The Lord of Greed

In a dark castle glimmering with jewels, gold, mystic ore and many other precious materials a man that looked to be in his 30's sat on a throne so lavish that it would have cost thousands just to make the arm rest.

The man had black hair, black eyes and tanned skin along with a pair of black horns that protruded from his forehead and curved up and backwards

He would've looked quite peaceful and handsome as he lounged on his chair if it wasn't for the livid look on his face as he stared unblinkingly at a greater imp that was shivering on the floor.

"You mean to tell me... that you FAILED!?" The horned man roared at the greater imp. "IT WAS A SIMPLE TASK. FIND THE RELIC, SECURE IT, AND BRING IT BACK TO ME!"

"M-m-m-my Lord, I swear that there is a s-s-s-suitable explanation for the pathetic performance of this loyal s-s-servant." Stuttered the greater imp in fear.

"Oh is there now? You have a good excuse do you? Do you think this excuse will deliver me what I'm owed? That relic is MINE! And there is NO reason that it shouldn't be in my hands RIGHT NOW!"

"B-b-but my Lord, there was a n-n-noble demoness there. She took the relic from my possession, and when I tried my hardest to get it back, she immediately started to attack me."

"A noble demoness you say? And why exactly did you think this, demoness, was of noble heritage?"

"I-I-I managed to s-scratch her arm when she snatched the r-r-relic from me. She had demonic ichor running through her veins."

"Oh did she now? So do you mind describing this supposed noble for me?"

"Of course my Lord. She was stunningly beautiful, had skin as white as mystic cerussite and hair to match, black horns on the side of her head running back and a long white tail ending in a wide, flat point."

"I do not know of any nobles matching that description, if you're going to lie, at least make it convincing."

"I swear, I'm telling the truth. If you permit me to return I'll be able to find her again I promise." Pleaded the greater imp.

"You're just trying to escape, aren't you?"

"I would never, my Lord."

"Well, I guess today I'm in a trusting mood, I will send someone to retrieve what's mine and take care of your blunder."

"Oh thank you my -"

The greater imps head flung aside and splattered on the wall as blood suddenly spurted out of the neck of the decapitated imp while his body rocked and then fell over. All the while the Lord of Greed kept a neutral expression.

"However I won't abide failures amongst my forces, the worst kind of people are those who get in the way of me and my belongings. GUARDS! CLEAN UP THIS MESS AND CALL THE SHADOW! I HAVE SOMETHING I WANT FOUND!"

And with that the Lord of Greed turned and walked out of his throne room, accompanied by a black, misty demon that seemed to materialise out of the ground.


After farming imps for quite a few days Kasdeya finally levelled up enough to evolve once again.

[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Greater Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 20

Strength: 43

Endurance: 42

Soul: 50

Luck: 3

Assignable Points: 9


'The long awaited evolution has come once again, I wonder what sort of options I'll get this time, maybe another direct upgrade to my race, so I can continue on the Devil path.'


Lesser High Devil

Greater Demon of Lust

Runic Devil

Spiritual Demon

Brute Demon]

'Five options once again I see, however there are more on the Devil line this time so I have a few options. BUT WHY THE HELL IS DEMON OF LUST STILL AN OPTION!? I DON'T HAVE ANY LUSTFUL QUALITIES, SO WHY IS THIS APPEARING AGAIN!?'

[Lesser High Devil:

A higher existence then the simple Devil.]

'No information once again, yay. And I'm just going to skip the greater demon of lust.'

[Runic Devil:

A devil with knowledge of the application of ancient demonic runes.]

'Leaving the minimalist explanation aside, wouldn't this fill the last criteria to use the technomancer core? This is exactly what I wanted, bless you 3 luck, I doubted you for a while but it turns out my worries were unprecedented.'

[Spiritual Demon:

A parasitic, spiritual life form that leaches onto the souls of other creatures and slowly absorbs their essence as they take over the creature's body. These demons are extremely hard to kill as if their host is destroyed they will just find a new one while gaining strength from consuming souls.]

'This one just sounds nasty, plus I've basically already confirmed which evolution I want, I'm just looking through these because I'm curious.'

[Brute Demon:

Obscenely strong and muscular demons that can utilize mana to further heighten their physical abilities. These demons are tough in melee combat however fall out in all other aspects.]

'Well this is a definite no, but I'd already decided so it doesn't really matter anyway. I choose runic devil.'

[Do you wish to choose Runic Devil?]


[Evolution Requirements:

Soul Level of 55 or greater (incomplete)

Endurance level of 45 or greater (incomplete)

Have control of personal mana (complete)

Be literate (complete)

Have ancient blood (complete)]

'I'm so glad I saved those points because if I had used them then I would've been in serious trouble right now. I'll just go and add the necessary points to 'soul' and 'endurance' real quick. And... done.'

[Evolution Requirements:

Soul Level of 55 or greater (complete)

Endurance level of 45 or greater (complete)

Have control of personal mana (complete)

Be literate (complete)

Have ancient blood (complete)

Requirements completed, would you like to evolve now?]

Placing the technomancer core on the ground in case she suffered extreme pain again Kasdeya spoke her confirmation.


A second later a weird feeling overcame Kasdeya's body, it wasn't especially painful, but it was definitely uncomfortable. The sensation was reminiscent of getting a tattoo and as she felt this she looked down at her body and was surprised to see slightly grey runes slowly appearing on her body.

Curious as to this change Kasdeya took off her clothing to inspect herself fully and appreciate the artwork appearing on her skin.

'Wow, this actually looks pretty cool. I'm still waiting for the actual pain to begin though.'

After a few minutes the tattoos stopped appearing and with still no agony Kasdeya relaxed a little, only for the runes on her body to start glowing and her mana to start running rampant while a splitting headache made her fall on the ground.