Levelling Up

After Kasdeya was done feeding, the corpse was nothing more than an unrecognizable heap of shattered bones, blood and a few pieces of torn up, uneaten flesh. She had even drunk the bone marrow, and if anyone had come across this scene they probably would have sprinted away in abject horror before throwing up somewhere.

Standing up, Kasdeya was indifferent to the mess she made as she had forsaken her humanity as soon as she started eating and had seen what she was doing multiple times as she was enjoying her feast.

'That was quite refreshing, I haven't eaten since first waking up after all, it's a satisfying feeling being able to eat what you work to kill. Didn't the system say that you would get experience from utilizing survival skills? So technically I should've gotten experience from that fight right? Let's check.'

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 2

Strength: 10

Endurance: 12

Soul: 15

Luck: 3]

'Well I leveled up which is quite good, it didn't inform me though so I'll need to actively pay attention to it. However, my stats didn't improve at all which is slightly disappointing. Maybe the first few levels don't have any stat bonuses and they will come later. Other than that though, today has been a great day, I mean night, I got some experience in combat, had my first meal and leveled up for the first time.

I guess I will now go and see if I can find any more dogs for the experience as if all of them give me one whole level that would be pretty nice, they probably won't though.'

Kasdeya started jogging back down the way she came and started looking around for more dogs. After searching for ten minutes without any luck she climbed onto the roof of a house and started sniffing the air while remembering how she found the first group. She quickly caught the scent of blood again and decided to head in that direction.

'So am I just lucky or do the dogs in this area fight each other a lot? As this is the second time I've been able to easily lock onto their location due to the potent stench of their blood.'

After running for a short period of time she arrived above a singular dog at level 3 that was lying in a pool of its own blood and looked like it was barely alive. However, it was, which meant it would most likely give experience.

Quietly climbing down behind the wounded hound she snuck up behind it and stabbed her claws into its head, immediately ending its life. After which she checked her level again and sure enough it had gone up.

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 3

Strength: 10

Endurance: 12

Soul: 15

Luck: 3]

'Despite not being the one to get it to this state it still gave me a level, I am curious as to what the system uses to calculate the experience gain.'

Figuring that the rest of the dogs couldn't have gone far she climbed back onto a building and started leaping between them again looking for another dog. Not long later she found yet another dog by itself. However this one didn't seem to be injured.

'I thought that dog's, like wolves, were pack animals. How come there are so many of them within close proximity but still by themselves. The other two I can sort of understand as they were injured so the first one retreated and the second was probably left behind. But what about this one? It looks perfectly fine and yet it is still on its own.'

The new dog was once again level 3 and seeing no reason to delay this encounter Kasdeya got back onto the ground and started moving towards the canine.

She was already quite familiar with their simple attack pattern but she needed to practice her capability in direct combat so this was a good opportunity.

The dog quickly spotted her and started growling in much the same way as the first one, not intimidated anymore she crouched slightly and got ready to fight.

The dog leaped towards her attempting the exact same opening attack as the first dog she fought, to which she responded by lightly hopping to the side and stabbing her claws into its ribs. The dog let out a pained whimper and tried to jump away but slipped, to which she immediately finished it off.

Not giving the dog a second thought Kasdeya opened up her status sheet again but was disappointed to see no level ups this time.

After letting out a resigned sigh Kasdeya decided to have a snack so before leaving she ripped off one of the dogs legs and started munching on it as she walked, making for a very gruesome sight.

Not long later she noticed that it was starting to get brighter and when she looked up at the sky she noticed that the sun was rising.

Night appears to finally be over, but I don't think that that is a particularly good thing. I may as well test to see if the sun bothers me now though. Just in case I will find a place to rest.

Walking toward a nearby house she tried to open the door, unsurprisingly it was locked and wouldn't open.


The problem was resolved quickly.

Lowering her leg and walking through the now welcoming doorway she had a quick look around the house she *ahem* legally entered.

It wasn't special in any way apart from missing everything except for a few large chairs, just a simple 4 room house with a bedroom, kitchen, dining room and lounge room. If anything it was slightly small.

After closing the door and using a random rock from outside to keep it closed after the lock mysteriously broke she threw the broken bones that were all that was left of her snack onto the ground and sat on one of the chairs and unknowingly spread blood all over it with a content expression while she waited for the sun to rise.

After an hour of relaxing on the chair she got up and stretched before walking to the door and removing the rock, after which the door immediately swung open and she was temporarily blinded by the glare of the sun, but her eyes very quickly adjusted.

She then proceeded to extend her left arm past the shadow created by the house and into the direct sunlight preparing to quickly draw her arm back at the slightest sign of damage. Much to her relief though it appeared that she wasn't allergic to sunlight and could leave her hand in the sun with no signs of injury.

Feeling a bit brave Kasdeya bathed her entire body in the golden light being emitted from the sun and wasn't too bothered by it apart from a light tingling sensation. After standing there for a bit she decided that she still preferred night time and went back into the house replacing the rock to hold the door shut and sat back down in the chair before closing her eyes.