Never Thought I'd be a Streaker

Kasdeya walked over to the door that acted as the main entrance of this dilapidated place and looked at it in detail. It wasn't a particularly fancy door by any account but it did have some small engravings, probably depicting some religious story or something similar.

After she finished admiring the door and stopped delaying her inevitable trip outside she opened the door and took a quick glance over the immediate surroundings. The church was located in a town in some grassland near a mountain and all she could see from looking up and down the street was the good quality of the closely arranged housing and the power lines that were lining the streets.

Kasdeya walked out the front door as she took a proper look at everything. The world was coloured in a soft and dark hue but she could still see everything clearly and when she glanced at the sky she was surprised to see a few stars glimmering between the low hanging clouds with no moon in sight.

'I guess it must be night time, I suppose one of my many changes was excellent night vision, quite useful.'

Kasdeya started walking down the side of the street, constantly looking around as she was in a new and interesting location, also because she was slightly self-conscious about walking around naked. After walking for a few minutes she observed that this village seemed slightly overgrown, all the gardens were unkempt, there were weeds and grass growing up over the road and it looked like the last time someone tried to tidy this place was at the very least a year ago.

'Either this place was abandoned even before the apocalypse started, or the apocalypse has lasted a bit longer than I first thought.'

After walking for another five minutes, Kasdeya suddenly noticed a growing urge within her and after another minute she noticed that it was one of the most basic urges of any living creature, the desire for food, she was hungry.

'Oh great where am I going to find food.'

However, right as this thought flashed through her head she caught the smell of a strange scent in the air, and as her brain registered the new stimulus a change occurred in her body. She instinctively extended her claws on both her feet and hands, crouched down slightly and turned towards the direction of the source. Then reacting purely on instinct she ran straight toward a building that was between her and the enticing smell. Not stopping for a second she ran to the side of the building and effortlessly scaled up its side using her claws and gripping onto the slightest of outcroppings.

She quickly got to the top of the house and dashed towards the smell hopping between the closely lined houses that were within a metre of each other with her tail constantly moving in order to keep her balanced until she arrived above a back alley.

Peering down into the alley she saw a group of wild dogs fighting each other with some blood sprinkled across the ground and managed to regain some rational thought.

'What the hell was that? And what's so enticing about a group of smelly dogs fighting each other? Actually, now that I think about it, these are the first creatures that I've seen since waking up in that church, I wonder if I can inspect them.'

[Level: 3

Race: Wild Dog]

'Wow, it actually worked, but the amount of information supplied is abysmal. Then again, at least it shows their level. So what have we got here. In total, it appears to be six level 3s and nine level 2s.'

As she was inspecting the dogs, one of them made a bad decision and got a nasty scrape down the side of its front right leg which was bleeding quite a bit, and in response Kasdeya's gaze suddenly locked onto the poor wounded creature as it quickly limped away from the fight. She decided to follow this creature and see what was so appealing about it to the point where she couldn't draw her gaze away from it, so crouching slightly and climbing around any obstacles she followed the doomed animal, like a predator stalking its prey.

The dog arrived at a dead end and started licking its wounds without seeming to be paying much attention to its surroundings, so Kasdeya quietly climbed down the side of the building she was on and started slowly creeping towards the creature. When she was slightly over a meter away the dogs ears suddenly perked up and it looked towards the Devil that was eyeing it hungrily.

The dog immediately jumped back while still favouring its right leg and its hackles raised while it emitted a low growl. Kasdeya was slightly alarmed by this and wanted to back out but in the end the sensation urging her forward prevailed against her common sense so she bared her teeth and an animalistic growl also started being emitted from her.


Surprised about her own reaction to this situation she didn't have time to ponder this as the dog lunged towards her trying to bite her.

Panicked by the sudden attack she took a hasty step back and lost balance. Due to this she wasn't prepared for the paw that then came to her right. She then tripped narrowly missing getting hit by the claws of the dog and as she rapidly rolled to the side to avoid another oncoming bite her tail swung up and smacked the creature on the side of its head quite hard.

Disoriented by the accidental counter attack the dog left a gap and Kasdeya took the opportunity, quickly getting on all fours and lunging towards the animal before using the claws on her right hand to rip into the side of its neck.

With blood splashing everywhere the dog let out a single gurgling and pitiful yelp before the light left its eyes and it died.

Calming down from the shock of having to fight for her life for the first time Kasdeya sat down on the ground while staring at the corpse as its blood slowly left its body making an increasingly larger puddle of red fluid around it.

Suddenly captivated by the sight she realised that at some point she had started crawling towards the corpse with the intention to start eating it.

Disgusted, she quickly forced herself to stop but was confused that there wasn't any repulsion to eating the dog at all. To her, it seemed just as edible as a freshly cooked sausage or nicely made lasagne.

Now thoroughly confused she started thinking about her current situation.

'That is disgusting, but why am I so drawn to it? It's literally, 100%, a recently deceased animal that has gone through no processing whatsoever to make it edible for humans. Hmm, wait a second, maybe that's my problem, I'm still thinking with a human mindset even after I left that classification. Currently, I'm an unknown creature so what would be poisonous to a human could be perfectly edible for me. And right now my only guide would be my own instincts, and starving isn't an option so maybe I should get rid of any human guidelines that I have remaining and just go with what feels right to me. I have no better options.'

After making up her mind, the hesitation she still had vanished and she closed the last thirty centimetres between her and the corpse and knelt in the blood, before forsaking all reason and feasting on the flesh like a wild animal.