
'Am I seeing this right? The long awaited evolution is finally here? Well there's no point in delaying, lets see what I've got.'


Blood Demon

Demon of Lust

Demon of Pride

Greater Devil

Shadow Demon]

'And this is what I'm talking about, here are the options for evolution that I've been waiting for for a long time, now lets see here. I should be able to inspect these.'

[Blood Demon:

A demon that thrives on and craves blood and has apt control over it. They conduct rituals using blood as a source of power and can drain the soul out of their victims by drinking their blood, they also possess transformation capabilities, however they are harmed by sunlight.]

'Isn't this just a vampire? I swear that this sounds identical to a vampire. I will withhold my opinions though until I've read through all of the options.'

[Demon of Lust:

Beautiful and erotic female demons that crave sexual interaction and intercourse. They love nothing more than having a long and hard **** shoved into them and can drain the soul from those they have sex with. These demons have the potential to evolve into a Demon Lord of Lust.]


WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!?! WHY WOULD I CHOOSE THIS!?! WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE THIS!?! Then again, I'm guessing I'm quite unique when it comes to the mindset of demons and I still don't know how their evolutions work. But still, WHAT THE F*CK. I don't care that this choice will potentially allow me to become a Demon Lord, not that I even know what that is, I am definitely NOT choosing this. Moving on."

[Demon of Pride:

Dignified and prideful demons who flourish on being the very best. They have high combat capabilities to match their prideful ways but will not stand anyone or anything being better than them in any way, shape or form. They can drain the soul out of killing anyone that thinks that they are better than them and these demons have the potential to evolve into a Demon Lord of Pride.]

'This doesn't sound too bad, but I'm slightly worried that choosing this will alter my way of thinking, as if these demons are ridiculously prideful I'll be worried if by choosing it I will naturally become the same. Thinking of this, that's even more reason not to choose the lust variant.'

[Greater Devil:

An irreversible step on the path to becoming The Devil.]

'Umm, what? Two things, one, more information please? Pretty please? And two, you mean I'm not already The Devil? This is just getting weirder and weirder.'

[Shadow Demon:

An incorporeal demon that can fade into and jump between shadows. They are immune to physical attacks due to not having any physical body but can still interact with the physical world through manifesting parts of their body. These demons can also turn invisible and don't need to eat but are weak to non physical attacks and are also harmed by bright light.]

'This one sounds cool but the blaring weaknesses kind of turn me off it. Well, that looks like all of them, I don't really want to pick the Blood Demon because of the fact that they seem exactly like vampires and I don't want to thrive on blood and turn to ash in daylight, so that crosses that one off the list. Lust Demon is a very definite no for obvious reasons, and I'm worried about picking Demon of Pride because of their very obvious description of mental state. So I guess that just leaves the Greater Devil, and even though it has limited information it just sounds like an upgrade of the normal Devil, which is what I am now.

So, now that I've made up my mind, I guess I'll focus on it again.'

[Do you wish to choose Greater Devil?]


[Evolution Requirements:

Be a Devil (complete)

Devoured the flesh of a magic creature (complete)

Inflicted damage on the soul of a creature (complete)

Be standing inside a mana rich area (complete)

Requirements completed, would you like to evolve now?]

'Hold up a second, there are more requirements? And when did I inflict damage on a creature's soul? I'm starting to think that 3 luck is actually really good because it would be entirely luck based whether or not I completed these or not but whatever. Yes, I would like to evolve.'

Right as Kasdeya gave this confirmation she started feeling a weird sensation in herself before suddenly her entire body erupted in pain.

"WHY IS THIS ALWAYS SO PAINFUL!" Kasdeya screamed as she got a feeling similar to all the blood in her body boiling.

About five seconds later blood erupted from all of her orifices and her skin cracked in places as she spasmed on the ground in agony.

As she was undergoing this change unbeknownst to her, all of the mana in the surrounding area was being drawn into her body and was being used in the improvement of her body.

After what felt like an eternity of agony the evolution finally concluded and with a relieved breath Kasdeya fell asleep.

After sleeping for an indistinct amount of time Kasdeya woke up, slowly regaining focus of her surroundings, and upon fully reorientating herself, the first action she took was observing her status.

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Greater Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 1

Strength: 24

Endurance: 23

Soul: 30

Luck: 3

Assignable Points: 5]