
[Name: Kasdeya Votumea

Race: Runic Devil

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Level: 5

Strength: 50

Endurance: 57

Soul: 68

Luck: 3

Assignable Points: 3]

'Those dogs didn't give me much experience, a shame considering the amount of effort it took to kill them, but it is what it is.' Kasdeya thought while checking her status as she walked in a relatively straight line.

After the last bloodhound pair that Kasdeya killed, she no longer stumbled across any bloodhounds whatsoever and instead of just seeing a single stream dotting the environment like before, there were now small lava streams everywhere she looked, however as they increased in amount, they decreased in size so it was still easy enough to navigate as long as she watched where she was walking.

"I want to get out of this place so badly. There is nothing here. At least give me a friend to chat with." Kasdeya grumbled under her breath as she plodded along with her tail drooping.

Speeding back up to a light jog Kasdeya started once again moving at a decent pace when she suddenly heard a strange sound from ahead.

It sounded somewhere in between a squeak and a growl so lacking anything better to do she headed over to the source of the noise to see what it was.

Walking over she saw an imp lying on the ground and struggling while letting out pitiful noises. It appeared to be injured.

'Well, since it's probably going to just die anyway then it may as well serve a purpose with its death and give me both food and experience, that way it can die knowing it served a noble purpose.' Kasdeya thought as she crouched down in order to not alert it to her presence.

Kasdeya then started creeping up behind the creature, but much to her surprise, when she was almost upon the injured imp and had just extended her claws, a cry echoed out from the creature in front of her as it suddenly leaped up, completely without injury and backed away from her.

Kasdeya was thoroughly confused and only started to realise that she got played when she looked around her and saw that she was surrounded by imps.


Kasdeya felt like a blood vessel just burst inside her head as she realised that she was just tricked by something with the intelligence equivalent of a caveman.

Not even giving the imps a chance to react, Kasdeya started cycling her mana as she grabbed out a sharpened bone with a fire rune on it before swapping it into her right hand and sending all of the channeled mana into her right arm and tossing the bone directly at the head of the imp which had been acting as bait while also activating the rune.

The result was the bone was thrown with great force while bursting into flames as it hit the imp, flinging the imp back into its accomplices and giving it a nasty, charred wound on its head, which it didn't get up from. It wasn't dead, it was probably just dazed and suffered a bit of damage but this move did make the other imps hesitate for a second.

Kasdeya then imbued her legs and arms with mana and ran towards one side of the encirclement while the imps were still hesitating and stabbed her claws into the first imp she got to, ripping out its internal organs.

This seemed to make the rest of the imps come out of their daze as they all suddenly let out a strange battle cry that was something similar to a gargling, high pitched growl, before they all started running towards Kasdeya at once.

Kasdeya wasn't to worried about the numbers though as these creatures seemed to be quite weak, plus, they didn't seem to know how to use magic, so she didn't have to waste her runic consumables on them and decided to just settle this with her claws, not that she had any other way to settle this.

Due to being encircled, Kasdeya couldn't back away from the imps to give herself some room and being dog piled probably wouldn't be the best outcome, so she decided to do what she did when she was chasing the lesser imp back when she was still somewhere that looked civilised and imbued some mana into her legs before leaping over the imps and out of the encirclement.

Kasdeya did a single flip in the air just to boost her own ego and stumbled slightly on the landing, and then quickly turned around and crouched slightly with her arms and legs bent while viewing the imps that had suddenly stopped moving.

'What are they doing? Weren't they adamant on attacking me a few seconds ago? Why did they stop?' Kasdeya thought as she watched the imps suddenly start looking around each other as if they were looking for something. 'Please don't tell me that since I jumped over them, they now don't know where I am.' Kasdeya thought, but it appeared that that was truly what was happening, as the imps had resorted to waving their claws around the space she had leapt from.

Not wanting to waste anymore time on these stupid creatures, Kasdeya dashed towards the back of the closest imp and quickly finished it off before the other imps finally caught on to the fact that she hadn't gone invisible and simply left the encirclement. They immediately tried to swarm her but Kasdeya still wasn't worried and started butchering the imps in a brutal manner as blood and flesh was smeared everywhere. A few of them managed to get in a few lucky hits but they only resulted in a few scratches on her end, and a severed head on the offending imps end.

As Kasdeya was fighting she was constantly enforcing her attacks with bursts of mana to strengthen herself so she could easily tear through the imps hide. An imp then lunged at her and she ducked underneath it before using some mana in an attempt to stab into its belly, however, she was suddenly hit with a burst of dizziness and slipped, causing the imp to be partially successful as it managed to land on top of her head, but then got its throat torn out by Kasdeya's sharpened teeth.

Kasdeya then grabbed the corpse of the imp and chucked it at another imp that was approaching her before standing up and starting to cycle mana once again, however when she tried it brought her attention to her mana flow and she realized that she had very little mana left.

'Sh*t, how could I have forgotten to pay attention to something as important as my mana expenditure.'

Kasdeya used her dwindling supplies of mana to enforce her legs and leap over the imps that had successfully managed to circle her again after she wasted time dealing with the imp that wanted to hug her, but as she landed she stumbled again and proceed to slip and fall over as she was hit with an even stronger burst of dizziness which was accompanied by drowsiness.

'And this is what I get for being a forgetful idiot, I'm sure that the demon that resurrected me would be having a real laugh right now if he saw that I was about to be killed by a swarm of demonic cavemen.' Kasdeya thought as she fought off the drowsiness and shakily stood up and started to consider retreating, when she suddenly heard another gurgling cry, but this time not from the imps in front of her.

Kasdeya couldn't believe her eyes as she suddenly saw another group of imps show up out of nowhere and run straight into the group that had been fighting her and start fighting them as well.