Looking at the dog's appearance and status Kasdeya had a bad feeling about this. Even when she fought the first dog she was slightly scared and cautious but she never felt threatened, however looking at this thing put her on edge.


Letting off a low growl in warning Kasdeya got into a fighting stance and slowly started creeping towards one of the nearby buildings in the hope of making an escape. But as if to dash this unrealistic dream the Bloodhound started sprinting towards her before closing the last few metres with a great leap while opening its mouth to try to bite her.

'Even though it has clearly evolved it still attacks in the same way as one of the normal dogs, well in that case then it will probably follow this up with a paw swipe but its legs are much longer so I'll need to be careful of that when I dodge.'

Jumping out of the way Kasdeya left enough room for the expected paw swipe and sure enough, it came, and easily missed her. However before she could be smug about knowing all her opponents moves she suddenly had warning bells go off in her head and tried to turn to her right, she then suddenly felt a burning pain in her left shoulder.

Suppressing a scream she looked back and saw a long spear made out of blood coming out of the corpse of one of the dogs she killed earlier.


Grabbing onto the spear Kasdeya winced as she broke it in half so her movement would no longer be impaired and looked back at the hound just in time for it to take another leap at her. This time instead of jumping away from the dog she moved down its side in order to deal some damage against this creature.

Stabbing into it with her claws she toar out a large gash and almost immediately upon lifting her claws she glimpsed the flowing blood freeze for a second and then immediately shot out dozens of hard spikes trying to skewer her.

"CR*P!" She cursed as she leapt out of the way and managed to get off with only a few scratches on her side.

'Damn this thing's hide is tough, and I'd rather not turn into swish cheese tonight.'

Right as she stabilised herself again the Bloodhound turned towards her and started sprinting, but just as she tried to dodge out of the way she felt another stabbing pain in her left leg and fell to the side.

She had just enough time to realise that she had moved towards another corpse before the Bloodhound reached her with its mouth wide open. However due to the spike penetrating her leg she did not manage to get away fast enough to avoid its gaping maw and its jaws closed around her left arm.


Kasdeya let out an agony filled scream as the dog pulverised her arm and forcefully ripped the spike out of her leg by dragging her across the ground. She responded by blindly stabbing her claws into the dogs right eye going deeper and deeper until it stopped moving.

Just lying on the ground for a second, Kasdeya then let out a pained whimper as she dragged the rest of her beaten body closer to where her arm was trapped and pried open the Bloodhounds jaws to free her mangled arm.

After freeing her arm she looked at it for a second and then wished she hadn't because what she saw was quite worrying. To take her mind off her beaten body she looked at the still fresh corpse in front of her and started feeling a craving to eat it, which she happily obliged.

While tearing apart the deceased hound and eating it she felt a strange energy flowing through her body which seemed to dull the pain she felt by small amounts and after an hour of slow feasting with only using her right arm and leg to drag herself around, she eventually finished off the large creature, leaving nothing left except broken bones and a pool of dried blood.