The Bone Age?

After finishing her satisfying meal, Kasdeya stood up and started pondering her current situation.

'Ok, judging from the events that recently happened, I ended up in this horrible place, which I'm just going to call hell from now on, because when the sex crazed pervert threw that orb at me it opened what I assume to be a portal of some kind, and, since I messed with it using the rune, it broke and sent me here.' Kasdeya reminisced as she started poking around at the bones by her feet.

'But since my rune was capable of breaking a portal that must obviously mean they have some effect, so currently my greatest asset would be my runes. However, if I want to weaponise the runes, then I would need to make something with them beforehand and then use them as consumables in battle. Hmm. I guess I need to start experimenting.' Kasdeya thought as she picked up two bones and knocked them together.

She then walked over to the skull and piled in as many bones as she could before channeling some mana into her arms in order to effortlessly lift the skull, and then started to carry it towards a small hole in the side of a large rock formation as she was worried about staying in the open and getting found by that flying creature.

Walking into the small cave Kasdeya placed her makeshift bowl on the ground before grabbing one of the bones and extending one of her claws while channeling runic mana into it in order to carve a simple rune that was the direct translation of fire.

Pouring a bit of mana into the constructed rune it glowed slightly with an orange light before combusting into a small flame, resulting in Kasdeya letting out a small yelp and dropping the object while shaking her slightly burnt hand.

'Seriously? What did I expect to happen here? Of course a rune that translates to fire would create fire.' Kasdeya thought while glaring at the bone that had just extinguished itself.

Kasdeya then picked up another rune and carved an ice rune into it, and this caused ice to start forming on the bone around the rune, however it evaporated quickly.

'So far the simple runic translations I know seem pretty literal, with fire creating fire and ice creating ice. I'm curious then if there is a freeze rune as I'd imagine them to do similar things, however that sort of rune was not included in my instinctual dictionary.' Kasdeya pondered as she sat down on the ground and started absentmindedly poking the skull with her tail.

'What I'm most curious about right now though is how I can join certain runes as I seem to instinctively know basic combination properties and how to link runes together but I have no idea which runes would actually work together or what their new effects could be. I'm aware that there is such a thing as cold fire so I'll try combining the two runes I just inscribed, I'll need a bigger piece of bone though.'

Reaching out for a some random bone that seemed to come from a leg, Kasdeya picked it up and placed it before her before once again imbuing one of her claws with runic mana and carving a new rune using a fire rune as the base and interweaving the ice rune slightly off centre from the middle. The end result was not perfect but it was close enough for what she was trying to test.

Upon completing the rune Kasdeya once again poured some mana into it which caused the fire part of the rune to glow red and the ice part of the rune to glow blue, however the two lights didn't mix and when they both activated the rune flickered and the light disappeared.

'Hmm, interesting, I wonder what went wrong here, maybe the two runes just aren't compatible or I'm missing something important. They seemed to have failed at the point of the two runes joining but just because I know where the energy sputtered out doesn't mean I know how to fix it. Which is quite frustrating.'

Suddenly getting an idea, Kasdeya grabbed another rib and drew the rune for attraction with a fire rune interweaved in its formation before once again activating it.

The rune let off a light glow with the fire rune glowing orange and the attraction rune glowing white which made for a nice aesthetic, but, apart from that, the rune did nothing until it ran out of mana, however Kasdeya was not finished with her experiment as she then grabbed the bone with the fire rune and activated it before quickly dropping it in order to not get burnt again and then activated the attraction rune and placed it near the fire rune.

The result was the fire started to get drawn toward the attraction rune before both of them ran out of mana.

'Now this is progress, I'm not quite on the level of a certain famous physicist yet but using the results of this as a base I have so many new ideas to try. So I better get to work. It would be nice if I had better materials to work with, I do believe I have some knowledge from the core that is labelled as 'workshop' that has something to do with melting down materials and fusing them, but that would take much to long to set up and what I need now is something easy to carry, not some massive slab.'

Spending what Kasdeya presumed was the next few hours experimenting on and constructing some consumable runes carved into bone shards, Kasdeya then ripped her tattered shirt into strips which she tied together into a makeshift pouch to hold her new gadgets leaving her upper body with nothing but a black bra. Her previous pouch got lost after she had placed it on the ground, due to her not needing to carry the technomancer core anymore, and then she was attacked by the Lord of Greed.

Kasdeya then left her hiding place in order to explore the world she had found herself in and hopefully find her way back to civilization, or at least what's left of it.