State of the World

"So, I probably won't have to worry about being dissected by the government, because the government has probably collapsed by now. Going off this information, the world would be pretty chaotic, I'm almost glad I died."


The system integration has been completed. Over a thousand new species have travelled through the gates which appeared around the world and one must utilise skills in order to survive and gain experience. Depending on what activity is partaken depends on what progressions and status corrections one will receive. After reaching a certain point an upgrade will be accessible via the personal interface. The aforementioned choices are irreversible.]

"So essentially, a bunch of portals have opened up in numerous places across the world and a bunch of new species have come through them and asserted their dominance.

So judging by this I'm not alone in being an exotic lifeform and there are, in fact, countless new creatures running around.

Also, it mentions gates, but nothing about a summoner or demonic cult, so is the formation branded on the floor due to my appearance in the world? So many questions and no way to answer. I will admit being alone with no guidance is rough, maybe that's why I'm talking to myself.

Anyway, the last major point from that would be the upgrade accessible from performing certain activities. Isn't this basically evolution? Like, you start as some lousy creature and you slowly make your way up the ladder to be the pinnacle of existence? I'm getting excited.

Also if I can't get information about what these upgrades are and just get some vague name, that would be quite bothersome. So if these options are going to be displayed through the personal interface then I should probably check to see if I can inspect stuff on it, I mean, I managed to inspect the notification after all. So let's see, I guess I'll first inspect something useful like my stats."

[Level: 1

The accumulation of experience.

Strength: 10

Factor of physical force.

Endurance: 12

Your capability to endure hardship.

Soul: 15

Ability to manifest your power as well as resistance to direct attacks on your soul.

Luck: 3

An inexplicable force that seems to favour some more than others.]

"Wow, I didn't think that would work, and these descriptions are rather ambiguous aren't they?

Well, I guess I achieved my original intention and I now know for sure that my guesses were pretty accurate. I also now know that even though it might be limited I can inspect stuff for more information, and the information on the soul is handy, apparently, there are attacks that directly harm the soul. The only thing I'm still curious on would probably be age so I guess I may as well get that done now."

[Age: Ageless

The progression of one's life, measured by years. If age does not apply then will appear as ageless.]

"Cool, so I guess age does not affect me at all, nice. Now that that's taken care of I guess I should leave this place, before I do though I want to quickly check once more to make sure that there is nothing useful I can take with me."

Kasdeya jumped up from the ground and started walking around the church with her tail swinging to the movement of her hips. She searched every corner of this seemingly abandoned structure looking for anything to take, but all she could find were the tiny pieces of white cloth that she discarded earlier and a few books that were so faded that they were hardly legible, as well as the large mirror but she couldn't exactly take that with her.

"Damn, where are all the goblets made of gold and the priest robes and whatever else that is usually stored here. Maybe this place was ransacked in the past and that's why it's so bare. I have no idea how long it's been since the apocalypse started but I wouldn't think it would be that long. Well, then the only thing left to do would be to leave this church and see what's around."