Technomancer Core

After following the imp group for half an hour Kasdeya watched them enter a public park so she followed them in, while hiding behind the trees that were located throughout the area and after another five minutes she saw the greater imp stop, then bend down and pick up an object roughly the same size as a bowling ball and start inspecting it at arm's length.

After the imp then turned around to address its minions Kasdeya dashed out and reached for the orb.

"Thank you for leading me here, now I think I'll be taking that."

However right when she took it, before she could distance herself the greater imp spun around and scratched her arm drawing blood.

Seeing the imp stop for a second Kasdeya started cycling her mana expecting a fight but was shocked by what happened next.

"Y-y-your highness, this humble s-servant is t-terribly sorry for harming your p-pure flesh. I didn't r-realise that s-s-someone of your exalted status would also be a-after this simple relic. Are you perhaps acting on the r-request of his excellency the Lord of Greed as well?"

'What the hell is this imp going on about, your highness? Exalted status? Completing a request from the Lord of Greed? Am I that beautiful that it mistaken me for royalty? I'm so confused.'

"Don't m-misunderstand me, I know my lowly s-self isn't deserving to even s-s-s-stand in your glorious presence, let alone request that you grace this servant with y-your blessed voice."

'He seems to think I'm some sort of important person, maybe I have the same appearance of an important demon from wherever the demons come from. This could definitely work to my advantage, I just need to get into character.'

"Do you truly think I have to answer to the likes of you? Be grateful I don't wipe your puny existence from this world. Now be gone from my sight."

'Wow, I sound like I'm suffering from a bad case of eighth grader syndrome but it worked, as the imps are fleeing. And the leader even dropped the tracking device so I may as well keep that as well. Now to see what this thing is.

[Technomancer Core]

'Wow, as useful as always. I guess I'll try various things and if they don't work then I'll just take it with me. Since the world has become very fantasy like I'll try to push some mana into it, I have yet to be able to make the mana do anything once it leaves my body but simply pushing it out isn't a problem.'

Following this thought Kasdeya cycled some of her mana before pushing it out of her hands and into the orb, she then got another notification.

[Would you like to assimilate with the Technomancer Core?]

Getting excited, Kasdeya answered.


[Requirements not met:

Rank 3 evolution (incomplete)

Capability to wield a magic language (incomplete)

Understanding on technology (complete)]

'Well that's a huge let down. I guess I have to evolve again first, that's simple enough, but how am I going to learn to wield a magic language? I guess I'll just focus on evolving for now though. I'm lucky that I studied as an engineer before I died as the knowledge from that is probably what ticked the understanding of technology requirement, and now that I think about it, 3 luck must truly be a high amount as I'm getting lucky situations left right and centre.'

Carrying the Technomancer Core, Kasdeya headed back in the direction of the clothes store. As she was walking she glanced at where the imp had scratched her and was surprised to see that her blood was black.

'Could this be why the imp was so afraid? And since when was my blood black? Maybe that was why I felt like my blood was boiling during the evolution process, because it was changing. I'm guessing though that having black blood means something, hmm, let's try to inspect it.

[Demonic Ichor]

'I'm not even surprised, why do I even bother.'

Continuing to walk in the direction of the store, Kasdeya killed everything on the way and by the time she arrived she had levelled up quite a bit.

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Greater Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 13

Strength: 36

Endurance: 35

Soul: 43

Luck: 3

Assignable Points: 7]

After arriving back at the store she entered and grabbed a spare shirt and wrapped the core inside it making a makeshift basket which she then carried around with her. This way when she fought she could use her tail to carry the core, earlier while she was fighting she had accidentally dropped the crystal and it smashed on the ground but she wasn't particularly worried about this as its purpose was to locate the core and considering the fact that she already had the core it wasn't needed anymore. However she was since then paranoid about accidentally breaking the core as it looked fragile so she had decided to leave her hands free while she fought and hold it with her tail.

After making her basket she then started heading back into the city to where the imps were in order to farm up some more experience in order to level up. In a happy mood Kasdeya skipped towards her destination.


"WHAT!? THE TOWN'S GONE?! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Michael exclaimed loudly to the shocking piece of news the trio had just received.

"According to reports from some other mercenaries that went there to search for some missing people, the entire place is completely gone, all that's left is an enormous crater and when they did a mana test all that was discovered apart from the natural mana permeating the air is a bit of volatile dark energy, which no one has dared get close to, the people they were trying to find weren't discovered either." Responded an older looking man named Alfred.

Alfred is a friend of the trio who works as a blacksmith. They had gone to him to see if they could get the mystic ore they had turned into swords and a bit of armor but when they came back to collect their new gear they had heard this shocking piece of news.

"It was those damned cultists, it's gotta be. No one else would have the capability or reason to wipe out an abandoned town for no reason." Responded Joey.

"Either that or whatever they were trying to do with the gate site backfired on them and they couldn't control the massive amount of energy they gathered which caused it to explode." Guessed John.

"Either way, what's done is done, and you three should be thankful you left when you did, otherwise you might've been caught up in whatever happened over there. Now let's talk about more pleasant matters, your new gear is ready and I think I did a mighty fine job with it. The materials you supplied were quite good quality and there was a lot so I made each of you something. Now come along back with me and you can have a look." Stated Alfred.

Following him into the shop they were each given a sword and chestplate. With the rise of monsters any weapons using normal materials hardly did anything against them so the only way to hurt the truly powerful creatures was with weapons made out of mystic ore, however mystic ore was much harder to create weapons with and currently no one possessed the skills or knowledge to make firearms out of it. Plus it's too valuable to expend so much ore on ammunition so everyone used swords and, with the integration of the system, swords have become just as dangerous as guns with humans performing inhuman feats of strength and skill. Once someone is a high enough level they can cut a bullet out of the air so guns are now only used against extremely weak enemies such as creatures that already existed before the system and by humans that have yet to get a class.

"Thanks for your hard work, we'll be going now, take care." Said John.

And with that, the trio left the shop.