Down Doggy

Kasdeya tried to rapidly think of solutions to her current situation and decided to let the dogs make the first move and then react to what they decide and she didn't have to wait long as they then both started charging towards her at once.

The uninjured dog made it to her location faster and once again used a bite as its opening attack so Kasdeya grabbed out a much smaller piece of sharp bone, channeled mana into it and threw it into the dog's open mouth as it burst into flames causing the dog to howl in agony and try to spit out the horrible object causing it such pain and it stumbled around and got dangerously close to the lava.

The result was a lot better than Kasdeya thought it would be considering the bloodhound lives in a lava strewn area, but before she could knock the dog fully into the lava the other one arrived so Kasdeya had to deal with it first.

She once again watched as this dog tried to lunge at her as well and was really questioning their intelligence when she simply sidestepped it. However she quickly regretted this decision as she saw that she had moved toward the side of the dog that she had injured and the dried blood suddenly shifted before protruding dozens of spikes towards her which, despite her leaning out of the way, one of them still managed to skewer her arm.

'I swear these situations seem to be constantly repeating, meet dog, dog jumps at me, I attack dog and then dog skewers me with blood spikes.' Kasdeya thought as she quickly took out a mana disruption bone and held it against the spike in her shoulder while channeling mana into it causing the blood to turn back into a normal liquid, dyeing her white arm black and red as the two types of blood mixed.

The dog had already leapt back and then started to run at her again while the other dog had finally seemed to recover from its pain, with blood dripping from its mouth, as it started running towards Kasdeya as well.

Kasdeya stepped around the first dog in the exact same way as she has done so many times in the past but this time instead of being caught off guard by the blood that was starting to form spikes she charged the mana disruption rune and stabbed it into the wound right as she stabbed a fire rune spike into the eye of the dog with her other hand.

Letting out an agonized cry the dog shrieked as its head was punctured and burnt at the same time while starting to thrash around. Following up on her attack Kasdeya rapidly stabbed into the dog's side inflicting serious injury and even reaching the ribs of the dog however, due to not being able to strengthen herself with mana thanks to the mana disruption rune that was still in effect, she couldn't get past its ribs, but that wasn't a problem as the damage she had inflicted was more than enough to put the dog on death's door.

Turning to the other dog she prepared to intercept its jump when it suddenly leapt to the side and then came at her instead of just leaping directly at her from the front. Unfortunately for the dog however she was now quite experienced in dealing with bloodhounds. She too, sidestepped the leaping hound and it tried to respond with a paw swipe but she raked her claws across its attacking leg while starting to circulate her mana and then stepped in close to it before channeling the built up mana into her arms and then rapidly tearing through the dogs flesh.

The dog then fell to the ground with the remaining life draining from its body as its companion let out a few pathetic whimpers before following suit.

'Sweet, I managed to take out two bloodhounds at once and even got to try out some of my new toys, the verdict is, they work really well.' Kasdeya thought as she walked over to the two corpses and collected the carved bones in order to reuse them.

She then knelt in front of one of the dogs and happily feasted on one and after she was done she stood back up and looked at the corpse of the other dog.

'I could probably skin that dog in order to create a better bag, and maybe a new bra as the old one got wrecked in the battle.'

Following this thought Kasdeya walked over to the still relatively intact dog and sliced into its side with her claws before attempting to skin it.

After she was done she had a look at her handiwork.

'I think the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing has shown. This looks terrible, but it serves my purposes so oh well.'

Kasdeya then laid the slightly mangled bloodhound pelt onto the ground before pouring the contents of her crude bag onto it and using some strips to tie up the edges and make a strap in order to make it easy to carry.

Finishing her arts and craft, Kasdeya had created a very crude bag but it could carry more and was stronger than what she had before so it worked for what she wanted it for.

'Now I guess I'm going to keep heading out. Right after I carve a few more trinkets.'

Kasdeya then spent the next hour or so carving a few more runes into the, so far, untouched bones to be used in certain situations before continuing in the direction she was headed in before she attacked the dogs.