This Place is Quite Populated For a Desolate Wasteland

Walking along with her bag of presents Kasdeya was constantly on alert for anything that could pose a threat to her, which was probably everything, and after walking for only five minutes she came across a pack of bloodhounds that were leisurely walking through the wasteland.

'What happened to all the 'easy to kill' enemies? I really need to level up right now but I'm really not liking my chances of taking on more than one bloodhound at a time. I think I'm going to keep walking and avoid large numbers of enemies.'

Silently creeping around the group she watched as they slowly plodded around a small lava stream and started walking away from her.

She watched until the pack was out of site until she kept moving along.

Kasdeya continuously walked in a relatively straight line, constantly inspecting the surrounding area and watching for any more dogs. Throughout this journey she came across multiple packs of bloodhounds which she avoided as there were always 5 or more.

'From circumstantial evidence I'm starting to think that luck works like mobile data, the number determines how much data you have and when it runs out you suddenly have bad luck as ever since I got here and ate that first meal there has been no easy pickings.' Kasdeya thought with a slight frown on her face.

After walking for a while longer Kasdeya started to notice that the streams of lava were getting more frequent and the number of bloodhounds was getting fewer.

'Hmm, the environment is changing, maybe hell's split into multiple different biomes like a certain block game and after travelling for long enough you will come to the end of one and start of another.'

As the frequency of bloodhounds got fewer the number of dogs per pack also decreased until Kasdeya came across a duo of bloodhounds that were on their own near a stream of lava with no large rock formations in sight.

'Now this is a much better situation, I'd still rather have only one opponent but I guess I can try and take down two at once.' Kasdeya thought as she started creeping towards the duo and took out a sharpened bone from her bag.

[Level: 12 & 14

Race: Bloodhound]

Right as Kasdeya got close enough to inspect them the two dogs also noticed her presence and one of them immediately rushed at her.

When the bloodhound was only a metre away from her, it lunged towards her with its mouth open while the other was still watching from the sidelines and Kasdeya sidestepped out of the way while also avoiding the paw swipe that came afterward before she stabbed into the hounds side while imbuing her right arm with mana to increase her strength in order to inflict a grievous wound before quickly ripping out her arm as the gushing blood suddenly slowed its flow. Right as she saw spikes starting to form she imbued the sharpened bone in her hand with mana and stabbed it into the large hole she made in the side of the beast which caused all of the blood to resume its normal qualities and the bloodspikes that had started to form to dissipate.

'YES! IT WORKED! Even if this is only a temporary solution.' Kasdeya thought as she let go of the bone and leapt out of the way from the attempted counter attack from the dog as even more blood spurted out of its wound.

What she had stabbed it with was a sharpened bone with a mana disruption rune engraved on it so it messes with the control of the dogs mana causing it to fail in counter attacking by using its blood or closing the wound by hardening its blood, causing it to lose massive amounts of bodily fluids.

'I still need to work out some flaws, such as the rune also affecting me so I can't just immediately stab it into the hound as without the strength boost it won't amount to much, but this is an excellent start for developing a fighting style centred around the use of runes.'

Seeing it's friend get grievously wounded, the bloodhound watching on the side decided to also enter the fray and, like its compatriot, it also lunged towards Kasdeya trying to bite her while the heavily wounded dog attempted to dislodge the bone shard disrupting it from utilising its abilities.

Kasdeya responded in a similar way to the first dog but the second seemed to have half a brain cell more than the common bloodhound and upon failing to bite the annoying white creature that was harassing it, it suddenly threw its body towards Kasdeya, catching her off guard and causing its attack to be successful and knocking Kasdeya back. Due to the nature of its attack it didn't harm Kasdeya but it did give the hound an opening to attempt to bite her again and this is exactly what it did.

Kasdeya stumbled backward and used her tail to support herself right as the dog spun around and lunged towards her again. This time having learned from her mistake Kasdeya leapt backward, right into the path of the other hound who had decided to rejoin the battle at this time and swiped at her with its paw.

Kasdeya failed to completely avoid this attack and the paw connected with the back right of her body raking its claws down her back and snapping the strap of her bra causing her breasts to come free again and eliciting a muffled scream from Kasdeya as she clamped her mouth shut and quickly got away from the creature.

'Damnit, I got careless upon thinking that I could easily beat these two due to having a method to stop their biggest asset. And from the looks of it, the mana in that bone has run out as the wound has solidified.' Kasdeya thought as she grimaced from the pain.

Luckily, when the dog had attacked her, it missed her bag of bones but now the two bloodhounds were wary of her and kept their distance while trying to pincer her with the injured dog making its way to her left and its companion making its way to her right so in order to keep them both in her sight, Kasdeya slowly backed away from them and upon taking a quick glance behind her, she noticed that she was backing toward a stream of lava.