghee the kind lady wishes to be with you in the garden "right will see you later" after they left a red glow came from the table (take a sit) sitting then to be appear in a red, and white room "hello to see you here" looking around to see a collection of weapons ``no books salve your not like the other" "I have no connection to fortune teller" really? What to ask about mawde as of why you pair her with joaghee "it all a pair of my plan but I can't say to you about it, that would be violating the rules. Even the all powerful gods are bound by rules no manor have small or big they may be." put her finger on nelk front head "this knowledge will help you in your new life" in the garden as mawde had joaghee pulling her around "how your leg doing" it doing fine but what concerns me is the message. To think that a plan is being from there but I know you can do it tomorrow "I should be able to do with help" looking to her "you're doing it alone because xhe believe in you" grabbing joaghee hand "sorry I'm not all that specials you" "but you were up against a witch whip sword and trumped" a maid putting a hand on her should "It no use once dictates there no charging her mind" looking concerned, something tell me that happen often.
Looking at the noon sky "oh right there something I'll to say you wouldn't being a model for my art" grabbing her hand "in a moment I'll catch up" a maid putting a on mawde "give her some time with nature" letting go of her "place make it quick" "be patient I'll be there" mawde rolling away "alright it should be around here" looking around to a black sphere. What luck do I have to be here as plan, taking a paper form it and writing the location of the hideout then going to mawde in her room "put the white one on her'' getting strip and getting a white dress put on joaghee "hold still or the dress will rip" moving in front of the cappis while the maid pose her "the mask drop" grabbing it putting then putting it on her as maid was posing joaghee, stop moving our lady need this. Xhe, should do something about this "Lucy has it covered under my wish while huchon has business in virasat. Whatever you do, do not interfere with her fate." the next morning, when getting dress joaghee saw nelk looking at a painting "you're up, we should go to the warehouse before nightfall." walking to her side "does lady mawde know about this'' of course she knows but let get going. After going to the blacksmith kell to meet up with a silver cajack "so your the lady that sent this" pointing to joaghee "yes that would be me(no, what are you talking about)" "so you to go into the hatter warehouse before nightfall" getting up "here follow me to your hiding place" nelk walking back to the mansion "come back safely for mawde she wouldn't what to sleep without you" following the cajack into the warehouse. Wait here, as a guard come by "never seen that girl conducting business before" "you have seen before by you just do not remember" handing a bag of coins ``ah yes forgive my memory it seem to have gotten hastily" the guard walking away "so where do I hide now" the cajack going a crate marked with a slave number 05 "in there?" The lid is loose so you can surprise attack when he gets close.
Later that night when that assassin was around with other naked beauty men and women were talking business until the assassin closed and killed him the 5 naked beauty members looking at her drawing their weapon "it seems someone forgot to secure her '' raising her bunker shield and short sword as weapon pointing at her. Moving to the left side on the other crate a with a half spear the crate as joaghee for the kill on one slash her sword while it get defected giving her a chance of hitting the naked beauty member in the neck letting blood squok on other eyes, creating an opening for the stair as get a cut wounded leg "damn it" making to a window then jumping out landing on wounded leg reopening "oww" running as the member are looking for her. Walking around for a hiding place while leaving a trail of blood (it isn't looking good for our hero) (look at the guy coming over there) (her leg is injured what could possibly be done) as the man charge at joaghee then using his momentum to throw the members and stabbing him then taking the scaf the stopping the bleeding as another saw her moving away, the member chasing her to a dead end. Finally connor you "mother gikcon wouldn't want me on your tour" the member rushing in with his axe but was countered and killed letting joaghee before returning back to the mansion take a turn to house with a black sphere "you back and you succeed to provide an attack on me" mawde hugging "let me rest first" collapsing on the bed late that night (this is what your doing connecting them for a grand plan) your be the first to know once the restrictions are lift. In the morning, after treating her wound "you should sent nelk today lady mawde for the paints today" hugging joaghee "fine you have a point" nelk walking the farmer kell to a art shop (before you go to the shop head into the ally) (what reason do you have in mine) going to the ally (your going to need to kill a messages for me) (what kind message is it?) one that puts you in the hand of the crane.
The crane family fate is tied with me (you know how once the line get to that point) hearing someone coming from behind "lady are you lost" (that the man kill he for a letter) stabbing him in the neck and looking the letter (do not open it but holding to your eyes) the letter glowing red, Now take it to a silver cajack. What have you done to the letter? (just made so changes and not to worries that man was going dead when he got home) after giving the letter then to the art shop getting the paints needed for a painting tomorrow, upon getting back to the mansion mawde just running out of paints ``at last you're here got the right ones'' taking them out "she ran out of particular blue you like so I got this one instant" that sad but the chapel art exhibits is tomorrow so no time. The next morning, mawde going to the chapel arts exhibit while joaghee still outside while nelk gone with mawde, while a pray of beauty, soul, and honor "it going to take while so let looking at the art" bumping into a nun "sorry about that on the the name of gikxuk but what are you doing here. Are you new here?" "no I'm actually a bodyguard for mawde with the order to patrol the sea" really that nice but can you do me a favor? Depends on it, holding joaghee hand "tharks the holy gikxuk, you see one of the painting is a fake and I forget to switch them out." "do the have the painting on you?" showing the bag "let hurry before prayer is done" following the nun to an art exhibit to find a thief making away with 5 in a box "you not the cat that was in my dream" pushing away the nun to pursue then she follows along. This is where things get interesting. My disciple (how this just looks like it is going to end in the nun keeping her job) follows the thief into an alleyway (this is going to make the lady happy to hear this.) a nun taking a dagger as Joaghee tried to stop her but the thief countered her then holded the nun tightly "get closer she died" taking the dagger to her throat while moving, a brown cajack grabbing the dagger out of the thief's hand.
That it, I was expecting a bit more (life is unpredictable that way) the two ran to put the art back "out of curiosity how is this one fake" switching the paintings then showing the it to her "you see this was painted with made grounded crystal color rod form a writing stick them mix in water" another nun coming around "sister what are you doing the pray is going to end soon" the nun looking at the painting. Joaghee speaking up "you see a thief was trying to switch this fake out with the real one, we put a stop to it" taking the painting to a closer look "your right the eyes are off and color rods too" the other nun looking relive "did you help the bodyguard" "yes" giving it to joaghee "thank for the help we can take from as our mother will like to know about this" after the prays the mother came back to her. My daughters are here to thank for the help but the thief should have made more fakes" giving a pendant of the goddess inrokl "thank you" mawde come rolling to her "there you are I was worried about how did it go" the mother explain what happened "really you did all that" rolling to the exhibits as joaghee continuing portening area until they gone home. That night nelk was chosen to sleep with her tonight as joaghee snuck out surprisingly easy to a alleyway where a barrel that had a black sphere "time make an update" lucy vomtoson throw the war javelin through her heart with it hanging on tip "xhe will be wait for your arrival in due time" the heart dropping into the sphere "you a little late to your ending here" the purple picframe on the wall same from before "now this is where your story truly start" dropping once the javelin was pull out. Lady xhe when should I be able to see joaghee again (once your cycle has ended your dear joaghee will find her way back) ok lady xhe.
What this, not again "come the 4 platinum 2 gold 1 silver" Fuximot alll give the coin to hestmot alll "are you really letting this girl suck you dry" neithmot alll looking at the bleed on the table come from black sphere "oh that must be joaghee sugarcane to bad I didn't get to she in Yu-huamot experiment room" say did old creek mine have the boats really.