Honey is Better than Vinegar

Kasdeya slowly opened her eyes and stretched out her body, reminiscent of a cat after it had a long nap, she then stood up and walked towards the door before removing the rock and letting it swing open.

She had clearly been asleep for quite a few hours as the sun was setting and a cool breeze was sweeping through the streets. She started walking into the streets in order to find some more dogs as she wanted to level up some more since they weren't that hard to take down as she was already quite used to them.

Clothed in nothing but the blood that was still coating her body she jogged up to a house before effortlessly scaling its height then running across the rooftops sniffing around and keeping her eyes open for any signs of living creatures.

'This is quite odd and slightly annoying. Despite searching for fifteen minutes already I can't seem to find any of those dogs anywhere. Where have they all gone?'

After running around for another ten minutes she finally found a group of dogs. But they were behaving strangely as they had crowded around the front door of a house and were trying to get in with some occasionally losing patience and running off from the back.

'Well I finally found where all the dogs went, but what's so fascinating about an abandoned house? Maybe something worthwhile is in there. There is no harm in waiting for a bit so I may as well stick around and see what's happening.'

Sitting down on the roof she watched as the dogs slowly gave up one by one and eventually there was nothing left blocking the door. After waiting for another ten minutes she spotted the door opening slightly before opening fully and a man stepped out. He wasn't anything special with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, then another man came out with black hair and a third exited with brown hair, both of them had brown eyes. All of them had decent physical appearance and were pretty close in height while wearing slightly different clothing but each outfit covering almost their entire bodies with some small scratches here or there.

'So, it appears that this was the reason for the dogs being so eager to get inside, to think that I would meet humans so quickly after waking up. I would love to go and ask them some questions but I'm worried that if they see me they might get scared and run away. After all, I doubt they've ever seen someone as beautiful as me before, I'm also not a human but that's beside the point. I'm curious about their levels though as that would give me a rough idea of how long it's been since the apocalypse began.'

While Kasdeya was idling on these thoughts the trio had started walking down the street with their backs to Kasdeya. She then focused on them in order to see their levels but nothing popped up.

'Interesting, so is there a range factor for inspecting someone? That's kinda annoying but I guess it's only a small problem. I guess I just have to get closer to them.'

Jumping across the buildings, Kasdeya kept stalking them but suddenly noticed that a dog had found the trio as well.

Deciding that alerting the three humans would just make what she's trying to do harder she crept up behind the dog and right as it noticed her and spun around she struck it in the head with her claws, killing it immediately.

Not bothering to check her status she climbed up another building and started following the trio again when not that long later she spotted another dog which she dispatched quickly. A few dead dogs later she reached level 4 with no stat bonuses once again, just in time for the humans to turn a corner.

Figuring that this was the best time to get close she climbed down and turned the corner before starting to focus on the one closest to the back, but in her haste she didn't notice the loose stone on the ground.



Quickly dashing back behind the corner she heard the humans briefly talk in a language that she wasn't familiar with as a light shone to where she just was. Not sure if they had seen her or not she quickly climbed up the building next to her in case they came back to investigate before dashing across a couple of roofs.

Seeing yet another dog coming for them she went to harvest the free experience before climbing back onto the housing.

As she was following them she saw them starting to move close to a building so she rapidly moved to it and peaked over the edge to try to see their status again but much to her annoyance one of them looked up at just the wrong time so she ducked behind cover again.

'Dammit, why are these people so cautious. Are they just really on guard or do I suck at stealth because every time I try to see them for a few seconds I'm almost spotted. Well I guess I'll go and deal with these last two dogs before trying again.'

Climbing down once again she moved towards the dogs that were coming as a pair and finished one off before having a quick quarrel with the other before it died.

��After that last kill it appears I'm finally level 5, but my status values still haven't changed. I hope I'm not doing something wrong with this whole levelling up thing. The only thing I've really noticed is maybe my instincts have gotten a bit sharper? It's kinda hard to tell, like, I'm pretty sure I can detect a bit of blood lust behind me right now but I don't know if I've always had that capability as I've never gotten anything pissed off at me before.

Wait a minute.'

Suddenly spinning around Kasdeya saw a dog that was as big as a large wolf, it had dark blackish red fur and two bloodshot eyes with jagged teeth dripping with saliva, and it was staring straight at her.

[Level: ???

Race: Bloodhound]