This is the story of joringel Calibrid, nelk una, and ichabod crane, Ketnavode lokenwoak was playing with some kids until a big nose man came walking by as his bag of coins fall "sir you drop this'' the big nose man looking down "thank little one" while the man walked ketnavode kick the ball into the streets then ran to get it. Upon picking up the ball sees that everyone stands still in time, a young girl wearing a clock theme outfit walking around "clock lady what happens to everyone not moving but you" looking at her outfit "are you a witch or a fortune teller. Because you look weird and clock which witch did you go for this.'' The clock girl looked at her with an emotionless face "why are you looking at me like that for you to talk or are you mute" reaching into the clock in the middle of her outfit. Oh, so your a fortune teller but why aren't you wearing purple "another offspring of spiderves, how annoying of you to found here." rising her clock staff over ketnavaode until a hand reach out a clock shaped wormhole to grab the staff "she a part of timeline here and you can't go out killing all my child because there not supposed to exist." look who is already eyeing down a couple of frozen females. Freeing her staff then hitting spiderves in the face returning his head back through the wormhole "excuse me can you unfrozen everyone for that creep can't get anyone here" knocking ketnavaode out cold then carrying her body to the kids ``now stay put until I'm done with my job mistake of being that should have not exist" walking away then turning to her body, odd it feel like I know her from somewhere. Waking to the frozen kids suddenly unfrozen "your a quick one ketnay" the kids play more until she returns to the castle "hello who may by requesting to talk with joringel today." looking at the man big nose "a jew a rarely to see now a days" the man presenting his right hand "I'm ichabod crane nice to meet you" shaking his hand "jotn venaspear, it a pleasure to meet you ichabod" now follow me to the king.
Going into king joringel calibrid room to see nelk una playing with a cat "what the cat name" the cat climbing up the leg of nelk "the adopted daughter of joringel named her vaglos after her father. When she found her in a back alley." ichabod petting the cat "so where joringel at" to the kitchen to get food for vaglos here she eat a lot. Jotn leaving the room "will be leaving you to be until the king return" the cat now brushing on his legs "it seems she taking liking to you" joringel coming with food for the cat "I see got a guess what bring you here" taking a letter out and showing it he while nelk look familiar with the letter "oh right forget I sent this a while back for help on a rumor on the former queen drinking blood someway in korrl morrand" ichabod looking intrigued. It most likely has a witch in the background of this but first if we are to look into this "there should be a witch in the kingdom here" the climbing cat on nelk shoulder "believes that one came seven day ages so I'll go check." Nelk walked to market kell to find the witch, six arms, a sack on her neck, eyes that stretch out of their sockets like an insect "you came at last was waiting for your arrival as order of the purple gods" getting up. Follow me to my room to speak on the deal, following the witch to the inn to her room "here what purple god tells me to say to you about where you're going and be at korrl morrand but what odder is that black feen that happen to be there. A mirror of which is letting it in." "you know what this thing is" the only detail I'll get is that, all black looking young girls but not truly one allly. You do not make sense but understand that fortune tellers never like giving straight answers. Also what she says to do with the mirror "kill it kill it smash it dead, that's what as straight she gets while not the word purple god used." Ketnavode came home with a stuffed cat "mother look what I got from old lady han '' Jorinda kon picking up the stuffed cat "how did you get this" help her in the garden today.
Look like vaglos "I saw a man with a big nose coming in today but what does that mean the big nose I mean." smiling and laughing "that a jew my sweet girl they are really good with money." giving the stuffed cat back "go play with your pet I have book to finish" ketnavode into joringel to nobody in there "dad are you there, dad where are you." looking out the window to see the two out in the garden. Walking to the two in the garden then to see nelk with them "father look what I got form lady han" joringel looking over "that cute can you give me momder" vaglos jumping to ketnavode then nelk kneeing "go play with her and you can tell dad later" the girl walking back to her room "right to back to what we're talking about the black feen in korrl morrand." do you think that this has something to do with the rumors. Nelk looking at a red bird "queen Jorinda starting hearing them form a of her maids" ichabod remembering something that happened back there "what have I gotten my shift into." After two days the three started to travel to korrl morrand "what to ask about your hammer sword thing, haven't seen someone try this before '' got the idea from someone who put a hammer head on the sword. Really that that may been a executioner sword or someone just mimic the style "do you have name for individual" joringel looking interested "tell us more'' nelk remembering form her youth "she was eastern woman who saved my dad from a black armor female before dying a of illness later in life. Before she leaves the eastern woman shows the sword thicker than normal, hammer on the tip too.`` That is what you call an executioner sword. But what odder she had metal hands to go with it "have you heard any stories about this before" looking over to ichabod "none of my students told me the story but asked about it." "For a teacher, did you train someone before answering my call?" "She takes care of the school as we speak and the kids love her too." Nelk sees a red bird holding a black cloth.
Little one here that may help "this is quite the dream. Making me relive this moment entering the united malhen alliance castle." the space around the dream distorting into a field of tall red glass endlessly walking on horseback the xhe flying to nelk in front preaching on an invisible branch keeping a set distance from her. Hold the black cloth "this is a piece of that demon masquerading as an adolescent girl but more the jew is in need of it the most." "How can I explain they need this" giving the cloth "you already know what to do once you wake up to offer an aid to kitchen maids. But now that I think about black is a bit of a bad omen holding out." xhe opened her peak to drool out red liquid coding it turning to a brown white. Waking to find a small dog in her long shirt sleeping "what this is here" the dog not moving as she taps it "come on wake up" a maid opening the door "dicker are you here, dicker." the door moving out and jumping down "sorry about that he likes to meet new people." getting up to dress up "no worry, he good boy did nothing wrong." kneeling to pet dicker "he seems to have taken a liking to you." Do you need help with anything? If you want to help in the kitchen we can get you a maid outfit "do I need to wear that?" the mail grabbing her arm "come on you're going to be here for two days because of a witches beasts that are on the loose at the moment. Hope the hunter is alright as the poor horse that was killed with the rider." nelk trying to pull away "you know that the horse that joringel has is considered a witches beasts too so I'm sure it will scare it away" contend to be pulled. Witches beasts have been known to kill their own kind before the green coloring of the horse. It is really pretty witchly but on the other hand how did joringel get the horse anyway "never ask about that but we should ask together." pulling Nelk along until reaching the dressing of which a rat girl maid who was changing saw them come in "is she a friend of yours now? Are we making her work here." no, she wants to help so we are getting a maid outfit for nelk.
The rat maid grabbed the other hand "let's get an outfit on you." Nelk getting pulled in the room "no, wait, stop not putting it on." The human maid put her hand on Nelk's head long enough to control her in order to put the outfit on her in quick way "it looks good on you" looking at the human maid "let's get to helping into the kitchen" moving her to the hall. The three walking through a hall of decorations of paintings and statues from around malhen with the window made from hardened clear crystals glass "say how have are you a rat" rat maid looking at nelk "let just say my father angered the witch yahsaw and placed a curse on my mother which lead to giving to me. So my father killed her in secret while I was still an infant then was taken to a church." your never knew your parents, I see. When the girls got there, a head maid with fish fins on her ears, arms, and legs ``who the new girl here." rat maid introducing her "actually she wants to volunteer here Mrs. navel." one of the maids looked at them "your king joringel bodyguard didn't expect you here or is it your planning on doing an extra for joringel that is so sweet of you." nelk looking embarrassed "wait tha-'' human maid budding, it is why she is doing that. Navel signaling to some maid "work with her for the time being." The maid showed her how to make some food, then seeing nelk red all around "right the tea" walking to the tea being made while everything was frozen in place "how I'm doing this my body moving on its own." putting a hand in her mouth pulled a table out "what this? how am I doing this?" dropping it in and going back to the maid. When finishing they had Nelk go first "go to them for you may help us" "right I be quick about it." walking to the table that had ichabod and joringel spotted a girl with a red dress sitting next to ichabod (thank for the food my disciple) after everyone ate nelk what the bath alone "this how maid feel after working " a little girl jumping in the bath with her "see you know what to do the whole time" somehow I know it in that from but can't put my finger on it.
The memories starting to leak in this should be interesting but I'm worried "what do mean by that is it related to vision I had. Also the dream I've been having but I'm unable to tell anyone." xhe looked confused but also interested at the same time "go in, I'm listening what the dream that cant tell other." that where I was in a forest of a ruined world, your one only one I'm able to tell? When group leave for korrI morrand under the watchful of xhe making sure they travel safely to their destination "we are all most at gate" ichabod holding onto the wagon as the ran at unimaginable speed "that nice but can you slow down for last bit, I think I'm getting sick from the motion." coming to a sudden stop "could you do that more gently next time, please this is making me sick." nelk looking into the wagon. You alright there, you said something about getting sick "it the speed of the witch horse is going and we have a long line too." joringel looked at him "no worries about sickness your feeling the doctor notify me before it is fine, so drink some water it will go away." while waiting a woman on the guard post wearing a mirror mask in the distance as pure white eyes emerge from the mirror looking at ichabod intensely. Once at the gate and getting the horse checked in as the mirror mask woman follows them to an inn (that woman has been following us for a while now and what is up with the eyes they seem separate. Is the woman's body just a vassal or the witch itself, does two not sense her nor does everyone here looking at her either.) the mirror mask reaching for Ichabod's hand. The mirror mask burning her hand, the white eyes now focused on Nelk (she noticed me but can not make out an expression.) The woman moving towards her as the eyes sink into the mask itself as screaming only heard by Nelk, suddenly pitch black arm with a knife so dark no light shines in it lunging at her (my vision turning red as she attacks me.) as walks around to feel her right arm moving on its own
Seeing the hidden sheath stab the black arm as it bleed out black blood, hidden sheath back in place while everything was not moving except for the mirror mask woman who was moving slowly the whole time until it pulled back it when let a screeching of which can only be by her (oww that hurt.) the mirror mask breaking the red vision and running off. It seems the clothes work like that "the was slam open just now." ichabod looking over to the door "it's likely some kids having some mischief fun." the three in their room drinking some juice "so how do we find this former queen" Ichabod putting the cup "first we should ask around to get information on the area first." Joringel looked at Nelk ``should we spill up to cover more ground or is it more risky." Spilling up would be the best option. The next morning, they went to investigate (wonder if there is anything about mirrors going around.) going witch kell to ask some merchants until coming to a woman looking dismay "lady are you alright did something happen?" the woman looking at her "someone has been stealing mirrors lately including the ones in my family business." looking at a large mirror behind the woman. Seeing a shadow of a young girl forming on the mirror (is it going to step out?) seeing tentacles coming out of the mirror of inconsistent shapes cutting the women in bloody pieces as nelk charges the vision spectrum not to be seen by others (what the hell is that thing.) a tentacles almost hit her as she jumped on a roof while one was slash on the right arm, there faster than I thoug-. More tentacles coming out of the window, dodging and jumping on roofs all but one hit my left leg (this thing is going to kill me.) landing and feeling pain going through nelk left leg spelling blood on the ground while letting a scream of pain (the red vision have to use it now.) the area around going red but a singing voice only heard by nelk cutting the red vision short (you can't be serious this is getting worse the more-.) narrowly dodging a fatal blow.
Shit, have to get away (to your right there is a witch field.) seeing a dorm of purple aura around a small space (the tentacles are moving in faster.) dodging as her vision starts to fade away (get moving or you're going to die here.) running to another rooftop and dodging on to another then collapsing feeling blood coming out of her back. Mustering the strength moved closer the dorm of purple aura as a witch eyeing nelk down as she got closer to witch (hold on in there you're almost with her.) as nelk got closer to the witch a tentacles slam thought her right smashing nelk on the ground when trying to will herself up but could not, when tentacles were coming to deliver a final blow but the with since it and save nelk live "an invisible attacker, how could this be." currying her back to witch home. Waking up to cat girl with a yellow line going from the palm of the hand to the fore arm itself each connecting to a perspective finger, two yellow line on her back that extend out to bug wing, yellow line on the legs the extend out to fish fins "something invisible you but your movements suggest you can see it. So how can you see it, now?" feeling bandages her body moving the uninjured arm to witch, you're close to my face. Pulling witch face away just to be haedbutted "what was that for" feeling a sharp pain in her right arm "sorry I forgot to get my name cangorverman, and so your human lady." the pain gets worse "it nelk una. Can you stop please." taking the blade out and putting it on her throat "now why a mother like you, be out here should you be with your child? Like all humans should" how can you tell? By sniffing your crotch you do not know dogs do that to gauge your health "that is the first time I hear that." cangorverman taking a nail "so again how can see what attacks you. Please tell me, tell me kindly." holding nelk head in place as she shoves the nail into the eye (you had to land the nosy one of the cat witches.) picking up her head slamming on the bed.
Owww, what is your problem "heard a voice in your head just now but can not make out what it said." the nail shoved as deep as the right eye in tears ``who was that your head is it a guardian angel?" pulling out the nail to see it turn into a replica of nelk eye (is my luck with witches going to be like this?) (I'm interested in how she can hear me.) cangorverman slamming hand nelk chest. Stop doing that "your eye is different, it has an add layer to it. It lets you see things we can't perceive but you are not a half-witch?" (my power is for myself and my disciples only.) getting uncomfortably to her face "what is your child name, tell me, tell me, what is her name?" sweating like crazy "do not know for real right." cangorverman picking her by the neck and stilling nelk up, if you do not tell me I'll just have to find some man to make another. No, wait let me remember real quick (she being serious about breeding you is she.) dragging her by the neck closer to the door (do something and spy on lende already.) inching closer and closer to the door outside "come you're having a hard time remembering but no worries a new name will be remembered." as the door was about to be open (it nekende.) nekende! That the name "yes" threw her back to the bed as wounds reopened (that was close one thanks.) trying to get back on the bed (dont what see a human cattle activity form you.) cangorverman walked to her and stepped on the back wound "so that we clear, do anything that resembles protecting her and make you my cattle." stepping harder while nelk tears up "so what is it the child is my or cattle time." She's your, please leave me be. Struggling to get on the bed "let me help with that." kicking nelk upper body on the bed "wait there I can not just blindly believe your" blood on the bed "I all really agree, what more do you need?" stilling over her with a small crystal ball into the back wound then stepping on it "just making sure that can't back out of the back deal" the ball fusing with nelk skeleton cursing her to faint out of pain.
Ichabod walking the entertainment kell to investigate the store of youdin miller that doubles as a home of which located underground with a basement at the bottom "so no move in since she died, odd. Was hoping to find a new owner here.`` Upon closer expectation a wooden sign reading "cursed stay out" that's strange. Going into the main room to see that someone broke in at some time as the door to the living room now with human bones around as something was in there but what was strange is that holes that can be seen through the furniture were reflective as will "something don't seem right." going to jon miller room to find the witch capsules "if I remember correctly this is what she used to see a shadow blob moving before." taking one of the capsules. Feeling sick "this is what happens after eating something for more than a year. This better work exiting the room to an outline of a black formless slag opening a door to a study room with a bookshelf that was covered by it "is that a secret passageway" try to move the bookshelf spike stab into his hand knocking him back "what was that my hand was stab just now." getting up, is this the work of a witch. the desk slamming open to reveal a note that seems to have been written just now by the black slag "what this it opens on its own(it didn't seem to have noticed me?). So what about witch breasts?" looking at his hands "I touch something but what do I touch?" Getting up to see the paper is mirror-like but still has the consistency of paper. "I'm surprised if this is even possible, definitely asking after this." reading then to hear a hatch open behind him. A black slag pulls ichabod's face to focus his attention on the page as a white slag outline forming eyes popping upon setting site on him with the room shaking as if something was screaming by hearing nothing "the paper is acting strange just now." the paper cracking cutting clean through the hands of the holder while not hurting him leaving them intact, the cries of a young girl forcing the hatch fly off.
The hell was that, it seemed like a girl in pain down there "behind red is madam the attack this." moving slowly to listen to the speech but can only make out a form of the eastern languages "body die before I quickly take his how." moving to the basement to see all surfaces are mirror-like outside of the consistency of the material the home was made. In the middle of the room there set spyroing stairs that lead to a town with made of mirror style after an eastern town of which has a large school as its centerpiece, different in design form the town itself as cry's can be heard coming from there while a glimpse of a dark is viewable thought one of the window "a all black girl? What poor soul was used to creatured shock a thing." the crying louder than before. Walking to the main town accompanied by his reflection and the echoes the chamber throughout blocking any other sound while black outline of humanoids looking at him leaving ichabod speechless but unbeknownst to him as the reflection was normal to his eyes, little girl xhe was mimicking his movement as the reflection while being invisible to his eyes. Look at him so oblivious but since when was it the last time someone was able to see without me permission, it was so long "how did someone build this underground and witch hasn't come to yet?" one the humanoids slag within the mirror looking at xhe (what are you looking at? Are you lost or something.) the humanoids moving towards her just dissolve away as other moved towards xhe dissolve away like the rest while ichadod saw them disappeared. When good numbers vanished, xhe sensed joringel nearby (let's get some back up, he will need a hearing aid.) teleporting away near him while in the central kell then entering into his shadow "crying'' where is that coming from underground? It is weak here but maybe it leads to more clues to my mother." walking to the residential kell to the where it can be heard the loudest but the mirror mask woman was walking around unseen by others.
Let's adjust your perspective as that woman may lead you to a clue "who that woman and we did she come from?" the woman walks in an alleyway as he follows her "the crying is getting louder but is coming from the lady or I'm I hearing things?" Upon walking into the alleyway to find mirror mask in front of three people who look to be restrained by an unseen force. The bodys were getting drained of blood as they dried out what was lift, a black husk of which the surface of the skin was mirror-like (the body's too this can be bad.) The mirror mask hearing xhe and turn in a hostile manner then running to joringel while xhe took control of his shadow controlling his movement drawing his sword as joringel mind what black (why didn't he bring the magic sword it would make this easy.) deflecting unseen attacks. Moving in to slash the body a human voice came out but different language form what joringel heard was elizabeth but sound of pain and hatred clashing create an unpleasant composition collecting in his ears ``what with the voice is sound like elizabeth but more like in pain calling for help." with the mirror mask running away as joringel gave chase. The mirror mask running to a back as a hidden door opened but failed to close, both entered a pottery store with the pottery all looking abandoned for years (this wasn't in the books a store owner should be here.) following her into a back room fashion after a lobby room with all surfaces were mirror-like as the mirror mask goes to room with a staircase leading to a eastern style town of which a crying can be heard. Moving his body through the town as an inappreciable shadow casted by the red madam herself while the crying started to resemble a territorial warning (I'm not leaving that demon alive as long as this body kills it.) as xhe moved joringel closer to a garden to find plants of eastern land with some unknown ones mixed in "why are there plants glowing when there is no sunlight making it down here? Also am I not moving to my body so where am I being led?" the crying becomes loud enough to deafen a human.
The all black girl walking in a unstable manor toward stairs leading to the town upon trying to walk down lost her balance and collapsing causing the all black girl to roll down to the ground letting out black blood spilling on the ground staining it as the liquid dried quickly going from black to a purplish gray that stink like rotten flesh. Regain composure "him find jew a to point the vantage and neeeeed." rushing to a building to side of her leaving a trail of blood behind as ichabod follows it, the all black girl ran to a store knocking over furniture to slow him down then going through a backdoor then fall on her face smashing it in impeding her vision "should open gate be still magic the. Have It red couldn't found The madam ." the all black girl running through the town. As she makes it to a shine breathing a sign of relief but it quietly swings into a sense of horror as joringel stands there eyeing down the all black girl (you're not going to ambush Ichabod so last word but It not like I be able to understand anyway.) stumble as she tries to turn and run then slips with a leg bending in unusable state (seem your unable speak with a twisted neck of your.) walking joringel over the the all black girl, stabbing her in the heart while dragging to the face.
Nelk wakes to see little xhe next to her (your up and will.) (How are the others, did they complete their task at hand.) (the black bug is dead so ichabod and joringel will meet us here in some time.) cangorverman walked to her "I forget to ask where were you born at? Just asking if outside forces ruin my deal." here in malhen. Sniffing nelk crotch "your from the three ring island. But you're not lying about it?" "I was born in tailland in the town of old Aleyn with moving out while at a young age. Also how could my parents lie to me about my birth." cangorverman getting interred "there many why that parents can give but you do not resample a three ring island person so maybe? But no manner, I'm likely to find the answer in this town." little girl xhe laughing, it is not going to be that easy.
hestmot alll traveling to korrl morrand "where is this Elizabeth at? Been looking for hours now but a sign of her." walking around at night to see a mirror man woman in a alleyway (this may be good a host for a puppet.) following her to site of which didn't disturbed hestmot in anyway but draw the black speared man catcher.