Devil's Status

Sitting down on the floor she vaguely recognised her tail curling around her. Getting curious about her tail once again she decided to see what it felt like. She started gently stroking the length of her tail with her fingers lightly running up it, to then experience a jolt and shiver running up the length of her spine.

"Well, that certainly is foreign. It's almost the same as gently rubbing my arm or leg, but different... It clearly has full sensations, but what would happen if I forgot about it and caught it in a door or something?


Oh well, it's not like it's a problem for now anyway, better not worry about it."

Releasing her tail she stood up, her tail naturally unfurling behind her as she started walking back to the original place she woke up.

As she was walking she tried to remember what happened before coming here and despite having some vague memories there was one particular image that was too blurry to make out, which was the appearance of the figure.

"I remember being in that strange room while in a ghostly state, then that entity appeared but I have no idea what they looked like. Moving on, it said some stuff about me dying and being reborn but not as a human. Well, the meaning of that part is obvious now. Next, I fell into the black void and got a strange image of a notification window, then nothing. I have no idea what happened between me seeing the notification then arriving in this creepy church."

After pondering this she arrived back at the centre of the church and gazed at the floor, which was covered in a giant assembly of circles and symbols made out of much smaller symbols and what was probably writing, and all of this was burnt into the floor, with the centre of the array being where she woke up.

"Ok, that's definitely interesting. It looks like someone was trying to summon the Devil in here… ok, bad joke, but how did I not notice this the first time I was in here? I would've ended up running all over this thing. Considering I am most probably some sort of demon now I am guessing that the reason I ended up here was due to this thing. But usually, when a demonic cult attempts to summon something from the netherworld they are there to greet it and ask for gifts or something, so where are the cultists that I would have assumed to have created this thing? Oh well, there's no point trying to figure it out now and I'm actually glad that no one was here to see me run around like a mad person with no clothes on. So I guess the next step would be to act on the stuff I already know and when I run out of the aforementioned stuff I will then start to figure out everything else. However, first things first, I should probably find some clothes to wear, I've been running around naked long enough."

Following this line of thought, she started looking around the church for something to wear, though unfortunately, she couldn't find anything that would amount to clothes, the only thing in this old building were some small pieces of white cloth that were barely big enough to cover one of her hands, she had no idea what they could possibly be used for.

"Well, finding clothes seems to be a bust so I guess I will just try to figure more things out, it's not like there are any people nearby anyway, and letting this decrepit place be basked in my unchained beauty would probably do it some good anyway. So, I distinctly remember something about a system and if it's going to follow the normal way of things this will be some sort of panel that you can conjure up at will that'll display lots of convenient things such as your health, stamina and magic as well as skills, stats and level. Usually to make the system appear it's some sort of word or phrase. Hmm, let's try some things, status."

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 1

Strength: 10

Endurance: 12

Soul: 15

Luck: 3


"IT WORKED, FIRST TRY. Then again, it's not really something to be too happy about considering it's a pretty simple concept when I base it off stuff that I've already read on the internet. Now, let's see, my name is Kasdeya Votumea? I don't think that's right, I distinctly remember my name being… what was my name again? I seem to remember some things about my former self, but not others... weird. Oh well, guess my name is Kasdeya Votumea now. It has a nice ring to it and fits my current self.

Ok, so what else is here, race: devil? I guess I'm not some kind of demon but a bonafide devil. I wonder what the difference is, I wonder if there is even such a thing as demon's, or maybe devil is a type of demon. I guess I have no way of finding out so I better just move on.

Gender: female, well I've already figured that much out without it telling me so but whatever.

Age: ageless? Does that mean I don't age? So I will look like this until something kills me? Well, that's an interesting thought, so theoretically I could live forever, cool I guess.

Ah, here we go, all the classic system stuff right here, level 1, yeah I expected that much considering the fact that it seems like I just came into being not that long ago, and my other stats seem kinda lame, I mean, I don't have anything to base it on and this might be very powerful but usually low numbers means weak. Also, where is my super convenient health, stamina and magic gage, and where are half the stats and the skills list? Is this seriously it? Just a measly four stats? I guess it makes it easier to decide where to stick my stats points when I level up, provided that that is how this system works.

So, ten in strength and twelve in endurance, strength is pretty obvious, I'm guessing that it is simply how strong you are, endurance is most likely stamina and health, as you can endure a beating just as much as you can endure some hard exercise. That just leaves soul and luck, I'm guessing luck is just whether or not you have plot-armour and how thick that armour is, which is not looking good for me as luck is my lowest stat, hopefully, I can increase that later. If I get my luck high enough maybe I can just BS my way through everything,

'Sorry Mr Enemy but that rock you just stepped on was conveniently loose and it flung up and hit a metal beam which then conveniently missed me and hit you instead.'

Yeah, I wish that would happen, but right now it's not looking likely, well I guess that just leaves the last stat which would be soul, but I have no idea what soul is, which is inconvenient considering it's my highest stat. However, if this follows the idea of all the basic stats being smushed into just these four then that would mean that soul would have to be intelligence and wisdom. So that would affect the more mystical side of things, which given the fact that I'm a devil would probably mean that my species is uniquely gifted in the art of magic, or so I would hope.

Well, I guess that just leaves whatever this notification is that has been obnoxiously blinking for the past five minutes. But before that, I want to try something.

Kasdeya then focused on her fingers, suddenly her fingernails lengthened, grew sharp and became slightly hooked, she tried a few more times and confirmed that she could extend and retract her claws at will, she then tried to scratch the wall and succeeded, however, the marks were not very deep and she was not capable of inflicting major damage to the stone wall.

"Sweet, it worked. I had this vague feeling that I could do that so I wanted to try it out and I now have something I can use as a weapon, considering that I just took a chunk out of a stone wall and I didn't feel any pain or discomfort whatsoever, the only real problem though is that I'm fairly certain if I ever had to fight any humans a gun would rip me apart before I could even get close enough to use my newly discovered claws. But that's just thinking of the worst-case scenario, hopefully, I will never have to bother with any humans.

Now time to see what this notification is. How do I open it? Should I just focus on it?"

Just as she had this thought the notification opened up into a large page of information.