I CAN DO MAGIC, well, sort of

[Assignable Points:

Status points that can be manually assigned.]

'This is definitely a nice surprise, it would appear my level has reset to 1 but all of my stats have improved with soul getting the biggest buff and I now have 5 status points that I can assign. I guess this is what happened to the first 5 levels that didn't give me anything but I wonder why I didn't get them till now. Maybe evolving is a requirement to use them, the 'why' doesn't matter though, as the only important point is that I can use them now, however I won't rush putting them in and wait until I have more information.

Something I desperately want to try though is, now that I've evolved, can I use magic?'

Sitting with her legs crossed once again Kasdeya first noticed that her once clean clothing was now stained red, however due to the original colour of her shirt it only made it appear darker and it was also sticking to her in places which she pried off, though her jeans on the other hand had visibly changed colour, however, not wanting to go back to her streaker ways she decided to not bother with it and closed her eyes wanting to begin her magic practice.

Kasdeya started trying to sense some inner energy dwelling within herself. Slowly, a new perception appeared in her body, and as she focused on it it grew stronger. She felt as if a current was running through her body and when she truly concentrated she realised that she could slightly influence the flow of this current.

Kasdeya kept focusing on this current and she eventually managed to make it flow a fraction faster before she slowly became exhausted. Kasdeya decided that that was enough progress for the day as when she opened her eyes she felt her eyelids drooping constantly.

'That is really exhausting. At least I confirmed that I now do have some sort of energy in my body that I can manipulate which I would assume to be magic of some form. I will need to practice a lot more to become better at manipulating it if I ever want to do proper magic but this is definitely a good start.'

Walking towards the door in order to get her dinner she looked outside and was shocked to see the sun shining brightly in the middle of the sky.

'What? I could've sworn the sun was only just setting when I started my magic practice, but it's already mid day. I guess I truly wasn't focusing on anything other than my training and time passed without my realisation.'

Walking out of the hall she squinted at the bright light and was reaffirmed that night was just so much better. Kasdeya then grabbed the closest corpse and dragged it back into the church before happily feasting on it. After she was done she decided to just go to sleep again as she was quite tired from the magic practice that she performed earlier.

Finding a particularly snug location in a dark alcove at the back of the hall she curled up and went to sleep.

As the sun was setting, Kasdeya slowly opened her eyes and got up from the ground, before gracefully walking to the door and peering outside. Same as yesterday, the corpses were lining the entrance of the church and some of them had started to show signs of rotting. Grabbing one of the dogs that was still fine she started feasting on it before walking back into the still enjoyable interior of the hall and closing the door so she wouldn't be interrupted in her magic practice.

Sitting on the floor with her legs crossed again she closed her eyes and once again focused on and honed that new sense that she had acquired about the internal energy in her body. This time Kasdeya wasn't trying to manipulate the energy so it wasn't as tiring and as she kept focusing on it many hours passed and it gradually grew clearer in her mind.

After another whole night of practising Kasdeya had a lot more of an understanding of the energy's current, so to speak. It wasn't a fixed flow and it seemingly moved around at random but after close study it appeared to react to minute fluctuations and changes that happened in her body.

'This seems to be taking a while but I'm making great progress, especially since I'm just guessing with what I have to do. As a wise person once said, anything worth doing will take time and effort.'

Deciding that she wasn't in a rush she kept up with this training program and after she ate another dog she immediately went back to training. Getting back into what has now become her official magic training position she went back to studying this internal network.

After many more hours she heightened her perception to the point where she could see individual passageways and paths that the energy would take. Visualising this it looked identical to veins and arteries running throughout her entire body, and as she kept improving her perception she had to actively concentrate less and less in order to keep this perception active. To the point where after the fourth day was finished she no longer had to focus on this perception at all and after she finished her training it remained active in the same way your hearing or sense of touch was always active and sending information to your brain.

"Hell yeah! Now this is what I call a breakthrough." Kasdeya yelled happily while she jumped around like a child that had just gotten the toy they had dreamed of and paid attention to the changes this caused to the flow of energy.

Her movements didn't actually cause any significant reaction but she was just overjoyed at acquiring this new sense throughout her body. It felt like she had gained a deeper understanding of herself.

'Now that I can perceive the magic energy in my body, I'll start training in order to freely control it and after that I should be able to accomplish some magical feat if this all goes to plan. However, constantly calling it 'magic energy' is a bit of a bother so I think from now on, I'll just call it mana.'

And with that concluding thought, Kasdeya once again curled up in her preferred little alcove at a dark corner at the side of the hall away from the door, and went to sleep.